Maine kicks 9,000 off welfare for refusing to work

This welfare system is way out of control. Trump has everything he needs to right this wrong. He has the House. He has the Senate. He has the people of this country behind him!

He doesn't have a filibuster proof senate. And if he does get a law passed banning welfare, the supreme court will no doubt repeal the law even though the constitution says they can't.
I am not say "banning" welfare...just limit it to the elderly and disabled and then abled body people for 2 years while they learn a skill. Then, are on your own.

Can't do that, KIDS WILL STARVE!!
End all welfare. Maybe have some shelters that give out hot food, but no more cash handouts. The food stamp shit is completely abused now.
Do you know that AFDC was replaced over a decade ago by TANF? Do you know the difference between the two?

Hey einstein. Changing the name does not change the program.

How many legs would a mule have if you called it's tail a leg?
Why REGURGITATE old news from a year and a half ago? This is from March of 2015?? Did your beloved right wing media have no new news to talk about??? :lol:

Hey stupid. The article is dated nov 16 2016. Now apologize to the board.
This action makes perfect sense. There is nothing unreasonable about it and it's about time some politician took a step in this direction.

The only exceptions to the mandate should be those who for some valid reason cannot comply.
This action makes perfect sense. There is nothing unreasonable about it and it's about time some politician took a step in this direction.

The only exceptions to the mandate should be those who for some valid reason cannot comply.

but but the kids will starve
This action makes perfect sense. There is nothing unreasonable about it and it's about time some politician took a step in this direction.

The only exceptions to the mandate should be those who for some valid reason cannot comply.

but but the kids will starve
Kids should not starve. Don't they have any brothers or sisters worth eating?
This welfare system is way out of control. Trump has everything he needs to right this wrong. He has the House. He has the Senate. He has the people of this country behind him!

He doesn't have a filibuster proof senate. And if he does get a law passed banning welfare, the supreme court will no doubt repeal the law even though the constitution says they can't.
Show me exactly where it says, "SCOTUS can't repeal the law."
I think it would be more interesting to show where welfare is a constitutional right.
after that, then we can figure out if the Supreme Court can allow the states to discontinue welfare or not.
End all welfare. Maybe have some shelters that give out hot food, but no more cash handouts. The food stamp shit is completely abused now.

Then kids will starve you retarded mutherfucker
then you should set up a charity and make sure the kids don't starve you equally retarded mutherfucker.
Pisses me off to think I have to put a lesser quality of meat on my dinner table and deprive my child of the best just so some lazy fucker can mooch a free meal from my paycheck.
Who do you think came, populated and made the US the most prosperous country in the world?

Clue: It was not the those form the teaming shores (of Europe) who wanted to eat free.
Nope. A lot of them starved. Got rickets. Goiters. Died young of complications due to chronic malnutrition. Capitalism at its best.
A lot of them? When was the last time you heard of mass starvation in the US?

Stop being a knee-jerk dingbat. While I will admit that you aren't of Grandma's level (someone who I confused you with), you're not a lot better informed.

Stop with "The children! who will think of the children" bit. It is old and hackneyed.
You are living up to your name with this one.
I merely presented what these changes in policy mean on an individual level for real people living real lives. You have countered with more and more abstract "facts" and statistics that don't mean shit to actual folks. You choose to ignore that. I was just tellin ya.
I will always think of the children. They are our future, and every penny we can invest in them is a penny well spent. When the investment in our future becomes "old and hackneyed," our society is toast.
All of you, listen. I live in Maine, in a very rural area, the poorest in the state. This change actually took place two years ago, so the results are being analyzed. The lobster fisherman who make BIG bucks in the fishing season are no longer collecting food stamps in the winter, and that's all well and good. But I work with folks who were really struggling and really trying, and it is so much different than what your smug assumptions are.

