Maine court forces school to let tranny use girls bathroom

Quite a lot of hate speech in this thread which I'm pretty sure I ticked a box saying I wouldn't use. Was I the only one who ticked that box?

Please elaborate.

Use of words that such as "faggot" and "queer". Words that would usually be deemed offensive in day to day speech because they are hate terms.

No they're not. Forty years ago those were the only terms used, homo, queer, faggot, it's only recently that the libroid PC sexual deviant loving left came along and THEY pronounced the terms hate speech. Well, sorry, their politically correct garbage is only bought into by weak minded people that will believe anything they're told, and follow orders without question like the good little sheeple they are.

Undocumented Immigrant... no... ILLEGAL ALIEN.
Gay... no... HOMO.
Has penis is a girl... no... HAS PENIS IS A GUY.

Calling something some name other than what it is, is a game libtards like to play, in hopes that it will cutsie up something disgusting or perverted that they love. Unfortunately for a large portion of easily influenced and brain washed society, it works.

See what I mean?
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Please elaborate.

Use of words that such as "faggot" and "queer". Words that would usually be deemed offensive in day to day speech because they are hate terms.

No they're not. Forty years ago those were the only terms used, homo, queer, faggot, it's only recently that the libroid PC sexual deviant loving left came along and THEY pronounced the terms hate speech. Well, sorry, their politically correct garbage is only bought into by weak minded people that will believe anything they're told, and follow orders without question like the good little sheeple they are.

Undocumented Immigrant... no... ILLEGAL ALIEN.
Gay... no... HOMO.
Has penis is a girl... no... HAS PENIS IS A GUY.

Calling something some name other than what it is, is a game libtards like to play, in hopes that it will cutsie up something disgusting or perverted that they love. Unfortunately for a large portion of easily influenced and brain washed society, it works.

See what I mean?

Sorry I'm ignoring you, you seem incapable of rational discussion.
Use of words that such as "faggot" and "queer". Words that would usually be deemed offensive in day to day speech because they are hate terms.

No they're not. Forty years ago those were the only terms used, homo, queer, faggot, it's only recently that the libroid PC sexual deviant loving left came along and THEY pronounced the terms hate speech. Well, sorry, their politically correct garbage is only bought into by weak minded people that will believe anything they're told, and follow orders without question like the good little sheeple they are.

Undocumented Immigrant... no... ILLEGAL ALIEN.
Gay... no... HOMO.
Has penis is a girl... no... HAS PENIS IS A GUY.

Calling something some name other than what it is, is a game libtards like to play, in hopes that it will cutsie up something disgusting or perverted that they love. Unfortunately for a large portion of easily influenced and brain washed society, it works.

See what I mean?

Sorry I'm ignoring you, you seem incapable of rational discussion.

You figured that out quick. Bravo!
Please elaborate.

Use of words that such as "faggot" and "queer". Words that would usually be deemed offensive in day to day speech because they are hate terms.
Grow a backbone

It's nothing to do th growing a back bone, if I came on here and started throwing about the N bomb for example I'd expect to be banned and rightly so. It's not a matter of being thin or thick skinned but a matter of obeying the rules.

I have not much time for gay people myself but not being one i similalry don't have time giving a damn where they go to the toilet, whther or not they get married and what they do behind closed doors and I think that those people who object so fervently to them probably think about them too much.
Quite a lot of hate speech in this thread which I'm pretty sure I ticked a box saying I wouldn't use. Was I the only one who ticked that box?

Please elaborate.

He wants us to ban words that hurt his sensitive ears. This ain't Europe or Canada we do still have freedom of speech here even if its something you don't want to hear.

As gratifing as savaging that straw man might be for you if you had read my last post you'd see that my sensibilites are far from being hurt. The use of those words is in fact greatly informative, they inform all reading that the people using them like to dehumanise those people different to them, probably to try and distance themselves as far as possible through building walls of hatred in their own minds so as to pretend that they themsleves have never thought about it.
Please elaborate.

