Maine kicks 9,000 off welfare for refusing to work

You bring up a very good point, your daughter has family to help her make things work. Once, unless the individual was a "black sheep", families would pull together to make things happen. Both the individual and their family would be ashamed of accepting public handouts. We have lost the element of shame in this culture.
Given that thought, a man who fathered a child would be ashamed to not "do right" by a woman he impregnated.

Why should a man marry the girlfriend he got pregnant when he knows that if they marry she will ditch him a couple years down the road and then force him to pay child support - money she will spend entirely on herself.? Better for him to tell the wench to get an abortion or just dump her and never admit he is the daddy.
For every nut there are 50 faking it to get the disability money. Anyone can say " I'm sad so gimme $30,000 a year for life."

Can you prove that?

You're the one who wants to give away taxpayer money so the burden of proof is on YOU to show the claimants really are mentally ill. Let's see it, bigtalk.

No, I don't think you understand how things work. If you make a claim, YOU need to prove it. People don't have to prove your unbacked claim is false.
All of you, listen. I live in Maine, in a very rural area, the poorest in the state. This change actually took place two years ago, so the results are being analyzed. The lobster fisherman who make BIG bucks in the fishing season are no longer collecting food stamps in the winter, and that's all well and good. But I work with folks who were really struggling and really trying, and it is so much different than what your smug assumptions are.

First, getting anywhere--job or volunteer--requires a vehicle, since there is NO public transportation to get there. Poor people don't have the $$ to keep a vehicle on the road. So there's that. There is also the fact that volunteer opportunities are extremely limited. They have to be non profits and be big enough and willing to train a never ending line of untrained "volunteers." Many orgs can't take advantage because of their clients -- confidentiality issues. And no place around here is large enough to absorb many. So there's that.

There is the more pressing problem that IF THERE WERE JOBS these people could do, they would already be employed. Since Obamacare, employers are only hiring part time. A lot of people around here are only skilled at seasonal labor. Some of them wouldn't be able to succeed in college, even if they had the money and could afford to go.

I have students who struggle and really work hard but can barely pay their rent at the end of the month and I have students who walk to school, walk to their jobs and sometimes they can't even afford a coat. Or the ride to the nearest Goodwill 60 miles away to buy a used one for $15. I pretend to have snack attacks a lot, so I can share some chow.

You are being very unfair. I'm glad it was only 9,000 folks that were affected, but I know some of them, and to hear you all saying what a great idea it was to cut off their food stamps? It's not always a great idea. I don't see that the money Maine has saved has pulled us out of the hole. At least up your contributions to your local food bank, if that is what you vote for. Because folks are gonna need it for awhile.

And I bet they all voted for the shit, so let the chips fall were they may. Listen, if you want change, vote out the GOP, end of fuckin story!!
I DID, damn it. Don't holler at me. This is a democracy. End of fuckin' story.
Welfare isn't a Christian principle and Christianity isn't defined by the unregenerate.

Stop lying, Safety Pins!
You are a false Christian who turns his back on Christ and His principles.
oh I agree with you there. And everyone that collects welfare instead of working is also a false Christian that has turned their backs on Christ and his principles.
Luke 14:13-14 - But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.

Luke 21:3-4 - 'Truly I tell you, he said, 'this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.'

Both of these quotes represent VOLUNTARY actions. The bible is urging people to be charitable, not mandating compliance with the power of armed government agents to enforce someone's else's idea of charity.

And that makes all the difference.
Alright. I'll buy that. SOME of the posters here have attitudes that are not amenable to voluntarily being charitable, though.
One thing the right seems not to have thought of is, you THINK you just saw angry Americans rising up about their loss of jobs and income and security? Just wait until you make a bunch of them hungry. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

Personally, I shy away from telling other people what they think, which of course is unknowable. I care only what they do.

In any case, if you look at the history of governments attempting to feed their people rather than people feeding themselves, we see literally tens of millions death. It's a bad idea.

Your fears of what might happen without handouts and entitlements do not justify theft.
This welfare system is way out of control. Trump has everything he needs to right this wrong. He has the House. He has the Senate. He has the people of this country behind him!

He doesn't have a filibuster proof senate. And if he does get a law passed banning welfare, the supreme court will no doubt repeal the law even though the constitution says they can't.
I am not say "banning" welfare...just limit it to the elderly and disabled and then abled body people for 2 years while they learn a skill. Then, are on your own.

Can't do that, KIDS WILL STARVE!!

Yeah you say so

This welfare system is way out of control. Trump has everything he needs to right this wrong. He has the House. He has the Senate. He has the people of this country behind him!

He doesn't have a filibuster proof senate. And if he does get a law passed banning welfare, the supreme court will no doubt repeal the law even though the constitution says they can't.
I am not say "banning" welfare...just limit it to the elderly and disabled and then abled body people for 2 years while they learn a skill. Then, are on your own.

Can't do that, KIDS WILL STARVE!!

Yeah you say so

Answering with a meme is an admission of failure. Scamper along.
For every nut there are 50 faking it to get the disability money. Anyone can say " I'm sad so gimme $30,000 a year for life."

Can you prove that?

You're the one who wants to give away taxpayer money so the burden of proof is on YOU to show the claimants really are mentally ill. Let's see it, bigtalk.
That proof is provided to the Social Security Administration when an applicant applies for benefits. They gather the proof. They administer the program. Your anecdotal arguments aside, the proof is at every Social Security office.
You're the one who wants to give away taxpayer money so the burden of proof is on YOU to show the claimants really are mentally ill. Let's see it, bigtalk.

