Mainstream Americans think the Democratic Party has gone too far left.

Is griping at random people on the internet furthering your goals? No It just fills up time in your anonymous ordinary life. Nothing here to get upset about. We're all nobodies in the grand scheme of things. No one responsible for any of your disappointments is wasting their time on an anonymous message board like this.
Random people here. Random people there. I will do what I must. You do you.
Bill Maher is a comedian who makes money mocking politicians. With a Democrat in the White House, he's now mocking Democrats.

Notice how Saturday Night Live, which drove Donald Trump batshit crazy by mocking him, is now mocking Joe Biden.

That's comedians do.
Except for the fact that Biden and the Democrats have gone too far left and are on pace to get creamed in the mid terms.
People are dissatified and that causes reactions such as Jan. 6th. They're looking for government to find solutions that will make their troubles go away.
You're not ready to get into the discussion any more detailed than that until you realize that a new approach is needed that will solve the problems.

In the meantime big business will bring in aliens that are willing to work for very low wages and fill the requirements of businesses.

I'll only suggest a redistribution of the wealth as a solution.
You can suggest redistribution all you want. I just showed you the flaws and how and why it is not sustainable.
This insanity of the right. Don't pay people a living wage! Keep them in poverty and working for nothing. That's the road you're already on and it's leading you to banana republic territory. You have a real world poverty rate of 18%, one of the highest in the first world, and you want to increase that rate.

You're the only first world country in the world where the middle class is shrinking, and more people are falling into poverty than are rising into wealth.

Stop parroting the lies that got you to the point, and start dealing with wage and wealth inequity.
What did I lie about? Show us how and why outright redistribution of the wealth from those that earn will sustain to a level that is acceptable from an income inequality level.
We are still suffering 2000+ deaths a day that republicans are absolutely forbidden to acknowledge. Trump lost due to his handling of the pandemic. Why are republicans trying to double down on his strategy of acting like it doesn't exist?
If you believe Trump lost due to his handling of the pandemic, how and why should we continue to solely entrust Democrats based on their performance in managing the pandemic? The only thing I see from Democrats is the vaccine and mask mantras which they blame all on Republicans for not complying when the reality is that it is not just Republicans refusing vaccines and mask mandates.
Jan 6th was a riot based on the presumption of unfair elections there we arrest 7x more? Come on man.
That's the correct talking point to cover Jan. 6th. But we all know it's a lie and so we need to find the real reason why the people would be so willing to rise up and cause at least a phony revolution. The leadership of the revolution vanished and none of the lieutenants understood their cause enough to lead the revolution. They sat around dressed in rabbit furs, cow horns, and with their feet up on desks. That was their victory and now they'll pay the price.

Will Trump revive the revolutionary spirit? Maybe but highly unlikely. None of his followers want to get 'honestly' serious about doing it.

On the other hand, maybe they will eventually? Is their 'real' grievances egregious enough to propel them to try again, but for real the next time.
Yet you democrats have burned down American cities, tried to barricade federal agents in a federal court house and burn them Alive and your VP set up a bail out fund.. so save us your punishment crap.. lol you’re a fraud Americans see it,, we are kicking your lane ass party to the curb in November.. ID to vote

None of that happened. It was the right wingers who were responsible for the violence, the looting and the arson. But keep on buying the Republican bullshit on that score.
That's the correct talking point to cover Jan. 6th. But we all know it's a lie and so we need to find the real reason why the people would be so willing to rise up and cause at least a phony revolution. The leadership of the revolution vanished and none of the lieutenants understood their cause enough to lead the revolution. They sat around dressed in rabbit furs, cow horns, and with their feet up on desks. That was their victory and now they'll pay the price.

Will Trump revive the revolutionary spirit? Maybe but highly unlikely. None of his followers want to get 'honestly' serious about doing it.

On the other hand, maybe they will eventually? Is their 'real' grievances egregious enough to propel them to try again, but for real the next time.
Make no mistake. These are Kool Aid drinkers.

