Rand Paul pledges to force Hunter Biden vote if GOP backs Dem impeachment witnesses

Even if it were all true it does not excuse Trump's actions one iota. He still used the power of his office for personal gain, extorted a foreign leader and orchestrated a cover-up that continues to this day.
yet none of that is proven, just speculation by the left who LOVES to blindly accuse.
Page (even if they set that one up themselves)
and now Trump for whatever excuse they could pull out of their ass.

not notching a single victory - ie NEVER being correct in their accusations - limits their own credibility. i don't give two dog shits about trumps at this point; it's a different story or another matter.

are the bidens guilty?

seems funny your sense of justice ends when you like someone.
Not a Biden supporter. Had an investigation been launched through official channels by reputable people for legitimate reasons I would not have any problem with that.

Who would that be? Deep State operatives? Never Trumpers?
People with sufficient integrity to avoid the appearance of it being a political hit job. Going through proper channels insulates the president from being impeached, someone should have told Trump this fact.
the left would have found something else to impeach him for. they're not after him for any particular "crime" - they've proven time and again with RUSSIA and KAVANAUGH they're more than willing to make shit up and hope they can sell it.

looks like you invested heavily.
No one is making up shit, it's just abundantly clear you and the rest of the republicans would ignore any level of corruption from this president. Our founders never foresaw the rise of a political party that would never vote impeach the president no matter what.
Truth, Justice, and the American Way......

That's what we used to stand for....

Time to make America Great AGAIN!

How can anyone argue with that...? :dunno:
dunno. kinda like when the left demonizes people with NAZI COMMUNIST KKK or ITS FOR THE CHILDREN!!! push things to an extreme and hope no one argues over a fictitious moral ground you've created for ONLY your views.
Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
So, I created the saying, huh?
Texts and messages stating what exactly? Burisma was not under any investigation by Shokin. He was protecting corrupt prosecutors. He prosecuted zero corruption cases in a country that was known for being rife with corruption. Somehow y’all have convinced yourself that Shokin was one of the good guys. He wasn’t. That’s the lie y’all keep telling.
Shall I destroy you completely or will this be enough to PROVE that you know nothing?...Decisions, decisions!...ROTFLMFAO

The Hill
Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

View attachment 300181
Sep 26, 2019 · That story also alerted Biden's office that Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had an active investigation of Burisma and its founder.

Oh John Solomon. The only man stupid enough (or desperate maybe) to take Victor Shokin at his word without wanting corroborating information. That’s why Solomon isn’t considered a journalist, because he doesn’t abide by any type of journalistic integrity.

Sorry, but nothing in your article destroys anything.
Proven to be right, yet YOU are always proven to be wrong and REFUSE to believe anything but what the lying MSM says or one of your leftist flunkies say....ROTFLMFAO....YOU PEOPLE are simply in denial of ANYTHING that goes against logic!
Why do you choose to believe Shokin without question?

What incentive does he have to lie?

He’s a disgraced prosecutor. The lie is an attempt to restore his credibility.

Also, we have no idea what his relationship to Dmytri Firtash is. It’s awfully fishy smelling over in Vienna.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) sent a public warning shot on Monday night, saying that if Republicans support Democrats' impeachment witness requests then he will force votes during the trial on calling witnesses conservatives want to hear from.

"My colleagues can’t have it both ways. Calling for some, while blocking others," Paul tweeted referencing a Politico report on a similar private warning his gave GOP colleagues against supporting Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer's request that former national security adviser John Bolton testify.

"If we are going to give a platform to witnesses the Dems demand, I look forward to forcing votes to call Hunter Biden and many more!" Paul continued.


Rand Paul pledges to force Hunter Biden vote if GOP backs Dem impeachment witnesses

I’ll be glad when this shit show is over with. It was all nonsense to start with and it still is.

Best scenario is the Senate calls for a vote for dismissal and it passes. The dems in the House then look like the petulant toddlers they are. It really is hard to believe grown adults acted the way they did due to their clear case of TDS.