No, I don't think you understand how things work. If you make a claim, YOU need to prove it. People don't have to prove your unbacked claim is false.

No - you are the one making the extraordinary claim and thus the burden of proof is on you. THINK
That proof is provided to the Social Security Administration when an applicant applies for benefits. They gather the proof. They administer the program. Your anecdotal arguments aside, the proof is at every Social Security office.

Like all govt agencies, SS is just a bunch of crooks who insist on bribes from every citizen that walks thru the door. They don't care about proof, you fool.
You're the one who wants to give away taxpayer money so the burden of proof is on YOU to show the claimants really are mentally ill. Let's see it, bigtalk.

No, I don't think you understand how things work. If you make a claim, YOU need to prove it. People don't have to prove your unbacked claim is false.

No - you are the one making the extraordinary claim and thus the burden of proof is on you. THINK
It is on the State of Maine and the recipients not Lewdog, shootspeeders. You are so loony at times.
That proof is provided to the Social Security Administration when an applicant applies for benefits. They gather the proof. They administer the program. Your anecdotal arguments aside, the proof is at every Social Security office.

Like all govt agencies, SS is just a bunch of crooks who insist on bribes from every citizen that walks thru the door. They don't care about proof, you fool.
You are one goofy person. The SS are not crooks. The crooks are the conspiracy nuts that drain taxpayers' money.
That proof is provided to the Social Security Administration when an applicant applies for benefits. They gather the proof. They administer the program. Your anecdotal arguments aside, the proof is at every Social Security office.

Like all govt agencies, SS is just a bunch of crooks who insist on bribes from every citizen that walks thru the door. They don't care about proof, you fool.
You really don't know anything about how government agencies perform their duties. All you offer is anecdote and your irrational presumptions that must have come from an equally ignorant right wing source. You do not call nvince anyone that your opinions are factual or even true.
You're the one who wants to give away taxpayer money so the burden of proof is on YOU to show the claimants really are mentally ill. Let's see it, bigtalk.

No, I don't think you understand how things work. If you make a claim, YOU need to prove it. People don't have to prove your unbacked claim is false.

No - you are the one making the extraordinary claim and thus the burden of proof is on you. THINK

Hey I can play this game... Trump is an alien. Ok prove me wrong! Oh you can't? Then Trump is an alien. Brilliant! Derp Derp.
No - you are the one making the extraordinary claim and thus the burden of proof is on you. THINK

Hey I can play this game... Trump is an alien. Ok prove me wrong! Oh you can't? Then Trump is an alien. Brilliant! Derp Derp.

Your puny little brain has everything backwards again. If you say trump is an alien, then YOU are making the extraordinary claim and the burden of proof is on you. THINK, maggot sucker.
No - you are the one making the extraordinary claim and thus the burden of proof is on you. THINK

Hey I can play this game... Trump is an alien. Ok prove me wrong! Oh you can't? Then Trump is an alien. Brilliant! Derp Derp.

Your puny little brain has everything backwards again. If you say trump is an alien, then YOU are making the extraordinary claim and the burden of proof is on you. THINK, maggot sucker.

Wow are you really that dense? You made a statement with certain claims without ANY citation or links... and when questioned to prove it, you said the burden of proof was on others to prove you wrong. You just don't get it...
You really don't know anything about how government agencies perform their duties. All you offer is anecdote and your irrational presumptions that must have come from an equally ignorant right wing source. You do not call nvince anyone that your opinions are factual or even true.

Perform their duties??? Obama ordered ICE to NOT perform its duty - which is to catch illegals. It's the incredible lawlessness of your god obama that has caused all thinking americans to lose faith in all federal officials. THINK, you miserable govt-loving wretch.
Wow are you really that dense? You made a statement with certain claims without ANY citation or links... and when questioned to prove it, you said the burden of proof was on others to prove you wrong. You just don't get it...

Because my statement is accepted by 99% of the public. I don't have to prove the moon is a giant rock but if you say the moon is made of green cheese, then yes, the burden of proof is on you.

Why can't you think? Don't answer that.
Wow are you really that dense? You made a statement with certain claims without ANY citation or links... and when questioned to prove it, you said the burden of proof was on others to prove you wrong. You just don't get it...

Because my statement is accepted by 99% of the public. I don't have to prove the moon is a giant rock but if you say the moon is made of green cheese, then yes, the burden of proof is on you.

Why can't you think? Don't answer that.

Show me that 99% of the public accept your statement. You don't get this. You think you are smarter than you are.
You really don't know anything about how government agencies perform their duties. All you offer is anecdote and your irrational presumptions that must have come from an equally ignorant right wing source. You do not call nvince anyone that your opinions are factual or even true.

Perform their duties??? Obama ordered ICE to NOT perform its duty - which is to catch illegals. It's the incredible lawlessness of your god obama that has caused all thinking americans to lose faith in all federal officials. THINK, you miserable govt-loving wretch.
You just hate government. You hate governanc. And you reflect the ossified attitude of the contemporary "Conservative when they say government is broken, proceed to act in a petulant manner and shut down the government and then point to the situation they created and say 'See! The government does not work!'

Perhaps the cynical, the fearful and the ignorant can be hoodwinked by such tactics. They can proceed with their attitudes. But, fortunately there are still enough experienced, thoughtful and curious citizens to call you out on your stupidity and keep this nation on the right track.

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