Magic Button Replacement for the last two Obama Years?

Magic Button Replace Obama's last two years with ...

  • Specified Republican - details in post

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Jeb Bush

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Specified Libertarian - details in post

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Specified Independent - details in post

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ralph Nader

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Martin O'Malley

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Specified Democrat - details in post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Senior Member
May 5, 2014
So, let's pretend you're in the twilight zone, and a man hands you a magic box.

The box has a button, or more exactly, a series of buttons.

If you press the button, instead of having to endure two more years of Obama, you get a magically replaced President.

The Surrogate only gets the last two years, and he has to start with the mess created by the current buffoon...

But at least you don't have to suffer the extremes, violations and/or apathy of the lamest of ducks.

Who would you push a button for?

I'm actually seeking names, but I'll throw out a beginners poll, but would like names not given, more than anything.

Keep in mind, for good or ill, he/she only gets the two years, and CANNOT run for President in 2016.

Additionally, in 2022, the same choice will be given again...

Magic button replacement?

Surely, I can't be the only poster disappointed that this isn't a thread about clitoris replacement surgery.
Wouldn't push it but not because I particularly like Obama. I wouldn't do it because no one has the right to be an absolute monarch even for one single decision. I know this is not in the spirit of the thread but that's what I would do and why.
Also had another thought, if it were like the twilight zone whoever you picked would end up killing more people than Hitler and the episode would end with you in the gas chamber wishing you hadn't pushed that button while Satan, played expertly by Burgess Meridith, laughs in your face before disappearing.

The voice of Rod Serling comes in and gives the cautionary moral which is something along the lines of "be careful what you wish for" or "with great power comes great responsibility".
Wouldn't push it but not because I particularly like Obama. I wouldn't do it because no one has the right to be an absolute monarch even for one single decision. I know this is not in the spirit of the thread but that's what I would do and why.

You could have Nominated Kim Kardashian....

She has been nominated on other forums.

Romney is the man. He may not be a fiery right-winger but he is right of center, and he saw a lot of impending problems, and has been a huge boon to the party during the mid-terms
Hillary should be wiping her ass with Obama. The worst of the democrat party elected him, just as the worst of the republican party wants Ted Cruz.
Wouldn't push it but not because I particularly like Obama. I wouldn't do it because no one has the right to be an absolute monarch even for one single decision. I know this is not in the spirit of the thread but that's what I would do and why.

You could have Nominated Kim Kardashian....

She has been nominated on other forums.

I only vaguely know who that is. I do know that there is no point in a half term president. Probably would not even get all their appointees confirmed before they are done much less make any positive change in this country, just not enough time.
Why the hell would a dim-wit such as Kim Kardashian be elected for president? That's complete idiocy. But the nation did elect Obama twice. Must mean *a great number* of the nation is dim-witted.
A specified RepublicanClint Eastwood.

  1. he's still got the moxie to lead;
  2. all due respect to Reagan notwithstanding, Eastwood may just be the best Hollywood Republican never to have run the country; and
  3. he may only have two years left himself, God bless his precious soul.
Why the hell would a dim-wit such as Kim Kardashian be elected for president? That's complete idiocy. But the nation did elect Obama twice. Must mean *a great number* of the nation is dim-witted.

Desperation I'm thinking... who knows, anyone who would vote to re-elect Obama is pretty twisted and ignorant.
Wouldn't push it but not because I particularly like Obama. I wouldn't do it because no one has the right to be an absolute monarch even for one single decision. I know this is not in the spirit of the thread but that's what I would do and why.

Agree but if given a magic button, I would go for a Repub congress that did more than show up for photo ops. Obama has done some pretty amazing things but his hard work would have been much more fruitful if we'd had a Repub party working FOR the United States instead of against it.
We need a magic button that will replace Congress
Duh!!! We have one, it is called Congressional Elections, and they are in 13 days if my old retired ass remembers right.

I plan to vote today, because I have to go to the courthouse anyway.

I don't believe in the idea behind early voting, but, since I will be there anyway I will use it.
A specified RepublicanClint Eastwood.

  1. he's still got the moxie to lead;
  2. all due respect to Reagan notwithstanding, Eastwood may just be the best Hollywood Republican never to have run the country; and
  3. he may only have two years left himself, God bless his precious soul.

And apparently he's almost as senile as Reagan and as well qualified as Kardasian.

Yep, a good choice for brainless RWs.
Imagine if we had a functioning Congress what could have been done in the last two years?

Where is that magic button?
I am watching this thread to gather potential dark horse candidate info on nine forums concurrently.

Ron Paul is by far the most constantly well supported candidate of the Poll pre-selected names.

On Leftie oriented forums, the name Dave Mustaine often comes up.


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