Maine court forces school to let tranny use girls bathroom

Human filth should be reserved for a circus freak show and not allowed near a public school.

I'm guessing that a bunch of the LGBT'ers would agree with that statement.

You would guess right although most of them are more approachable and respectable than sweet transvestites from transexual Transylvania LA who are so selfish they feel it necessary to muck up the school bathroom with their slime trails.
You would guess right although most of them are more approachable and respectable than sweet transvestites from transexual Transylvania LA who are so selfish they feel it necessary to muck up the school bathroom with their slime trails.

So, while emptying your bladder into a public piss trough, you have no problem standing next to a person who might actually be getting his jollies from eyeballing you?

Funny thing is: transgender people are generally attracted to the opposite sex from the one with which they personally identify. In other words, the potential for misbehavior on their part would be greatly heightened by forcing them to use the restrooms that correspond solely to their genitalia.

Seriously, this issue amounts to just one more wedge for big money conservatives to keep their fundie voting block in check.
Do you morons really think she should have to use the boys room?


Actually no, they should set up a special bathroom just for cross-dressing queers, or transgender, or whatever you want to call them:

You would guess right although most of them are more approachable and respectable than sweet transvestites from transexual Transylvania LA who are so selfish they feel it necessary to muck up the school bathroom with their slime trails.

So, while emptying your bladder into a public piss trough, you have no problem standing next to a person who might actually be getting his jollies from eyeballing you?

Funny thing is: transgender people are generally attracted to the opposite sex from the one with which they personally identify. In other words, the potential for misbehavior on their part would be greatly heightened by forcing them to use the restrooms that correspond solely to their genitalia.

Seriously, this issue amounts to just one more wedge for big money conservatives to keep their fundie voting block in check.

It has nothing do with politics as far as I'm concerned. When I was growing up such things were never permitted or even heard of. There was nothing "fundie" about it.
It has nothing do with politics as far as I'm concerned. When I was growing up such things were never permitted or even heard of. ...

Well, times have changed; but not so drastically that politicians have stopped pandering to their respective audiences.

...There was nothing "fundie" about it.

Somehow I doubt that a good many fundies would agree with you.

This might not be political or religious for you (yes, I believe you), but it's both as far as many voters are concerned.
To me, changing yourself in such a way is like you are saying that the Lord made a mistake and I don't believe that the Lord makes mistakes. He had a reason for having us be born the gender that we were born.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I have heard it said that a pig in a dress is still a pig.

If the Lord never makes mistakes, how come we have intersex people? Seems your good Lord couldn't decide whether someone should be male or female, so made them a bit of both...
Do you morons really think she should have to use the boys room?


I see her and I see a female. I do not see someone who looks even remotely like a male.

I see him and see a boy with a wig with a shit eating grin on his face, who has just put one over on the courts in Maine. He is thinking.... next stop the girls locker room. Probably beats off at night fantasizing about it.
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Do you morons really think she should have to use the boys room?


I see her and I see a female. I do not see someone who looks even remotely like a male.

I see him and see a boy with a wig with a shit eating grin on his face, who has just put one over on the courts in Maine. He is thinking.... next stop the girls locker room. Probably beats off at night fantasizing about it.

Lets be honest, you wouldn't even know this was a male if the article didn't say so.
I see her and I see a female. I do not see someone who looks even remotely like a male.

I see him and see a boy with a wig with a shit eating grin on his face, who has just put one over on the courts in Maine. He is thinking.... next stop the girls locker room. Probably beats off at night fantasizing about it.

Lets be honest, you wouldn't even know this was a male if the article didn't say so.

He has a boy's face. I might have looked twice, but I suspect he also has a boy's figure. They are different, you know? Girls, even teen-aged girls, have curves he is never ever going to have.
I see him and see a boy with a wig with a shit eating grin on his face, who has just put one over on the courts in Maine. He is thinking.... next stop the girls locker room. Probably beats off at night fantasizing about it.

Lets be honest, you wouldn't even know this was a male if the article didn't say so.

He has a boy's face. I might have looked twice, but I suspect he also has a boy's figure. They are different, you know? Girls, even teen-aged girls, have curves he is never ever going to have.

Again, you wouldn't have know it was a biological male unless the article told you.
Lets be honest, you wouldn't even know this was a male if the article didn't say so.

He has a boy's face. I might have looked twice, but I suspect he also has a boy's figure. They are different, you know? Girls, even teen-aged girls, have curves he is never ever going to have.

Again, you wouldn't have know it was a biological male unless the article told you.

Right! Whatever you want to think, just keep living in that fantasy land you live in.
No, I know. There is no way you can look at that face and automatically tell that she's a biological male.
Lets be honest, you wouldn't even know this was a male if the article didn't say so.

What the hell does how he looks have to do with where he takes a piss?


The fact that the transgender haters here couldn't tell the difference between a transgendered female and a biological female shows that they have issues.
Lets be honest, you wouldn't even know this was a male if the article didn't say so.

What the hell does how he looks have to do with where he takes a piss?


The fact that the transgender haters here couldn't tell the difference between a transgendered female and a biological female shows that they have issues.

What do your issues about how you want to interpret his issues have to do with how and where he takes a piss?
I don't hate him at all ... And he can think he is a girl all day long ... But that doesn't have anything to do with whether or not he is a girl or how he takes piss.

What the hell does how he looks have to do with where he takes a piss?


The fact that the transgender haters here couldn't tell the difference between a transgendered female and a biological female shows that they have issues.

What do your issues about how you want to interpret his issues have to do with how and where he takes a piss?
I don't hate him at all ... And he can think he is a girl all day long ... But that doesn't have anything to do with whether or not he is a girl or how he takes piss.


I don't hate him either and I still maintain his face is boyish and would give him away regardless of what Noomi wants to claim. As I indicated before, he seems to have played the courts well.
Do you morons really think she should have to use the boys room?


It needs to use the boys bathroom yes..that father should be strung up and beat with a stick for letting a 2 year dictate that he is actually a girl...That has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard...2 year old wanting to be a girl...:cuckoo:
The fact that the transgender haters here couldn't tell the difference between a transgendered female and a biological female shows that they have issues.

What do your issues about how you want to interpret his issues have to do with how and where he takes a piss?
I don't hate him at all ... And he can think he is a girl all day long ... But that doesn't have anything to do with whether or not he is a girl or how he takes piss.


I don't hate him either and I still maintain his face is boyish and would give him away regardless of what Noomi wants to claim. As I indicated before, he seems to have played the courts well.

She has been 'playing' the courts and the school since 2007, when she was 9. You really think a kid wants to carry on a 'game' for that long?

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