Mail-In Voting, Revisited?

Unless you're away from home for a good reason get off your dead ass and vote at your polling place
Part three:

The Arizona Secretary of State Elections Procedures Manual identifies circumstances that require the issuance of aProvisional Ballot. If a voter appears in the e-pollbook or signature roster as having received an early ballot by mail, but the voter wants to vote in person on Election Day, that voter must be issued a Provisional Ballot. However, MaricopaCounty reported 58,550 voters who had received mail ballots but were issued standard ballots on Election Day. TheCounty identifies these as “real-time Provisional Ballots.” There is no mention of real-time provisional in the AZ ElectionsProcedures Manual. In fact, the EPM specifically addresses this circumstance and is clear that such voters must be issueda Provisional ballot.
So what's to keep anyone from counting the same ballots multiple times, especially when people were kicked out of polling stations and counting took place without anyone else being able to observe? It took a very small number of inner city districts to decide the last election.

Also, barcoding would have nothing to do with who's vote it was, so that's baseless.

Or, counting an in-person vote then later a Mail-in ballot is also counted for the same person.
In most states, medical professionals collecting completed mail-in ballots is perfectly legal.

You think grandma in a walker is going to hump miles to get to either a drop box or a mail box?


They think that grandma in the walker should stand in line for 3 hours to vote
They mailed out Ballots to every single registered voter.

who are they?

Which states did this?

Did any of the states that did this have their results challenged after the 2020 election?
For the 30th time.

About 10% of the states--red states, blue states, etc... have had mail in voting for many election cycles. Never, not once, has anyone questioned the validity of the elections they held. The only loser from an election that was held 3 years ago questioning the validity of mail in voting is the blob. Zero evidence of massive voter fraud has ever been presented.

If anything, we need more mail in voting, same day voting for registration, and after hours voting,

It is easy to prove fraud with mail in votes

Ballot not linked to a registered voter
Ballot signature doesn’t match
More mail in votes than registered voters
A person showing up to vote and finding someone had already voted for them

Doesn’t happen

We had mail in voting before Covid. Just people didn't use it. Why? People don't like doing new things. Even if the new way would make their lives easier. So we continue to go stand in line. Some of us like going to vote in person. Feels good. But damn that was an hour out of my busy day. I could have just mailed in my vote?

So anyone who mail in voted in 2020, wants to do it again in 2024.

And there is still a pandemic btw. My boss has covid. And there will always be sickness and maybe a lot of people don't want to go stand in line and get sick.

OR, get shot by a Trumpster. Ever think of that? We are afraid to go stand in line because of MAGA Nazi's.

Ah you mean the 2000 mules that was produced by the guy that literally was convicted of felony fraud? Using the data of a company that had 2 people go to jail for contempt when asked in court to provide sources when they were sued for defamation by the people accused in that "documentary."

It always strikes me as odd, when people keep on repeating and take as gospel the word of fraudsters and people who simply make allegations that they can't back up in the slightest. No matter how many times they "revisit" the issue.

I know it's a weird concept but repetition doesn't make something previously wrong all of a sudden true.

We have it because that’s what people want.

You have pulled these lies out of your ass.

Nearly a quarter of the world uses mail-in ballots, including Europe and Canada.

Your claims of fraud are also flat-out bullshit.

What do you expect to gain by lying, except destroying your credibility?

Ballots do not have voter information on them, we have a secret ballot voting system.

Total bollix from the OP...

The rest we can ignore since build on tissue of a lies...

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Voting by Mail in US is popular because GOP officials have made lines increasingly longer and longer and less and less polling places when compared internationally.
Example: In Ireland almost every elementary school is used for voting as a minimum... Voting takes 15min door to door in the city... No queues straight in and out(maybe a queue before opening)... Polls open at 7am and close at 10pm and they are on Fridays or Saturdays...
They also very unlikely to hold election if the weather is too hot or cold (May is popular)...

The GOP have made it clear, more people vote, less likely they win... So stop people voting..

The military has had mail in voting for what, a century? most states have had mail in voting for decades.
Germany, Canada, Australia, India have mail in voting.
Mail in voting by request has been established for decades. what exactly is the issue?

If you want to absolutely eliminate voter fraud, both mail-in and in person.
Then fingerprint every registered voter.

Then no need for a government issued photo ID, just bring your thumb, and if that's missing any of your other fingers.

Or you could do like in some arab countries, where they dip your finger in permanent ink when you vote. Thus preventing people from voting twice. But that's only good for national elections.
LefTard Logic:
”Mail in voting must become the primary method used for voting…it assures us that more filthy pieces of worthless dogshit will get their vote in and we all know ALL filthy pieces of worthless dogshit vote Democrat…We all also know that filthy pieces of worthless dogshit build great communities, cities, states and nations through voting….look at Los Angeles, NYC, Chicago, Detroit, St Louis, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, New Orleans, Indianapolis…etc etc.”
Updated February 03, 2022
  • Eight states—California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington—allow all elections to be conducted by mail. **forget about these 8
  • Two states—Nebraska and North Dakota—permit counties to opt into conducting elections by mail.
who are they?

Which states did this?

Did any of the states that did this have their results challenged after the 2020 election?

Do you know how to use Google?

Currently, eight states — California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, and Washington — use UVM.
Mail in used to be called "permanent Abstentee" with registration and requested ballots. Now?

Ten states and jurisdictions are proactively sending out ballots, some for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic, for an approximately 44.2 million registered voters in total.

But what really happened in the others like AZ GA PA MI WI etc. who really requested Absentee ballots to be sent to them? Was this controlled? Easy to send out to a bunch of unlikely voters, harvest-to-mule, those who moved, to illegal residents, to campers staying winter or summer only RV parks, places of temporary employment...I requested but I left.
LefTard Logic:
”Mail in voting must become the primary method used for voting…it assures us that more filthy pieces of worthless dogshit will get their vote in and we all know ALL filthy pieces of worthless dogshit vote Democrat…We all also know that filthy pieces of worthless dogshit build great communities, cities, states and nations through voting….look at Los Angeles, NYC, Chicago, Detroit, St Louis, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, New Orleans, Indianapolis…etc etc.”
RightTard logic

The more convenient voting is, the more people will vote
More people vote, less vote for Republicans

Therefore, prevent as many people as possible from voting
Mail in used to be called "permanent Abstentee" with registration and requested ballots. Now?

Ten states and jurisdictions are proactively sending out ballots, some for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic, for an approximately 44.2 million registered voters in total.
I just saw one where they really threw the book at the guy. He robbed a guy and when he was running out, the owner shot him. Walked up on him lying on the ground, the owner turned and told someone to call 911, that's when the perp turned and shot the owner 4 times killing him.

The guy didn't go in with the intention of killing the guy. Now he might be someone you could let out in 10 or 20 years. But they gave him 50 without the possibility of parole any time sooner than 50. He seemed like someone I might let out in 10.

The guys they let out in 10 years, I would never let out. The justice system makes no sense.
The courts seldom met out justice as I define it

Its hit or miss at best

But the george soros appointed da’s are making it worse

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