Maine court forces school to let tranny use girls bathroom

If the Lord never makes mistakes, how come we have intersex people? Seems your good Lord couldn't decide whether someone should be male or female, so made them a bit of both...
If such people really do exist, I believe that what will determine their official gender is whether they can conceive a child or not since a female is the only gender that does the carrying and the delivering of one.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

LGBT bashing: one of the few things on which Christian and Islamic fundamentalists can agree.

Wonderful. :rolleyes:

Don't forget atheists, agnostics, Hindu, and Buddhism. Plenty of people from every religion, country, and culture find queers and transgender to be revolting.
It’s also telling, but not surprising, how the conservative mantra of ‘states’ rights’ goes out the window whenever a state acts in a manner the right subjectively disapproves of.

You can believe in states rights and still disagree with the law or ruling.

You are just twisting words or you are a complete idiot.

You don’t understand.

Conservatives support Utah’s Amendment 3, for example, because of their hostility toward same-sex couples, and denounce the measure being invalidated by a Federal court as a ‘violation’ of the ‘will of the people.’ If conservatives were consistent with their dogma of ‘states’ rights,’ therefore, they’d support the Maine law as an expression of the ‘will of the people,’ and agree with the judge’s ruling recognizing the people’s will to afford transgender persons public accommodations rights.

Instead, conservatives denounce the Maine Supreme Court’s ruling, advocating the ‘will of the people’ be ignored, which is inconsistent.
You don’t understand.

Conservatives support Utah’s Amendment 3, for example, because of their hostility toward same-sex couples, and denounce the measure being invalidated by a Federal court as a ‘violation’ of the ‘will of the people.’ If conservatives were consistent with their dogma of ‘states’ rights,’ therefore, they’d support the Maine law as an expression of the ‘will of the people,’ and agree with the judge’s ruling recognizing the people’s will to afford transgender persons public accommodations rights.

Instead, conservatives denounce the Maine Supreme Court’s ruling, advocating the ‘will of the people’ be ignored, which is inconsistent.

What Amendment to the State of Maine's Constitution that was approved with a vote by the people ... Thus acknowledging the "will of the people" ... States a guy with a penis can use the girl's bathroom at school?

In both cases the people you refer to as Conservatives are disagreeing with a court decision that does not respect the will of the people.
Because a judge decided to let a guy with penis use the girls' restroom ... Does not make it the will of the people.

To me, changing yourself in such a way is like you are saying that the Lord made a mistake and I don't believe that the Lord makes mistakes. He had a reason for having us be born the gender that we were born.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I have heard it said that a pig in a dress is still a pig.

There are no sky pixies.

I do think that transsexuals have something wrong in the wiring. I also think that frankly, this is not as big a deal as people make it out to be.
If the Lord never makes mistakes, how come we have intersex people? Seems your good Lord couldn't decide whether someone should be male or female, so made them a bit of both...
If such people really do exist, I believe that what will determine their official gender is whether they can conceive a child or not since a female is the only gender that does the carrying and the delivering of one.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


If they exist? They aren't like Unicorns or BigFoot. Of course intersex people exist and what we're figuring out after decades of fucking it up, is to let the intersex individual decide what they are.

Intersex Babies: Boy or Girl and Who Decides?
You don’t understand.

Conservatives support Utah’s Amendment 3, for example, because of their hostility toward same-sex couples, and denounce the measure being invalidated by a Federal court as a ‘violation’ of the ‘will of the people.’ If conservatives were consistent with their dogma of ‘states’ rights,’ therefore, they’d support the Maine law as an expression of the ‘will of the people,’ and agree with the judge’s ruling recognizing the people’s will to afford transgender persons public accommodations rights.

Instead, conservatives denounce the Maine Supreme Court’s ruling, advocating the ‘will of the people’ be ignored, which is inconsistent.

What Amendment to the State of Maine's Constitution that was approved with a vote by the people ... Thus acknowledging the "will of the people" ... States a guy with a penis can use the girl's bathroom at school?

In both cases the people you refer to as Conservatives are disagreeing with a court decision that does not respect the will of the people.
Because a judge decided to let a guy with penis use the girls' restroom ... Does not make it the will of the people.


Calling someone who is transgendered a "guy with a penis" shows you have zero understanding of being what it means to be transgendered.

These aren't boys pretending to be girls so they can catch a peek at some snatch. They are living as the gender they wish to transition to 24/7.

Were you all aware that gay kids can use the bathrooms in public schools? :eek:
What the hell does how he looks have to do with where he takes a piss?


The fact that the transgender haters here couldn't tell the difference between a transgendered female and a biological female shows that they have issues.

So, he has male genitals, he goes to the men's room.

Anyone can now put on a dress and a wig and go into a woman's restroom.

Is he transgendered or NOT?
It already used its own private bathroom, that wasn't enough. The delusion MUST be forced onto others, and must use the opposite sex bathroom. How can the agenda be pushed if it isn't pushed onto others?
What happens if a tranny uses a woman's bathroom?

They have stalls don't they?
You don’t understand.

Conservatives support Utah’s Amendment 3, for example, because of their hostility toward same-sex couples, and denounce the measure being invalidated by a Federal court as a ‘violation’ of the ‘will of the people.’ If conservatives were consistent with their dogma of ‘states’ rights,’ therefore, they’d support the Maine law as an expression of the ‘will of the people,’ and agree with the judge’s ruling recognizing the people’s will to afford transgender persons public accommodations rights.

