Mainstream Americans think the Democratic Party has gone too far left.

Anecdotal. My parents are immigrants and came here legally. Life long Democrats who believe the party left them too. I fight for them. Glad your life is wonderful your initial post in this thread shows otherwise.
Plenty of scapegoats to go around for the outrage junkies. I figure I was about 90% responsible for the bad things that have happened to me and move on. Not looking for people I don't even know to blame and I don't take the world personally. I am here out of a burning curiosity to understand why people are so shitty.
It is not the Democrat Party nowadays. It is the American Socialist Party. They just haven't got around to changing their name yet.
Trying to provide Medicare for more people and eventually for all!! Pure commie pinko!!
We disagree upon the role of federal government if you think it should provide individuals with healthcare via the taxation of others.
I’m conservative. Wanna reduce income inequality? Have consistently low unemployment and and market driven wages.
Yes, low unemployment and not just manipulated numbers that lie about the rate of unemployment. It's estimated to be well over 17% in America.
Market driven wages is the ideal, but we're to a point at which there are far too few jobs. A new scheme such as a guaranteed income may work. Otherwise more Jan.6ths. and worse are the future.
You will never eliminate income gaps. No economy has. Further, this notion of a “guaranteed income” does not ultimately close income gaps. Instead, it expands the welfare state which widens the income inequality gap over the long term.
Moderate income gaps are normal. I'm talking about huge income inequality. Unfortunately, something like the welfare state may be needed. There aren't enough jobs. And the hamburrger flipping jobs go unfilled because nobody wants them and Americans haven't adjusted downward to accepting a near poverty lifestyle.
You can't drive a car flipping hamburgers, you'll have to drive a donkey. Immigrants are sorely needed in America, as a temporary measure at least.
Trump won 84% of the counties in America. 11 million new voters.. because of covid deeply corrupt Democrat large cities came up with millions of questionable ballots. Until these ballots can be accounted for, Donald Trump should be reinstated as president of the United States of America
Fools errand responding to you nuts but I love knowing how lost you guys are in fantasy land.
Fools errand responding to you nuts but I love knowing how lost you guys are in fantasy land.
Read and weep
We disagree upon the role of federal government if you think it should provide individuals with healthcare via the taxation of others.
It's not paid by the feds in Canada, it's provincial.
Yes of course health care must be funded by the taxpayers. And so much more too or Jan. 6th. riots will become mild compared to what is coming in America.

And fwiw, Canada too but later. The trucker thing isn't about truckers resisting mandates on vaccines, it's about issues that they are being left flatfooted and not being able to explain. CBC did a great interview of one of the truckers last night and it was embarrassing for the trucker cause. He was one of the vaccinated, as all are that run to the US and he couldn't name his cause or name the crowd's cause.
Plenty of scapegoats to go around for the outrage junkies. I figure I was about 90% responsible for the bad things that have happened to me and move on. Not looking for people I don't even know to blame and I don't take the world personally. I am here out of a burning curiosity to understand why people are so shitty.
I am Jewish. At one point my people remained silent saying what you did and then 6mil died. I am not staying silent. I owe that much to my ancestors. You do you.
It's not paid by the feds in Canada, it's provincial.
Yes of course health care must be funded by the taxpayers. And so much more too or Jan. 6th. riots will become mild compared to what is coming in America.

And fwiw, Canada too but later. The trucker thing isn't about truckers resisting mandates on vaccines, it's about issues that they are being left flatfooted and not being able to explain. CBC did a great interview of one of the truckers last night and it was embarrassing for the trucker cause. He was one of the vaccinated, as all are that run to the US and he couldn't name his cause or name the crowd's cause.
700+ arrested for Jan 6th. 120 arrested for ALL the summer riots and autonomous zones. Federal Gov't LOL.
Fools errand responding to you nuts but I love knowing how lost you guys are in fantasy land.
I've learned to only respond to a few that seem to want to learn some answers. Many aren't here to learn anything. Some are searching for solutions but it requires reading carefully between the lines.
I've learned to only respond to a few that seem to want to learn some answers. Many aren't here to learn anything. Some are searching for solutions but it requires reading carefully between the lines.
Learn from answers is rich. Your economic philosophy is to have the government tax everyone to fund bad decisions of the few. Pass.
700+ arrested for Jan 6th. 120 arrested for ALL the summer riots and autonomous zones. Federal Gov't LOL.
I can't sympathize with your complaint without knowing the alleged crimes that haven't been charged for the summer activities.
I only know that some of the Jan. 6th. charges seem warranted.
Pursue the question with me if you like? I'm pretty much unbiased on US political violence.
Read and weep
Dipshit links gateway pundit! Bwahahahaha. Sure, let me take nut bag movies as proof when Republican election officials and Republican lawyers and Republican judges and Republican elected officials all agreed there was no fraud.
Learn from answers is rich. Your economic philosophy is to have the government tax everyone to fund bad decisions of the few. Pass.
There's no alternative and the Jan.6th. riot explains that. People are rising up in protest and in that case Trump cleverly misdirected their anger to his benefit. They sat around with their feet up because they lacked any direction from leadership.
The trucker thing in Canada is basically the same thing. They don't have a cause that they can identify with.
I've learned to only respond to a few that seem to want to learn some answers. Many aren't here to learn anything. Some are searching for solutions but it requires reading carefully between the lines.
I don’t mind debating informed points of view. It happens here occasionally but most right wingers are nuts posting gateway pundit and think there is some George Soros funded secret plan to bring bamboo ballots in from China.
Dipshit links gateway pundit! Bwahahahaha. Sure, let me take nut bag movies as proof when Republican election officials and Republican lawyers and Republican judges and Republican elected officials all agreed there was no fraud.
Well seeing how democrats are lynching republicans at the moment,, they probably don’t want a illegitimate investigation into the private life lol I think the capital police are now surveilling Republicans in the capital.. it’s insane.
I am Jewish. At one point my people remained silent saying what you did and then 6mil died. I am not staying silent. I owe that much to my ancestors. You do you.
Is griping at random people on the internet furthering your goals? No It just fills up time in your anonymous ordinary life. Nothing here to get upset about. We're all nobodies in the grand scheme of things. No one responsible for any of your disappointments is wasting their time on an anonymous message board like this.

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