Trump will have an asterisk after his name noting a do-nothing House led by the worst speaker in modern times led a full witch hunt because she is simply butthurt in the blood sport known as American politics.

The ones injured by this will be the dems. They already are. No one can trust them again. They have again proven they are not capable of being adult or governing responsibly. They must go.
Well that's fucking stupid. What does Hunter Biden have to do with tRump's abuse of power and obstruction of Congress?
Well dumbass, jojo extorting Ukraine to protect his son when Burisma is being investigated AND the very real FACT that Hunter would lose his $3 million a year job. Would seem to be his incentive...would your father help you any way he could so YOU wouldn't lose all that money...let's see how honest you can get...ROTFLMFAO!

You know none of that is true, right? Just the BS you’ve been fed.

Hunter Biden isn’t on trial. Trump is. His testimony is irrelevant.

Biden's actions are what precipitated the impeachment. He is about as relevant as anyone. He needs to come forth and explain why his job at Burisma was not the corruption that it appeared to be.

He’s a private citizen and you’re trying to violate his rights. He doesn’t owe you anything.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) sent a public warning shot on Monday night, saying that if Republicans support Democrats' impeachment witness requests then he will force votes during the trial on calling witnesses conservatives want to hear from.

"My colleagues can’t have it both ways. Calling for some, while blocking others," Paul tweeted referencing a Politico report on a similar private warning his gave GOP colleagues against supporting Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer's request that former national security adviser John Bolton testify.

"If we are going to give a platform to witnesses the Dems demand, I look forward to forcing votes to call Hunter Biden and many more!" Paul continued.


Rand Paul pledges to force Hunter Biden vote if GOP backs Dem impeachment witnesses

I’ll be glad when this shit show is over with. It was all nonsense to start with and it still is.

Best scenario is the Senate calls for a vote for dismissal and it passes. The dems in the House then look like the petulant toddlers they are. It really is hard to believe grown adults acted the way they did due to their clear case of TDS.

Trump will have an asterisk after his name noting a do-nothing House led by the worst speaker in modern times led a full witch hunt because she is simply butthurt in the blood sport known as American politics.

The ones injured by this will be the dems. They already are. No one can trust them again. They have again proven they are not capable of being adult or governing responsibly. They must go.
Well that's fucking stupid. What does Hunter Biden have to do with tRump's abuse of power and obstruction of Congress?
Well dumbass, jojo extorting Ukraine to protect his son when Burisma is being investigated AND the very real FACT that Hunter would lose his $3 million a year job. Would seem to be his incentive...would your father help you any way he could so YOU wouldn't lose all that money...let's see how honest you can get...ROTFLMFAO!

You know none of that is true, right? Just the BS you’ve been fed.

Hunter Biden isn’t on trial. Trump is. His testimony is irrelevant.

Biden's actions are what precipitated the impeachment. He is about as relevant as anyone. He needs to come forth and explain why his job at Burisma was not the corruption that it appeared to be.

He’s a private citizen and you’re trying to violate his rights. He doesn’t owe you anything.

How about we put the IRS on him to verify his taxes were all paid? That would be in the great Obama tradition.
Well that's fucking stupid. What does Hunter Biden have to do with tRump's abuse of power and obstruction of Congress?
Well dumbass, jojo extorting Ukraine to protect his son when Burisma is being investigated AND the very real FACT that Hunter would lose his $3 million a year job. Would seem to be his incentive...would your father help you any way he could so YOU wouldn't lose all that money...let's see how honest you can get...ROTFLMFAO!

You know none of that is true, right? Just the BS you’ve been fed.

Hunter Biden isn’t on trial. Trump is. His testimony is irrelevant.

Biden's actions are what precipitated the impeachment. He is about as relevant as anyone. He needs to come forth and explain why his job at Burisma was not the corruption that it appeared to be.

He’s a private citizen and you’re trying to violate his rights. He doesn’t owe you anything.

How about we put the IRS on him to verify his taxes were all paid? That would be in the great Obama tradition.

I sincerely hope Trump does order the IRS to do so. It’ll make impeaching him easier.