Instead, conservatives denounce the Maine Supreme Court’s ruling, advocating the ‘will of the people’ be ignored, which is inconsistent.

What Amendment to the State of Maine's Constitution that was approved with a vote by the people ... Thus acknowledging the "will of the people" ... States a guy with a penis can use the girl's bathroom at school?

In both cases the people you refer to as Conservatives are disagreeing with a court decision that does not respect the will of the people.
Because a judge decided to let a guy with penis use the girls' restroom ... Does not make it the will of the people.


Calling someone who is transgendered a "guy with a penis" shows you have zero understanding of being what it means to be transgendered.

These aren't boys pretending to be girls so they can catch a peek at some snatch. They are living as the gender they wish to transition to 24/7.

Were you all aware that gay kids can use the bathrooms in public schools? :eek:

Calling a guy with a penis anything other than a guy with a penis has nothing to do with whether or not he is a guy with a penis ... And everything to do with an agenda to say otherwise.

I am not saying people cannot be gay, transgender or whatever ... I am not against the idea of people expressing their personal desires.
I am against the idea society needs to make special arrangements for guys with a penis to share a bathroom with little girls.
I don't give a shit why they want to ... And whether or not the guy with a penis feels more comfortable using the girl's bathroom has nothing to do with whether or not the girls feel comfortable with him being there.
The guy with a penis is no more special and deserving of consideration than anyone else ... Making special arrangements for him does not treat him equally.

I am not scared of gay people at all ... They might be scared of me because they will get treated equally by me ... Penis goes to that bathroom, if you don't have one you use the other bathroom.

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Calling someone who is transgendered a "guy with a penis" shows you have zero understanding of being what it means to be transgendered.

If the guy with a penis thinks he is a dog ... Are we going to make the guy with a penis use the potty out on the playground?

There are no sky pixies.

I do think that transsexuals have something wrong in the wiring. I also think that frankly, this is not as big a deal as people make it out to be.
That is your belief and if you can't show an respect for the beliefs that I have, don't expect much out of me concerning your own.

If they exist? They aren't like Unicorns or BigFoot. Of course intersex people exist and what we're figuring out after decades of fucking it up, is to let the intersex individual decide what they are.

Intersex Babies: Boy or Girl and Who Decides?
Oh well.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Still only a female is able to conceive, carry, and deliver a new born child.
Quite a lot of hate speech in this thread which I'm pretty sure I ticked a box saying I wouldn't use. Was I the only one who ticked that box?
There are no sky pixies.

I do think that transsexuals have something wrong in the wiring. I also think that frankly, this is not as big a deal as people make it out to be.
That is your belief and if you can't show an respect for the beliefs that I have, don't expect much out of me concerning your own.


my beliefs are based on rationality, science and evidence.

Yours are based on a 3000 year old book written by bronze age savages who didn't know where the sun went at night.
I never said you had a problem, ...

Did I say that you had? :dunno:

That I "may or may not have a problem" with your expressed position ("that if you are a guy with a penis then you need use the men's room" [sic]) is of little or no consequence to the fact that biology (or perhaps 'God') apparently does have a problem with it.

...never mentioned God, ...

Maybe not explicitly, but you tried to call me on the carpet for making a false accusation WRT my partially figurative use of the phrase "LGBT bashing", which had everything to do with the god(s) of Christianity and Islam.

The accusation wasn't false. Apart from the fact that 'sexual deviates' are commonly killed (sometimes via public executions) in modern-day Muslim countries, here in the United States there's a robust church-based movement to oppose any doctrinal reconsideration on issues important to the LGBT community. This stout opposition has spilled over into the social and political arenas. As certain judicial bodies have apparently come to understand in recent years, some of those issues should be afforded the status of 'civil rights', meaning any opposition to them may one day be viewed in the same light as Gov'ner Wallace's infamous pro-segregation speeches of the 1960's -- pure bigoted persecution.

...and biology has a pretty specific way of defining sex. ...

What it doesn't have is a specific or even general way to define gender.

As noted here:

For many people, the terms “gender” and “sex” are interchangeable. This idea has become so common, particularly in western societies, that it is rarely questioned. Yet biological sex and gender are different; gender is not inherently connected to one’s physical anatomy. [...]

Western culture has come to view gender as a binary concept, with two rigidly fixed options: male or female. When a child is born, a quick glance between the legs determines the gender label that the child will carry for life. But even if gender is to be restricted to basic biology, a binary concept still fails to capture the rich variation observed. Rather than just two distinct boxes, biological gender occurs across a continuum of possibilities. This spectrum of anatomical variations by itself should be enough to disregard the simplistic notion of only two genders. ... [emphasis Capstone's]

Which brings us back to this:

...The idea you think my argument has anything to do with anything other a guy with a penis using the men's room ... Is your deficiency.

And the idea that every individual with a penis is necessarily a "guy" your deficiency.
There are no sky pixies.

I do think that transsexuals have something wrong in the wiring. I also think that frankly, this is not as big a deal as people make it out to be.
That is your belief and if you can't show an respect for the beliefs that I have, don't expect much out of me concerning your own.

If they exist? They aren't like Unicorns or BigFoot. Of course intersex people exist and what we're figuring out after decades of fucking it up, is to let the intersex individual decide what they are.

Intersex Babies: Boy or Girl and Who Decides?
Oh well.

God bless you two always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Still only a female is able to conceive, carry, and deliver a new born child.

Oh well? You get evidence of unicorns and "oh well" is your response?

Many women cannot conceive and carry a child, does that mean they aren't "real" women?

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