Mainstream Americans think the Democratic Party has gone too far left.

Well seeing how democrats are lynching republicans at the moment,, they probably don’t want a illegitimate investigation into the private life lol I think the capital police are now surveilling Republicans in the capital.. it’s insane.
No link from you on lynchings or surveillance. One might conclude youre just making up a narrative for yourself.
Bill Maher is a idiot.

- Mask and vaccine mandates are not left wing. They are common sense.
- Only a few Democrats are pushing defund the police
- Clean air, clean water and protecting wildlife habitats are not overregulation.
- There are no secret night flights
- Inflation is hardly disastrous and my food bill is not up 7%
- Trump's surrender in Afghanistan as stated by Trump's security advisor and defense secretary
- No one has told Putin he can take Ukraine except Tucker Carlson
- The Republican Party has spouted nothing but misinformation on covid

Maher is the one who has changed. He is spouting misinformation. He is not a doctor and what he says has no basis in fact. The world does not recognize natural immunity on the coronavirus. We should fire people who refu8se to protect themselves and others.
I'll bet this post looks better scribbled in red crayon on the walls of your asylum cell in big bold letters.
No link from you on lynchings or surveillance. One might conclude youre just making up a narrative for yourself.
There are men and woman rotting in jail for tress passing,, your subpoenaing trumps close friends for a failed coup of his Reinstatement as President of the United States
Is griping at random people on the internet furthering your goals? No It just fills up time in your anonymous ordinary life. Nothing here to get upset about. We're all nobodies in the grand scheme of things. No one responsible for any of your disappointments is wasting their time on an anonymous message board like this.
I don’t mind debating informed points of view. It happens here occasionally but most right wingers are nuts posting gateway pundit and think there is some George Soros funded secret plan to bring bamboo ballots in from China.
The awakening is in progress. They're coming to realize that Trump didn't deliver what they were asking for on Jan. 6th., and he never will deliver. I think it's not too soon to say that America had a close shave with fascism.

Now to somehow make some changes that can bring a solution to the inequality.
700+ arrested for Jan 6th. 120 arrested for ALL the summer riots and autonomous zones. Federal Gov't LOL.
Doesn't even remotely seem equitable or within reason, does it? Setting multiple cities on fire, violent
looting and assaults vs. a day of provocateurs (like John Earle Sullivan and Ray Epps and all the unknown others) scrapping with Nancy Pelosi's mall cops (like Michael Byrd).

It just shows in graphic numbers how the government has an agenda they will pursue no matter how
many people get hurt.
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The fight against the pandemic fight has not been good for republicans so far. What is victory on this issue supposed to look like?
Republicans pushed to open up the economy shut down by the pandemic and pushed the vaccine faster to market.

Ideal victory would be elimination of COVID but a more realistic expectation is to get COVID to
Yes, low unemployment and not just manipulated numbers that lie about the rate of unemployment. It's estimated to be well over 17% in America.
Market driven wages is the ideal, but we're to a point at which there are far too few jobs. A new scheme such as a guaranteed income may work. Otherwise more Jan.6ths. and worse are the future.

Moderate income gaps are normal. I'm talking about huge income inequality. Unfortunately, something like the welfare state may be needed. There aren't enough jobs. And the hamburrger flipping jobs go unfilled because nobody wants them and Americans haven't adjusted downward to accepting a near poverty lifestyle.
You can't drive a car flipping hamburgers, you'll have to drive a donkey. Immigrants are sorely needed in America, as a temporary measure at least.
We are already at a guaranteed income in terms of welfare and entitlements. What you are proposing is taking it to the next level where people who don’t work are at least near the income levels of people who work, save, invest, and risk to have higher incomes - all in the interest of “closing the gap”.

To get to that level you are proposing, you are going to have to take and redistribute from those that earn an income. How sustainable is that? Namely, what is going to happen to the incentive levels among those who earn and pay taxes? Is that incentive going to rise or decrease??
Republicans pushed to open up the economy shut down by the pandemic and pushed the vaccine faster to market.