But remarkably, according to Barr’s theory on the unitary executive, the president has the authority to order the IRS to investigate anyone they want. What do you think about that?
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) sent a public warning shot on Monday night, saying that if Republicans support Democrats' impeachment witness requests then he will force votes during the trial on calling witnesses conservatives want to hear from.

"My colleagues can’t have it both ways. Calling for some, while blocking others," Paul tweeted referencing a Politico report on a similar private warning his gave GOP colleagues against supporting Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer's request that former national security adviser John Bolton testify.

"If we are going to give a platform to witnesses the Dems demand, I look forward to forcing votes to call Hunter Biden and many more!" Paul continued.


Rand Paul pledges to force Hunter Biden vote if GOP backs Dem impeachment witnesses

I’ll be glad when this shit show is over with. It was all nonsense to start with and it still is.

Best scenario is the Senate calls for a vote for dismissal and it passes. The dems in the House then look like the petulant toddlers they are. It really is hard to believe grown adults acted the way they did due to their clear case of TDS.

Trump will have an asterisk after his name noting a do-nothing House led by the worst speaker in modern times led a full witch hunt because she is simply butthurt in the blood sport known as American politics.

The ones injured by this will be the dems. They already are. No one can trust them again. They have again proven they are not capable of being adult or governing responsibly. They must go.
Well that's fucking stupid. What does Hunter Biden have to do with tRump's abuse of power and obstruction of Congress?
Well dumbass, jojo extorting Ukraine to protect his son when Burisma is being investigated AND the very real FACT that Hunter would lose his $3 million a year job. Would seem to be his incentive...would your father help you any way he could so YOU wouldn't lose all that money...let's see how honest you can get...ROTFLMFAO!

You know none of that is true, right? Just the BS you’ve been fed.

Hunter Biden isn’t on trial. Trump is. His testimony is irrelevant.

Biden's actions are what precipitated the impeachment. He is about as relevant as anyone. He needs to come forth and explain why his job at Burisma was not the corruption that it appeared to be.
No. tRump's actions are what participated the impeachment. The accusations against the Bidens are a made up conspiracy theory with no basis in fact. This is well known.
Even if it were all true it does not excuse Trump's actions one iota. He still used the power of his office for personal gain, extorted a foreign leader and orchestrated a cover-up that continues to this day.
yet none of that is proven, just speculation by the left who LOVES to blindly accuse.
Page (even if they set that one up themselves)
and now Trump for whatever excuse they could pull out of their ass.

not notching a single victory - ie NEVER being correct in their accusations - limits their own credibility. i don't give two dog shits about trumps at this point; it's a different story or another matter.

are the bidens guilty?

seems funny your sense of justice ends when you like someone.
Not a Biden supporter. Had an investigation been launched through official channels by reputable people for legitimate reasons I would not have any problem with that.

Who would that be? Deep State operatives? Never Trumpers?
Hopefully, not ass kisser friends investigating..... right?
like lynch on clinton? that type of ass kisser friends investigating you?

BUT THAT WAS DIFFERENT!!!! it always is with idiots.
The investigation of the server, was a systematic and automatic trigger under the law, calling for it, because an IG found that classified emails were released or could have been released for an FOIA request. The trigger for FBI to investigate and gather and secure any classified information in her emails... it was not ordered by Lynch, it was in the IG regulations that he notify the FBI, and for them to retrieve and secure any top secret or secret designated emails.

It was not an investigation in to corruption, that Lynch picked friends of Hillary in the FBI to do.

It evolved in to more, but the non partisan group charged with investigating the IG request, continued with it.
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Well that's fucking stupid. What does Hunter Biden have to do with tRump's abuse of power and obstruction of Congress?
Well dumbass, jojo extorting Ukraine to protect his son when Burisma is being investigated AND the very real FACT that Hunter would lose his $3 million a year job. Would seem to be his incentive...would your father help you any way he could so YOU wouldn't lose all that money...let's see how honest you can get...ROTFLMFAO!

