Mainstream Americans think the Democratic Party has gone too far left.

Bill Maher is anything BUT middle America and knows shit about them
Bill Maher is anything BUT middle America and knows shit about them
Herr Lesh, that’s not what the thread is about. Keep your head in the sand. You’re the fringe left of the party anyway aka crazy people
Who’s banning books? Oh. The Florida governor. And the Texas Legislature. If you are going to “claim” you’re educated then surely you see that the Republican Party is lost in la la land. A bunch of nuts. If you think there is any honest vestige of “small government individual rights poor people can die I don’t care” left in the Republican Party you’re wrong. All that’s left is poor preppie can die.

If you truly have a masters degree then you know that vaccines work, even shingles vaccine at 75% efficacy. You also know the election was as fraud free as any we’ve ever had. You also know that the infrastructure bill is great for America and highly targeted at hard infrastructure. You know that democrats continue to be better stewards of the economy, employment, and the deficit.

So progressives have never tried to ban books like Huck Finn, To kill a Mockingbird, and anything else? And the taking down of Statues like Teddy R's in NY because somehow proud African and Native American men standing next to him while he is on horseback is colonialism....

Vaccines do work, but we were sold "prevents" until they went to "mitigated". And just because I got them doesn't mean I want government to force it on people. mRNA is new tech, and people can be distrustful if they want.

The election had serious issues, and the bullshit mail in schemes invented in blue States made it easy to cheat and hard to prove.

It's targeted at feel good climate and equity bullshit, and btw how does a "add a kill switch to all cars by a given date" help infrastructure?

Democrats have been taken over by the pity loving power craving progressives that care more about what a person is than who a person is.
Who’s banning books? Oh. The Florida governor. And the Texas Legislature. If you are going to “claim” you’re educated then surely you see that the Republican Party is lost in la la land. A bunch of nuts. If you think there is any honest vestige of “small government individual rights poor people can die I don’t care” left in the Republican Party you’re wrong. All that’s left is poor preppie can die.

If you truly have a masters degree then you know that vaccines work, even shingles vaccine at 75% efficacy. You also know the election was as fraud free as any we’ve ever had. You also know that the infrastructure bill is great for America and highly targeted at hard infrastructure. You know that democrats continue to be better stewards of the economy, employment, and the deficit.
Keep your head in the sand. You likely believe what happened in VA was an anomaly. LOL

Why won’t our government tell the truth and admit inflation is closer to 20% not 7%?
Keep your head in the sand. You likely believe what happened in VA was an anomaly. LOL

Why won’t our government tell the truth and admit inflation is closer to 20% not 7%?
Five red states flipped blue 13 months ago. There are two, two democratic senators in Arizona and Georgia. Yea. Virginia elected a Republican governor. You win a bunch you lose some. That was a loss.

I’m not reponding to your fake numbers it’s a fools errand. You still believe the election was stolen and you miss your man crush Trump.
The election had serious issues, and the bullshit mail in schemes invented in blue States made it easy to cheat and hard to prove.
Those "bullshit mail in schemes" have been used for decades by Dems and Republicans alike
Then why do all your plans require me to change how I live my life?

Why do they all require me to lower my standard of living for no real return?
Quit blaming random strangers on the internet for your anxiety. Quit taking the world personally.
Five red states flipped blue 13 months ago. There are two, two democratic senators in Arizona and Georgia. Yea. Virginia elected a Republican governor. You win a bunch you lose some. That was a loss.

I’m not reponding to your fake numbers it’s a fools errand. You still believe the election was stolen and you miss your man crush Trump. View attachment 594447
Governor, Lt. Governor and AG. A state Biden won by 10pts. I do miss Trump as does the country. Biden has been a disaster. And Bull Maher agrees.
Those "bullshit mail in schemes" have been used for decades by Dems and Republicans alike

Not as quickly setup and not as loosely regulated.

Most mail in voting requires requests, not just sending out ballots.

Ballot harvesting is the end result.
Quit blaming random strangers on the internet for your anxiety. Quit taking the world personally.

What random strangers? These are laws passed by progressives that lower my standard of living for bullshit reasons.