He wants us to ban words that hurt his sensitive ears. This ain't Europe or Canada we do still have freedom of speech here even if its something you don't want to hear.

As gratifing as savaging that straw man might be for you if you had read my last post you'd see that my sensibilites are far from being hurt. The use of those words is in fact greatly informative, they inform all reading that the people using them like to dehumanise those people different to them, probably to try and distance themselves as far as possible through building walls of hatred in their own minds so as to pretend that they themsleves have never thought about it.

Meh. I hate 99% of people I don't need odd words to describe them to show that I don't like them. :)
He wants us to ban words that hurt his sensitive ears. This ain't Europe or Canada we do still have freedom of speech here even if its something you don't want to hear.

As gratifing as savaging that straw man might be for you if you had read my last post you'd see that my sensibilites are far from being hurt. The use of those words is in fact greatly informative, they inform all reading that the people using them like to dehumanise those people different to them, probably to try and distance themselves as far as possible through building walls of hatred in their own minds so as to pretend that they themsleves have never thought about it.

Meh. I hate 99% of people I don't need odd words to describe them to show that I don't like them. :)

What a negative way of looking at things. I love 100% of people, I just don't like many of them. :tongue:
Please elaborate.

Use of words that such as "faggot" and "queer". Words that would usually be deemed offensive in day to day speech because they are hate terms.

No they're not. Forty years ago those were the only terms used, homo, queer, faggot, it's only recently that the libroid PC sexual deviant loving left came along and THEY pronounced the terms hate speech. Well, sorry, their politically correct garbage is only bought into by weak minded people that will believe anything they're told, and follow orders without question like the good little sheeple they are.

Undocumented Immigrant... no... ILLEGAL ALIEN.
Gay... no... HOMO.
Has penis is a girl... no... HAS PENIS IS A GUY.

Calling something some name other than what it is, is a game libtards like to play, in hopes that it will cutsie up something disgusting or perverted that they love. Unfortunately for a large portion of easily influenced and brain washed society, it works.

See what I mean?

Wow, the guy who uses gay slurs as his primary form of wit is also the same guy calling other people "weak minded sheeple".

Lol, now I've seen it all.
As gratifing as savaging that straw man might be for you if you had read my last post you'd see that my sensibilites are far from being hurt. The use of those words is in fact greatly informative, they inform all reading that the people using them like to dehumanise those people different to them, probably to try and distance themselves as far as possible through building walls of hatred in their own minds so as to pretend that they themsleves have never thought about it.

Meh. I hate 99% of people I don't need odd words to describe them to show that I don't like them. :)

What a negative way of looking at things. I love 100% of people, I just don't like many of them. :tongue:
Nah. I prefer animals over humans...
And the idea that every individual with a penis is necessarily a "guy" your deficiency.

Blah-blah-blah and you can swim all over the screen trying to not accept the ways things really are ... No consequence to me.
But in regards to this statement ... My only argument is that the guy with a penis has no right to make girls without a penis share a bathroom with them because he feels uncomfortable using the bathroom with the other guys that have a penis.

The world does not have to concede to his problems identifying with who he is or isn't.
The girls without a penis he wants to share a bathroom with are more important than his inability to deal with what life has handed him.
We all have challenges life has handed us ... Deal with it ... And don't expect others to compromise their desires because a guy with a penis cannot deal with it.

Read the article Seawytch linked ... It is about what happens when doctors, parents, foolishness and society decide they can fix something out of their control.
All they accomplished was screwing the guy up further and destroying his life.

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Despite the massive amounts of bandwidth used to discuss "transgendered students and their bathroom habits", has anyone here even met a transgendered child? Or know a parent of one? Or know of any in your child's school, or town?

It's a non-issue. Really. Let each community deal with it as they wish.
Despite the massive amounts of bandwidth used to discuss "transgendered students and their bathroom habits", has anyone here even met a transgendered child? Or know a parent of one? Or know of any in your child's school, or town?