You know none of that is true, right? Just the BS you’ve been fed.

Hunter Biden isn’t on trial. Trump is. His testimony is irrelevant.

Biden's actions are what precipitated the impeachment. He is about as relevant as anyone. He needs to come forth and explain why his job at Burisma was not the corruption that it appeared to be.

He’s a private citizen and you’re trying to violate his rights. He doesn’t owe you anything.

How about we put the IRS on him to verify his taxes were all paid? That would be in the great Obama tradition.
Makes no difference to me.

Now, are you done trying to deflect? Let's see some witnesses who are actually relevant. Like Mulvany or Bolton.
Well dumbass, jojo extorting Ukraine to protect his son when Burisma is being investigated AND the very real FACT that Hunter would lose his $3 million a year job. Would seem to be his incentive...would your father help you any way he could so YOU wouldn't lose all that money...let's see how honest you can get...ROTFLMFAO!

You know none of that is true, right? Just the BS you’ve been fed.

Hunter Biden isn’t on trial. Trump is. His testimony is irrelevant.

Biden's actions are what precipitated the impeachment. He is about as relevant as anyone. He needs to come forth and explain why his job at Burisma was not the corruption that it appeared to be.

He’s a private citizen and you’re trying to violate his rights. He doesn’t owe you anything.

How about we put the IRS on him to verify his taxes were all paid? That would be in the great Obama tradition.

I sincerely hope Trump does order the IRS to do so. It’ll make impeaching him easier.

But remarkably, according to Barr’s theory on the unitary executive, the president has the authority to order the IRS to investigate anyone they want. What do you think about that?
I'm not a fan.
Wow,the lefties are really scared about Hunter Biden having to testify.

That should tell everyone something.
to this day.[/QUOTE]
yet none of that is proven, just speculation by the left who LOVES to blindly accuse.
Page (even if they set that one up themselves)
and now Trump for whatever excuse they could pull out of their ass.

not notching a single victory - ie NEVER being correct in their accusations - limits their own credibility. i don't give two dog shits about trumps at this point; it's a different story or another matter.

are the bidens guilty?

seems funny your sense of justice ends when you like someone.[/QUOTE]
Not a Biden supporter. Had an investigation been launched through official channels by reputable people for legitimate reasons I would not have any problem with that.[/QUOTE]

Who would that be? Deep State operatives? Never Trumpers?[/QUOTE]
Hopefully, not ass kisser friends investigating..... right?[/QUOTE]
like lynch on clinton? that type of ass kisser friends investigating you?

BUT THAT WAS DIFFERENT!!!! it always is with idiots.[/QUOTE]
The investigation of the server, was a systematic and automatic trigger under the law, calling for it, because an IG found that classified emails were released or could have been released for an FOIA request. The trigger for FBI to investigate and gather and secure any classified information in her emails... it was not ordered by Lynch, it was in the IG regulations that he notify the FBI, and for them to retrieve and secure any top secret or secret designated emails.

It was not an investigation in to corruption, that Lynch picked friends of Hillary in the FBI to do.
Well dumbass, jojo extorting Ukraine to protect his son when Burisma is being investigated AND the very real FACT that Hunter would lose his $3 million a year job. Would seem to be his incentive...would your father help you any way he could so YOU wouldn't lose all that money...let's see how honest you can get...ROTFLMFAO!

You know none of that is true, right? Just the BS you’ve been fed.

Hunter Biden isn’t on trial. Trump is. His testimony is irrelevant.

Biden's actions are what precipitated the impeachment. He is about as relevant as anyone. He needs to come forth and explain why his job at Burisma was not the corruption that it appeared to be.

He’s a private citizen and you’re trying to violate his rights. He doesn’t owe you anything.

How about we put the IRS on him to verify his taxes were all paid? That would be in the great Obama tradition.
Makes no difference to me.

Now, are you done trying to deflect? Let's see some witnesses who are actually relevant. Like Mulvany or Bolton.
I think that Bolton will be the only one to answer questions now.....maybe Duffy too?