Ideal victory would be elimination of COVID but a more realistic expectation is to get COVID to

We are already at a guaranteed income in terms of welfare and entitlements. What you are proposing is taking it to the next level where people who don’t work are at least near the income levels of people who work, save, invest, and risk to have higher incomes - all in the interest of “closing the gap”.

To get to that level you are proposing, you are going to have to take and redistribute from those that earn an income. How sustainable is that? Namely, what is going to happen to the incentive levels among those who earn and pay taxes? Is that incentive going to rise or decrease??
People are dissatified and that causes reactions such as Jan. 6th. They're looking for government to find solutions that will make their troubles go away.
You're not ready to get into the discussion any more detailed than that until you realize that a new approach is needed that will solve the problems.

In the meantime big business will bring in aliens that are willing to work for very low wages and fill the requirements of businesses.

I'll only suggest a redistribution of the wealth as a solution.

He isn't the only one. If you watch his show on HBO, he is definitely a Liberal and supports Liberal values. And he sees how insane the Democratic Party has become with:

-- Vaccine and Mask Mandates
-- Defund the Police / turn a blind eye to crime
-- Over Regulation
-- Secret night flights with planes filled with illegals dropped off all over the US
-- Ridiculous inflation (my grocery bill is on average 30% higher not 7%...true inflation0
-- Major mess in the exit out of Afghanistan
-- Basically telling Putin he can take the Ukraine
-- Justice Sotomayor and her misinformation on COVID

Come on man!

Truth over Facts

“It’s not me who’s changed, it’s the left. A large contingent has gone mental, and I’m willing to call them out.”

Critics (aka idiot leftists like rightwinger and colfax_m have been harsh on Maher as of late, claiming that he never made fun of the left as much as he does now. Maher countered, “Yeah, because they didn’t give me so much to work with. The oath of office I took was to comedy.”

“I travel in every state now, back on the road, and the red states are a joy and the blue states are a pain in the a**. For no reason,” Maher remarked.

“Except the world recognizes natural immunity. We don’t,” Maher argued, “because everything in this country has to go through the pharmaceutical companies. Natural immunity is the best kind of immunity. We shouldn’t fire people who have natural immunity because they don’t get the vaccine. We should hire them. Yes?”

Maher then referred to a poll that shows 41 percent of Democrats believe that unvaccinated people have more than a 50 percent risk of hospitalization when it’s actually “0.89%.” Maher added that it’s “0.01%” for vaccinated individuals.

“So in both cases, the correct answer is less than 1%. They thought it was over 50. How do people, especially of one party, get such a bad idea? Where did that come from?” he wondered.

Bill Maher is a comedian who makes money mocking politicians. With a Democrat in the White House, he's now mocking Democrats.

Notice how Saturday Night Live, which drove Donald Trump batshit crazy by mocking him, is now mocking Joe Biden.

That's comedians do.
Ideal victory would be elimination of COVID but a more realistic expectation is to get COVID to
That's the real reason for the truckers' protest. They think that daddy can chase away Covid, whille they need to realize that Covid can't be ordered to go away. Everybody is sick and tired of over two years of Covid and are protesting about it.

Protesting to some sun god maybe? They really don't know.
Republicans pushed to open up the economy shut down by the pandemic and pushed the vaccine faster to market.

Ideal victory would be elimination of COVID but a more realistic expectation is to get COVID to

We are already at a guaranteed income in terms of welfare and entitlements. What you are proposing is taking it to the next level where people who don’t work are at least near the income levels of people who work, save, invest, and risk to have higher incomes - all in the interest of “closing the gap”.

To get to that level you are proposing, you are going to have to take and redistribute from those that earn an income. How sustainable is that? Namely, what is going to happen to the incentive levels among those who earn and pay taxes? Is that incentive going to rise or decrease??
We've all seen what is advocated for (free housing, free education, free food , guaranteed income etc.) tried and fail spectacularly in many other places.
Yet the radical left in the US still agitates for it nevertheless.

The takeover of the democrat party by the left is proved by the way Brandon Biden is the host
to Bernie Sanders the other radical leftists currently who burrowed into power and are erasing our Southern border...among so many other things.