It's a non-issue. Really. Let each community deal with it as they wish.

When polled about what issues concerned them the most in politics ... Respondents indicated that minimum wage came in last on the list and was proceeded by immigration reform at second to last.
What makes this non-issue any different than the next?

Despite the massive amounts of bandwidth used to discuss "transgendered students and their bathroom habits", has anyone here even met a transgendered child? Or know a parent of one? Or know of any in your child's school, or town?

It's a non-issue. Really. Let each community deal with it as they wish.

When polled about what issues concerned them the most in politics ... Respondents indicated that minimum wage came in last on the list and was proceeded by immigration reform at second to last.
What makes this non-issue any different than the next?


Simple - minimum wage and immigration laws will affect hundreds upon hundreds of millions of people whereas where Jennifer the transgender girl will go to the bathroom at X Elementary School will affect maybe 30.

This is an ACTUAL non-issue.
Simple - minimum wage and immigration laws will affect hundreds upon hundreds of millions of people whereas where Jennifer the transgender girl will go to the bathroom at X Elementary School will affect maybe 30.

This is an ACTUAL non-issue.

Court law and previous rulings are used to set precedence in subsequent law ... That means it affects everyone.
This is just as much of an issue as anything else ... And enough of an issue you feel the desire to comment on it.

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Simple - minimum wage and immigration laws will affect hundreds upon hundreds of millions of people whereas where Jennifer the transgender girl will go to the bathroom at X Elementary School will affect maybe 30.

This is an ACTUAL non-issue.

Court law and previous rulings are used to set precedence in subsequent law ... That means it affects everyone.
This is just as much of an issue as anything else ... And enough of an issue you feel the desire to comment on it.


I'm just saying there are court rulings/debates, etc on things that affect hundreds of millions (or even billions of lives), and there are court rulings/debates that affect 30 lives.

I think this Transgendered bathroom thing falls more so into the latter category. My point was that you guys give this way more attention that it deserves.
Simple - minimum wage and immigration laws will affect hundreds upon hundreds of millions of people whereas where Jennifer the transgender girl will go to the bathroom at X Elementary School will affect maybe 30.

This is an ACTUAL non-issue.

Court law and previous rulings are used to set precedence in subsequent law ... That means it affects everyone.
This is just as much of an issue as anything else ... And enough of an issue you feel the desire to comment on it.


I'm just saying there are court rulings/debates, etc on things that affect hundreds of millions (or even billions of lives), and there are court rulings/debates that affect 30 lives.

I think this Transgendered bathroom thing falls more so into the latter category. My point was that you guys give this way more attention that it deserves.

I am saying that court rulings affect everyone ... That means everyone that is or isn't interested.
I also said something along the lines of the idea that if you think it is a non-issue not worth discussing ... Then shut the hell up discussing it ... We didn't ask you for permission to talk about it.

If it isn't important to you ... What the hell are you doing here, and why the hell are you even posting about it?

Court law and previous rulings are used to set precedence in subsequent law ... That means it affects everyone.
This is just as much of an issue as anything else ... And enough of an issue you feel the desire to comment on it.


I'm just saying there are court rulings/debates, etc on things that affect hundreds of millions (or even billions of lives), and there are court rulings/debates that affect 30 lives.

I think this Transgendered bathroom thing falls more so into the latter category. My point was that you guys give this way more attention that it deserves.

I am saying that court rulings affect everyone ... That means everyone that is or isn't interested.
I also said something along the lines of the idea that if you think it is a non-issue not worth discussing ... Then shut the hell up discussing it ... We didn't ask you for permission to talk about it.

If it isn't important to you ... What the hell are you doing here, and why the hell are you even posting about it?


Because I choose too, lol, and this discussion area is open to anyone.
Don't fall for the libs trying to change the subject. Their next thing will be to get the topic moved by acting like children . They want stories broadcasting liberal insanity to be hidden

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