He isn't the only one. If you watch his show on HBO, he is definitely a Liberal and supports Liberal values. And he sees how insane the Democratic Party has become with:

-- Vaccine and Mask Mandates
-- Defund the Police / turn a blind eye to crime
-- Over Regulation
-- Secret night flights with planes filled with illegals dropped off all over the US
-- Ridiculous inflation (my grocery bill is on average 30% higher not 7%...true inflation0
-- Major mess in the exit out of Afghanistan
-- Basically telling Putin he can take the Ukraine
-- Justice Sotomayor and her misinformation on COVID

Come on man!

Truth over Facts

“It’s not me who’s changed, it’s the left. A large contingent has gone mental, and I’m willing to call them out.”

Critics (aka idiot leftists like rightwinger and colfax_m have been harsh on Maher as of late, claiming that he never made fun of the left as much as he does now. Maher countered, “Yeah, because they didn’t give me so much to work with. The oath of office I took was to comedy.”

“I travel in every state now, back on the road, and the red states are a joy and the blue states are a pain in the a**. For no reason,” Maher remarked.

“Except the world recognizes natural immunity. We don’t,” Maher argued, “because everything in this country has to go through the pharmaceutical companies. Natural immunity is the best kind of immunity. We shouldn’t fire people who have natural immunity because they don’t get the vaccine. We should hire them. Yes?”

Maher then referred to a poll that shows 41 percent of Democrats believe that unvaccinated people have more than a 50 percent risk of hospitalization when it’s actually “0.89%.” Maher added that it’s “0.01%” for vaccinated individuals.

“So in both cases, the correct answer is less than 1%. They thought it was over 50. How do people, especially of one party, get such a bad idea? Where did that come from?” he wondered.

Is don't always agree with bill maher, but when I do I think he's correct.

He will call it like he thinks it is and will take the left or the right to task which is how it is supposed to be in this country. The insanity of the left has reached a point where western civilization is teetering on the edge of elimination. As a centrist pro labor Democrat, myself, and for the first time in my life, I am hoping for GOP control of both houses of congress this November. Pelosi has allowed the extreme left to destroy the Democratic party and what it used to stand for and she needs to go pound sand. (And she needs to be investigated for insider trading). Same for Cortez and her squad so we can find out where these so-called women of poverty are getting hundreds of millions of dollars to promote socialists and Muslim candidates against other sitting Democrats.
What random strangers? These are laws passed by progressives that lower my standard of living for bullshit reasons.
So it's OK to personally blame you for everything I don't like as if you were the king of the republican party? That would be stupid because you are nobody.
Meanwhile the right thinks storming the capital is just fucking fine. The left is pretty much where it always was on any issue you care to name but the right is unrecognizable from what it was pre-Obama. You jerks saw that black man in the white house and lost your fucking minds.
Sure interject your racist bull shit in tot he argument to defend Biden. I voted for Obama twice and campained for him. Even Obama said Biden is a total fuck up. meanwhile Bidens foreign policy is worse than Neville Chamberlains and we will see russia invade a free democracy to install a murdering puppet. God damn Biden and his stupid supporters. and god damn the deviant socialists for your destruction of this great country.

Democrats ARE NOT socialists. Now go start your own party and get the eff out of ours. And tell your brain dead pot smoking couch mates to go get a freaking job.
Ah yes. Love to meet this caddo whatever. Obviously this one owns you and you simply cannot get them off your mind.
I want to give them my congrats and a big welcome to the We Own Them Club!
Feed Azog a litlte now and then and don't get too concerned when he gets nippy. Just cuff him and he's squeel
Sure interject your racist bull shit in tot he argument to defend Biden. I voted for Obama twice and campained for him. Even Obama said Biden is a total fuck up. meanwhile Bidens foreign policy is worse than Neville Chamberlains and we will see russia invade a free democracy to install a murdering puppet. God damn Biden and his stupid supporters. and god damn the deviant socialists for your destruction of this great country.

Democrats ARE NOT socialists. Now go start your own party and get the eff out of ours. And tell your brain dead pot smoking couch mates to go get a freaking job.
Sure ya did noob

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