Maine court forces school to let tranny use girls bathroom

What do your issues about how you want to interpret his issues have to do with how and where he takes a piss?
I don't hate him at all ... And he can think he is a girl all day long ... But that doesn't have anything to do with whether or not he is a girl or how he takes piss.


I don't hate him either and I still maintain his face is boyish and would give him away regardless of what Noomi wants to claim. As I indicated before, he seems to have played the courts well.

She has been 'playing' the courts and the school since 2007, when she was 9. You really think a kid wants to carry on a 'game' for that long?

Are you really trying to suggest kids don't like games?

Anyone notice that the 2 normal males walking next to "It" have their heads lowered in abject disgust?? ... :eusa_hand:

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LGBT bashing: one of the few things on which Christian and Islamic fundamentalists can agree.

Wonderful. :rolleyes:
LGBT bashing: one of the few things on which Christian and Islamic fundamentalists can agree.

Wonderful. :rolleyes:

Since when did the objective lack of gushing admiration for the LBGT movement amount to bashing?
If all you have to offer in response is a false accusation in regards to an aspect that has nothing to do with the fact he has a penis and where he should take a piss ... Oh well.

LGBT bashing: one of the few things on which Christian and Islamic fundamentalists can agree.

Wonderful. :rolleyes:
The irony is that it's you who need simple answers. Sexual reassignment indicates a troubled mind not an error in biology. Religious folks aren't the only ones to realize it and if disagreeing with your smoke and mirror world view is bashing then you've made yourself a victim.
Quote: Originally Posted by Noomi View Post

I see her and I see a female. I do not see someone who looks even remotely like a male.

Reminded me of a doc about FDR the other day :) Up to age 6 his mother dressed him like a girl dresses n all and his pictures from then looked absolutely like a girl. And he went on to become President. :)

Interesting article below complete with art discussing how masculinity and feminity manifested over the generations.

When Did Girls Start Wearing Pink? | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian
Since when did the objective lack of gushing admiration for the LBGT movement amount to bashing?

I was speaking figuratively, at least in part.

...If all you have to offer in response is a false accusation in regards to an aspect that has nothing to do with the fact he has a penis and where he should take a piss ... Oh well.

The accusation wasn't false. Many, if not most, Christians and Muslims are in agreement over the wholesale rejection of the rationale behind the LGBT movement (such as it is) worldwide. This rejection has presented itself in various forms of opposition and abuse around the globe.

Moreover, this backward religious aspect holds sway over the issue of gender identification (regardless of the genitals involved) by default. If your position is that genitals alone should determine one's gender, then those who consider themselves as something other than their genitalia would indicate could be guilty of the transgressions ascribed to homos and lesbos as a matter of doctrine.

The question is: what do the Bible and the Koran really have to say on the matter of gender identification?

There should be something in the scriptures based solely on the fact that their God's creation has occasionally allowed for humans to be born with both sets of genitals (it happens more than you might think).

By your logic, which bathroom should hermaphrodites use? :dunno:
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Lets be honest, you wouldn't even know this was a male if the article didn't say so.

What the hell does how he looks have to do with where he takes a piss?


The fact that the transgender haters here couldn't tell the difference between a transgendered female and a biological female shows that they have issues.

So, he has male genitals, he goes to the men's room.

Anyone can now put on a dress and a wig and go into a woman's restroom.
OMG some of you folks are blathering idiots!

This heshe scares you, does she?

That's truly pathetic

By your logic, which bathroom should hermaphrodites use? :dunno:

Is the person discussed in the OP a hermaphrodite or are you trying to change the subject?
The only reason the issue discussed in the OP as an issue at all is because a guy didn't feel comfortable pissing in the men's room ... Or ... They wanted to make an issue out of it.
If we need to have political discussion involving a matter of whether men should use the men's room and women should use the women's room ... Then it doesn't take a whole lot of logic to figure that out.

If you or anyone else may be confused about the parts they have and how it applies to the sign on the door ... And if they are too retarded to figure that one out ... They can stand in the hallway and piss their pants for all I care.

LGBT bashing: one of the few things on which Christian and Islamic fundamentalists can agree.

Wonderful. :rolleyes:

Disagreeing is now bashing?

No, but acting on that disagreement certainly has been in several respects.

The emotional toll of direct opposition at nearly every turn can be as great or greater than the physical toll of literal bashing.
No, but acting on that disagreement certainly has been in several respects.

The emotional toll of direct opposition at nearly every turn can be as great or greater than the physical toll of literal bashing.
Yes! You are bashing me you hatemonger! You should be arrested.
Is the person discussed in the OP a hermaphrodite or are you trying to change the subject?


I was responding in direct reference to your criteria for determining which bathroom a person should use.
Is the person discussed in the OP a hermaphrodite or are you trying to change the subject?


I was responding in direct reference to your criteria for determining which bathroom a person should use.

What does what I might think about where a hermaphrodite have to do with the fact the guy has a penis and where he needs to piss?
No, but acting on that disagreement certainly has been in several respects.

The emotional toll of direct opposition at nearly every turn can be as great or greater than the physical toll of literal bashing.
Yes! You are bashing me you hatemonger! You should be arrested.

The actions I've taken on the basis of our disagreement have been limited to the realm of discussion.

Can the same be said of the actions of the religious right?

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