A spectacular rebuke is coming. But it can't come soon enough.
There are men and woman rotting in jail for tress passing,, your subpoenaing trumps close friends for a failed coup of his Reinstatement as President of the United States
Rightly so. One can’t promote lawlessness and democracy’s subversion with impunity.
Rightly so. One can’t promote lawlessness and democracy’s subversion with impunity.
Yet you democrats have burned down American cities, tried to barricade federal agents in a federal court house and burn them Alive and your VP set up a bail out fund.. so save us your punishment crap.. lol you’re a fraud Americans see it,, we are kicking your lane ass party to the curb in November.. ID to vote
Biden and the left are striving to reduce income inequality and that's definitely moving more to the left!
Trying to reduce prices on pharmaceuticals? Extreme left.

Trying to provide Medicare for more people and eventually for all!! Pure commie pinko!!
/——/ “Trying to reduce prices on pharmaceuticals? Extreme left.”

Hey, President Trump wasn’t a leftist. Trump Administration takes historic steps to lower U.S. prescription drug prices
The rest of your post is pure hogwash too.
Republicans pushed to open up the economy shut down by the pandemic and pushed the vaccine faster to market.

Ideal victory would be elimination of COVID but a more realistic expectation is to get COVID to

We are already at a guaranteed income in terms of welfare and entitlements. What you are proposing is taking it to the next level where people who don’t work are at least near the income levels of people who work, save, invest, and risk to have higher incomes - all in the interest of “closing the gap”.

To get to that level you are proposing, you are going to have to take and redistribute from those that earn an income. How sustainable is that? Namely, what is going to happen to the incentive levels among those who earn and pay taxes? Is that incentive going to rise or decrease??

This insanity of the right. Don't pay people a living wage! Keep them in poverty and working for nothing. That's the road you're already on and it's leading you to banana republic territory. You have a real world poverty rate of 18%, one of the highest in the first world, and you want to increase that rate.

You're the only first world country in the world where the middle class is shrinking, and more people are falling into poverty than are rising into wealth.

Stop parroting the lies that got you to the point, and start dealing with wage and wealth inequity.
Republicans pushed to open up the economy shut down by the pandemic and pushed the vaccine faster to market.

Ideal victory would be elimination of COVID but a more realistic expectation is to get COVID to

We are already at a guaranteed income in terms of welfare and entitlements. What you are proposing is taking it to the next level where people who don’t work are at least near the income levels of people who work, save, invest, and risk to have higher incomes - all in the interest of “closing the gap”.

To get to that level you are proposing, you are going to have to take and redistribute from those that earn an income. How sustainable is that? Namely, what is going to happen to the incentive levels among those who earn and pay taxes? Is that incentive going to rise or decrease??
We are still suffering 2000+ deaths a day that republicans are absolutely forbidden to acknowledge. Trump lost due to his handling of the pandemic. Why are republicans trying to double down on his strategy of acting like it doesn't exist?
Dragonlady the largest areas of wealth disparities are in democrat run cities.. I first hand have witnessed the destruction. San Fran you got from a 3 million dollar condo to a homeless man shitting on your side walk.. sad
I can't sympathize with your complaint without knowing the alleged crimes that haven't been charged for the summer activities.
I only know that some of the Jan. 6th. charges seem warranted.
Pursue the question with me if you like? I'm pretty much unbiased on US political violence.
Everyone should have been arrested who formed an autonomous zone in Seattle but because it was in the name of social justice our Gov't turned a blind eye. Jan 6th was a riot based on the presumption of unfair elections there we arrest 7x more? Come on man.

There's no alternative and the Jan.6th. riot explains that. People are rising up in protest and in that case Trump cleverly misdirected their anger to his benefit. They sat around with their feet up because they lacked any direction from leadership.
The trucker thing in Canada is basically the same thing. They don't have a cause that they can identify with.
People rise up in protest because mail in ballots are iffy at the very least the optics are bad. I am in a household lets say with a wife and two kids, 18 and 19 (arguments sake). My wife and kids never vote and don't feel like walking to vote. I get four ballots. I tell them, just vote the way I did and sign it. They shrug and say OK. Now my vote counts as four. Pretty iffy in my book. I believe if you want to vote you need to walk your ass down to the voting location. Or apply for an absentee ballot with a valid reason why you cannot.

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