First, getting anywhere--job or volunteer--requires a vehicle, since there is NO public transportation to get there. Poor people don't have the $$ to keep a vehicle on the road. So there's that. There is also the fact that volunteer opportunities are extremely limited. They have to be non profits and be big enough and willing to train a never ending line of untrained "volunteers." Many orgs can't take advantage because of their clients -- confidentiality issues. And no place around here is large enough to absorb many. So there's that.

There is the more pressing problem that IF THERE WERE JOBS these people could do, they would already be employed. Since Obamacare, employers are only hiring part time. A lot of people around here are only skilled at seasonal labor. Some of them wouldn't be able to succeed in college, even if they had the money and could afford to go.

I have students who struggle and really work hard but can barely pay their rent at the end of the month and I have students who walk to school, walk to their jobs and sometimes they can't even afford a coat. Or the ride to the nearest Goodwill 60 miles away to buy a used one for $15. I pretend to have snack attacks a lot, so I can share some chow.

You are being very unfair. I'm glad it was only 9,000 folks that were affected, but I know some of them, and to hear you all saying what a great idea it was to cut off their food stamps? It's not always a great idea. I don't see that the money Maine has saved has pulled us out of the hole. At least up your contributions to your local food bank, if that is what you vote for. Because folks are gonna need it for awhile.

And I bet they all voted for the shit, so let the chips fall were they may. Listen, if you want change, vote out the GOP, end of fuckin story!!
A majority in our district did. This has always been a deep red area. But voting for Trump won't change the welfare thing much--we have had a tea party governor now in his second term who was elected by less than 50% in both elections, and he has already gutted welfare in our state.
This welfare system is way out of control. Trump has everything he needs to right this wrong. He has the House. He has the Senate. He has the people of this country behind him!

He doesn't have a filibuster proof senate. And if he does get a law passed banning welfare, the supreme court will no doubt repeal the law even though the constitution says they can't.
Show me exactly where it says, "SCOTUS can't repeal the law."
You know which branch makes and repeals laws, right?
You have no idea how the government works, saintmike.
Wow, how christian of this state.

I hope these people aren't disabled or too old to work.
Welfare isn't a Christian principle and Christianity isn't defined by the unregenerate.

Stop lying, Safety Pins!
You are a false Christian who turns his back on Christ and His principles.
oh I agree with you there. And everyone that collects welfare instead of working is also a false Christian that has turned their backs on Christ and his principles.
Wow, how christian of this state.

I hope these people aren't disabled or too old to work.
Welfare isn't a Christian principle and Christianity isn't defined by the unregenerate.

Stop lying, Safety Pins!
You are a false Christian who turns his back on Christ and His principles.
oh I agree with you there. And everyone that collects welfare instead of working is also a false Christian that has turned their backs on Christ and his principles.
Luke 14:13-14 - But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.

Luke 21:3-4 - 'Truly I tell you, he said, 'this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.'
Wow, how christian of this state.

I hope these people aren't disabled or too old to work.
Welfare isn't a Christian principle and Christianity isn't defined by the unregenerate.

Stop lying, Safety Pins!
You are a false Christian who turns his back on Christ and His principles.
oh I agree with you there. And everyone that collects welfare instead of working is also a false Christian that has turned their backs on Christ and his principles.
You don't understand Christ or His Gospel. The scriptures quoted above condemn your understanding.
Wow, how christian of this state.

I hope these people aren't disabled or too old to work.
Welfare isn't a Christian principle and Christianity isn't defined by the unregenerate.

Stop lying, Safety Pins!
You are a false Christian who turns his back on Christ and His principles.
oh I agree with you there. And everyone that collects welfare instead of working is also a false Christian that has turned their backs on Christ and his principles.
You don't understand Christ or His Gospel. The scriptures quoted above condemn your understanding.
oh I understand your mis representation perfectly.
For me to be a Christian I should quit working, lose everything I did work for, then sit on your front porch and demand you give me food, a phone, some spending money, health insurance, and anything else I decide I want.
In order for you to be a Christian, you have to give me all your stuff.

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