After hearing the parnus interviews, Pompeo, mulveyny, pence and Barr are implicated in crimes... using their govt office for a campaign purpose, is illegal... true or not, unless they decide to come clean, they will likely Plea the 5th.

to this day.
yet none of that is proven, just speculation by the left who LOVES to blindly accuse.
Page (even if they set that one up themselves)
and now Trump for whatever excuse they could pull out of their ass.

not notching a single victory - ie NEVER being correct in their accusations - limits their own credibility. i don't give two dog shits about trumps at this point; it's a different story or another matter.

are the bidens guilty?

seems funny your sense of justice ends when you like someone.[/QUOTE]
Not a Biden supporter. Had an investigation been launched through official channels by reputable people for legitimate reasons I would not have any problem with that.[/QUOTE]

Who would that be? Deep State operatives? Never Trumpers?[/QUOTE]
Hopefully, not ass kisser friends investigating..... right?[/QUOTE]
like lynch on clinton? that type of ass kisser friends investigating you?

BUT THAT WAS DIFFERENT!!!! it always is with idiots.[/QUOTE]
The investigation of the server, was a systematic and automatic trigger under the law, calling for it, because an IG found that classified emails were released or could have been released for an FOIA request. The trigger for FBI to investigate and gather and secure any classified information in her emails... it was not ordered by Lynch, it was in the IG regulations that he notify the FBI, and for them to retrieve and secure any top secret or secret designated emails.

It was not an investigation in to corruption, that Lynch picked friends of Hillary in the FBI to do.
You know none of that is true, right? Just the BS you’ve been fed.

Hunter Biden isn’t on trial. Trump is. His testimony is irrelevant.

Biden's actions are what precipitated the impeachment. He is about as relevant as anyone. He needs to come forth and explain why his job at Burisma was not the corruption that it appeared to be.

He’s a private citizen and you’re trying to violate his rights. He doesn’t owe you anything.

How about we put the IRS on him to verify his taxes were all paid? That would be in the great Obama tradition.
Makes no difference to me.

Now, are you done trying to deflect? Let's see some witnesses who are actually relevant. Like Mulvany or Bolton.
I think that Bolton will be the only one to answer questions now.....maybe Duffy too?

After hearing the parnus interviews, Pompeo, mulveyny, pence and Barr are implicated in crimes... using their govt office for a campaign purpose, is illegal... true or not, unless they decide to come clean, will likely Plea the 5th.

At which point all.the tRumpkins will conveniently forget that tRump says "only guilty people plead the fifth".
yet none of that is proven, just speculation by the left who LOVES to blindly accuse.
Page (even if they set that one up themselves)
and now Trump for whatever excuse they could pull out of their ass.

not notching a single victory - ie NEVER being correct in their accusations - limits their own credibility. i don't give two dog shits about trumps at this point; it's a different story or another matter.

are the bidens guilty?

seems funny your sense of justice ends when you like someone.
Not a Biden supporter. Had an investigation been launched through official channels by reputable people for legitimate reasons I would not have any problem with that.

Who would that be? Deep State operatives? Never Trumpers?
People with sufficient integrity to avoid the appearance of it being a political hit job. Going through proper channels insulates the president from being impeached, someone should have told Trump this fact.
the left would have found something else to impeach him for. they're not after him for any particular "crime" - they've proven time and again with RUSSIA and KAVANAUGH they're more than willing to make shit up and hope they can sell it.

looks like you invested heavily.
No one is making up shit, it's just abundantly clear you and the rest of the republicans would ignore any level of corruption from this president. Our founders never foresaw the rise of a political party that would never vote impeach the president no matter what.
it's abundantly clear you speak in stereotypes and assume anyone disagreeing with you fully supports your mythical stereotypes.

