Maine Ron Paul backers force vote to condemn national GOP

You're obsessed with Ron Paul, huh?

Maybe you should do like his son did.. Get over the fact that he lost and get behind defeating Obama. Otherwise, you can blame yourself and likeminded people when Obama gets another term. :thup:
You're obsessed with Ron Paul, huh?

Maybe you should do like his son did.. Get over the fact that he lost and get behind defeating Obama. Otherwise, you can blame yourself and likeminded people when Obama gets another term. :thup:

Do like his son did...become a traitor? Ride his daddy's coat tails and use his supporters and principles and money to get elected and then turn his back on it all? He is the exact kind of piece of shit that needs to be voted out of office. Hm no.,I will blame the idiots running the republican party for not nominating someone strikingly different from Obama so America would actually have 2 choices and not obama and obama lite to vote for with a chance of winning. Right now I will be voting for Gary Johnson since he is neither of the 2 idiots in the mainstream. Republicans had their chance and blew it. So not my problem. You made your bed now lie in it.
Oh and Obama/Romney makes no difference who is in office they are the same they are going to continue the same old idiotic policies and will continue to destroy America so why should I give a shit about who is elected? I am merely hoping Obama gets it just to piss you Mittiots off and make sure Willard gets his payback for cheating.

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