Long as they don't face jail time they'll do whatever it takes...maybe even then
If you believe Trump lost due to his handling of the pandemic, how and why should we continue to solely entrust Democrats based on their performance in managing the pandemic? The only thing I see from Democrats is the vaccine and mask mantras which they blame all on Republicans for not complying when the reality is that it is not just Republicans refusing vaccines and mask mandates.
All those covid deaths republicans don't seem to care about are going to be a millstone around republican necks for a long time. Get used to it.
People rise up in protest because mail in ballots are iffy at the very least the optics are bad. I am in a household lets say with a wife and two kids, 18 and 19 (arguments sake). My wife and kids never vote and don't feel like walking to vote. I get four ballots. I tell them, just vote the way I did and sign it. They shrug and say OK. Now my vote counts as four. Pretty iffy in my book. I believe if you want to vote you need to walk your ass down to the voting location. Or apply for an absentee ballot with a valid reason why you cannot.
You seem to be against mail in ballots because of what you and your family do with them. And assuming others do the same. Some probably do.

An equitable solution to the problem would be to stop 'most' mail-in ballots, except where there is a real need.

That would then need to be replaced with voting at the polls and the opportunity increased so that nobody would need to stand in a line any longer than say 10 or 15 minutes.

Agree? If not then we have nothing more to talk about.
That's the correct talking point to cover Jan. 6th. But we all know it's a lie and so we need to find the real reason why the people would be so willing to rise up and cause at least a phony revolution. The leadership of the revolution vanished and none of the lieutenants understood their cause enough to lead the revolution. They sat around dressed in rabbit furs, cow horns, and with their feet up on desks. That was their victory and now they'll pay the price.

Will Trump revive the revolutionary spirit? Maybe but highly unlikely. None of his followers want to get 'honestly' serious about doing it.

On the other hand, maybe they will eventually? Is their 'real' grievances egregious enough to propel them to try again, but for real the next time.
I gave you a direct example as to why.
Yes of course health care must be funded by the taxpayers.

Only by marxists and their useful idiots who consider government to be their mommy.
Adults take care of their own healthcare needs, either via direct payments or by voluntarily purchasing insurance.
You seem to be against mail in ballots because of what you and your family do with them. And assuming others do the same. Some probably do.

An equitable solution to the problem would be to stop 'most' mail-in ballots, except where there is a real need.

That would then need to be replaced with voting at the polls and the opportunity increased so that nobody would need to stand in a line any longer than say 10 or 15 minutes.

Agree? If not then we have nothing more to talk about.
I knew that would be your response, hence I said for arguments sake. My kids are too young to vote. But it can happen and quite easily as illustrated in my example and yes that is my solution. The optics are bad so people question the election results. Fix the optics and you fix 99% of the questions. I have never had to wait longer than 90 seconds and I live in Boston. Open more locations and extend the voting window and for those who want to do it by mail, they need to provide a valid reason as to why.
All those covid deaths republicans don't seem to care about are going to be a millstone around republican necks for a long time. Get used to it.
COVID deaths are Republican deaths? You really need to stop eating your retard sandwiches. What about MY KIDS who have to wear masks for two years. How about their health? You leftists are awful human beings.
You seem to be against mail in ballots because of what you and your family do with them. And assuming others do the same. Some probably do.

An equitable solution to the problem would be to stop 'most' mail-in ballots, except where there is a real need.

That would then need to be replaced with voting at the polls and the opportunity increased so that nobody would need to stand in a line any longer than say 10 or 15 minutes.

Agree? If not then we have nothing more to talk about.
When it’s needed? Lol that’s scary bro
Only by marxists and their useful idiots who consider government to be their mommy.
Adults take care of their own healthcare needs, either via direct payments or by voluntarily purchasing insurance.
What would you say Trump's solution was? What's 'your' solution to fix the system that both sides openly admit is broken?

When you're ready to continue the discussion, just let me know. You need to come up with some answers or suggestions and nothing else will do with me.
All those covid deaths republicans don't seem to care about are going to be a millstone around republican necks for a long time. Get used to it.
So your strategy is specious blame? It was your guy and gal that ran on their platform saying they were going to end the pandemic. Swing voters don’t tolerate passing the buck.

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