PROVE IT WAS FOR POLITICAL GAIN. don't give me "common sense" crap - that's different for us all. if trump actually was proven to have broken laws i'd be ready for him to pay whatever price it was.

but when coming from a political party that has been making shit up since the day he took office, this is just another "wolf cry".

and our founding fathers never anticipated impeachment would be used to frivolously cause they lost an election that would make that party cry out ELECTORAL COLLEGE NEEDS TO GO!! and wanting to change all their work and efforts cause you lost an election.

keep your bullshit - i ain't buying.
Wow,the lefties are really scared about Hunter Biden having to testify.

That should tell everyone something.

Y’all keep accusing Biden or breaking this law and that law.

How come the DoJ doesn’t seem to have the same opinion as y’all?
yet none of that is proven, just speculation by the left who LOVES to blindly accuse.
Page (even if they set that one up themselves)
and now Trump for whatever excuse they could pull out of their ass.

not notching a single victory - ie NEVER being correct in their accusations - limits their own credibility. i don't give two dog shits about trumps at this point; it's a different story or another matter.

are the bidens guilty?

seems funny your sense of justice ends when you like someone.
Not a Biden supporter. Had an investigation been launched through official channels by reputable people for legitimate reasons I would not have any problem with that.

Who would that be? Deep State operatives? Never Trumpers?
Hopefully, not ass kisser friends investigating..... right?
like lynch on clinton? that type of ass kisser friends investigating you?

BUT THAT WAS DIFFERENT!!!! it always is with idiots.
The investigation of the server, was a systematic and automatic trigger under the law, calling for it, because an IG found that classified emails were released or could have been released for an FOIA request. The trigger for FBI to investigate and gather and secure any classified information in her emails... it was not ordered by Lynch, it was in the IG regulations that he notify the FBI, and for them to retrieve and secure any top secret or secret designated emails.

It was not an investigation in to corruption, that Lynch picked friends of Hillary in the FBI to do.

It evolved in to more, but the non partisan group charged with investigating the IG request, continued with it.
ya know - i don't even bother reading your bullshit anymore. i see you reply and i know you're simply full of shit.



Wow,the lefties are really scared about Hunter Biden having to testify.

That should tell everyone something.

Y’all keep accusing Biden or breaking this law and that law.

How come the DoJ doesn’t seem to have the same opinion as y’all?

So you welcome his testimony. That’s fine. Hunter Biden is at the center of all of this. It will be great to hear his testimony.
Wow,the lefties are really scared about Hunter Biden having to testify.

That should tell everyone something.

Y’all keep accusing Biden or breaking this law and that law.

How come the DoJ doesn’t seem to have the same opinion as y’all?

So you welcome his testimony. That’s fine. Hunter Biden is at the center of all of this. It will be great to hear his testimony.

I don’t favor violating anyone’s rights. There’s no evidence that Hunter has done anything wrong. Forcing him to testify to baseless accusations is unconstitutional.
Wow,the lefties are really scared about Hunter Biden having to testify.

That should tell everyone something.

Y’all keep accusing Biden or breaking this law and that law.

How come the DoJ doesn’t seem to have the same opinion as y’all?

So you welcome his testimony. That’s fine. Hunter Biden is at the center of all of this. It will be great to hear his testimony.

I don’t favor violating anyone’s rights. There’s no evidence that Hunter has done anything wrong. Forcing him to testify to baseless accusations is unconstitutional.
there's no evidence that trump did either, unless you allow speculation on motives.

if you allow it to trump, then guess what, it's allowed on ANYONE.
Wow,the lefties are really scared about Hunter Biden having to testify.

That should tell everyone something.

Y’all keep accusing Biden or breaking this law and that law.

How come the DoJ doesn’t seem to have the same opinion as y’all?

So you welcome his testimony. That’s fine. Hunter Biden is at the center of all of this. It will be great to hear his testimony.

I don’t favor violating anyone’s rights. There’s no evidence that Hunter has done anything wrong. Forcing him to testify to baseless accusations is unconstitutional.
there's no evidence that trump did either, unless you allow speculation on motives.

if you allow it to trump, then guess what, it's allowed on ANYONE.

Determining motives isn’t easy but it is done in trials all the time. There’s nothing novel about it.

He had his personal lawyer working on it. That’s evidence it was a personal request.

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