Mainstream Americans think the Democratic Party has gone too far left.

Not as quickly setup and not as loosely regulated.
The precedent was there. It's not that hard. Hell even Florida had no excuse mail in voting.

Several states already mailed out applications previously
Most mail in voting requires requests, not just sending out ballots.
See above
Ballot harvesting is the end result.
Sounds evil. It just means carrying the damn things to the polling place
Feed Azog a litlte now and then and don't get too concerned when he gets nippy. Just cuff him and he's squeel
I'm just interested in how this caddo whatever got so far into his stinky pinkies.
A fascinating study.
I'm betting this caddo guy could get him to walk naked into MSG with a tiny MAGA hat on his tiny doodle, just for fun.
The precedent was there. It's not that hard. Hell even Florida had no excuse mail in voting.

Several states already mailed out applications previously

See above

Sounds evil. It just means carrying the damn things to the polling place

How many 3rd world countries allow mail in voting?

They know fraud when they see it, and now dems want that because they know they can cheat with impunity.
That retort makes no sense, you are flailing and it is fucking hilarious.
If I have a pet peeve on this board it's you people talking to me as if I were personally responsible for your self-imposed misery. It makes you seem delusional. Pretty sure no one here has been elected to national office or has a seat at any policy discussion.
Five red states flipped blue 13 months ago. There are two, two democratic senators in Arizona and Georgia. Yea. Virginia elected a Republican governor. You win a bunch you lose some. That was a loss.

I’m not reponding to your fake numbers it’s a fools errand. You still believe the election was stolen and you miss your man crush Trump. View attachment 594447
Trump won 84% of the counties in America. 11 million new voters.. because of covid deeply corrupt Democrat large cities came up with millions of questionable ballots. Until these ballots can be accounted for, Donald Trump should be reinstated as president of the United States of America
Biden and the left are striving to reduce income inequality and that's definitely moving more to the left!
Trying to reduce prices on pharmaceuticals? Extreme left.

Trying to provide Medicare for more people and eventually for all!! Pure commie pinko!!
I’m conservative. Wanna reduce income inequality? Have consistently low unemployment and and market driven wages. You will never eliminate income gaps. No economy has. Further, this notion of a “guaranteed income” does not ultimately close income gaps. Instead, it expands the welfare state which widens the income inequality gap over the long term.
Meanwhile the right thinks storming the capital is just fucking fine. The left is pretty much where it always was on any issue you care to name but the right is unrecognizable from what it was pre-Obama. You jerks saw that black man in the white house and lost your fucking minds.
Self imposed misery? This post is case in point. Thanks for playing. This post was off topic and a giant temper tantrum and not remotely based in reality.
Self imposed misery? This post is case in point. Thanks for playing. This post was off topic and a giant temper tantrum and not remotely based in reality.
You are responsible for your own mental state. If you are in a constant state of fearfulness and rage it's time to reevaluate your life. No politician is going to make you happy. Yelling at random people on the internet is a temporary balm at best.
Is don't always agree with bill maher, but when I do I think he's correct.

He will call it like he thinks it is and will take the left or the right to task which is how it is supposed to be in this country. The insanity of the left has reached a point where western civilization is teetering on the edge of elimination. As a centrist pro labor Democrat, myself, and for the first time in my life, I am hoping for GOP control of both houses of congress this November. Pelosi has allowed the extreme left to destroy the Democratic party and what it used to stand for and she needs to go pound sand. (And she needs to be investigated for insider trading). Same for Cortez and her squad so we can find out where these so-called women of poverty are getting hundreds of millions of dollars to promote socialists and Muslim candidates against other sitting Democrats.

Regardless of if this poster is telling an accurate timeline of his/her political timeline and thoughts, this IS one of the best posts I have ever read. If nothing else, it tells the thinking of moderate Democrats wondering what the hell is going on!

While most moderate Democrats are not cheering for most Republicans, a lot of them can not bring themselves to vote either way. They see that their party has been hijacked, and do not like it at all. And moderates want to know how can the few manage to exert so much pressure on the many, making them take such indefensible positions.

What we see by all reports from BOTH political partys is--------->GOP voter rolls are growing, Independent rolls are also growing, and the biggy..............Democratic voter rolls are DROPPING! At 1st blush, your thought process tabulates this as a win for the country, or at least the GOP; but BEWARE of thinking that 100%! What this really says is-------> Because moderates are fleeing the Democrats, Far Leftists now have MORE control over the Democratic Party as they are a much larger voter block than they were. Why? Because of addition by subtraction.

What if.......WHAT IF, the GOP screws the pooch in 22 or 24 and the Democrats somehow manage to retain some semblance of power? Remember, the vote has not yet been cast, and the Left is doing everything it can to help themselves, legally and otherwise. If you think they are crazy now, imagine a Democrat Party with MORE Far Leftists in control of their party writing/forcing legislation through!

Come at least August, every CONSERVATIVE on this board should invest 20% of the time they use to post to this board to visit their local GOP party and offer to help get people to the polls, at the very least. If we lose this time, we could win the next 8 years in a row and it would take that long just to unravel what they have done. And, if you lose this time with these numbers in our favor, you will NEVER win 8 years (4 cycles) in a row.

Don't get complacent. Get active, and throw these Leftists out! And the by product of success? You will FORCE the Democratic Party to moderate, so it is a double win. If that is not enough incentive to get you off your couch, then I do not know what to say.

He isn't the only one. If you watch his show on HBO, he is definitely a Liberal and supports Liberal values. And he sees how insane the Democratic Party has become with:

-- Vaccine and Mask Mandates
-- Defund the Police / turn a blind eye to crime
-- Over Regulation
-- Secret night flights with planes filled with illegals dropped off all over the US
-- Ridiculous inflation (my grocery bill is on average 30% higher not 7%...true inflation0
-- Major mess in the exit out of Afghanistan
-- Basically telling Putin he can take the Ukraine
-- Justice Sotomayor and her misinformation on COVID

Come on man!

Truth over Facts

“It’s not me who’s changed, it’s the left. A large contingent has gone mental, and I’m willing to call them out.”

Critics (aka idiot leftists like rightwinger and colfax_m have been harsh on Maher as of late, claiming that he never made fun of the left as much as he does now. Maher countered, “Yeah, because they didn’t give me so much to work with. The oath of office I took was to comedy.”

“I travel in every state now, back on the road, and the red states are a joy and the blue states are a pain in the a**. For no reason,” Maher remarked.

“Except the world recognizes natural immunity. We don’t,” Maher argued, “because everything in this country has to go through the pharmaceutical companies. Natural immunity is the best kind of immunity. We shouldn’t fire people who have natural immunity because they don’t get the vaccine. We should hire them. Yes?”

Maher then referred to a poll that shows 41 percent of Democrats believe that unvaccinated people have more than a 50 percent risk of hospitalization when it’s actually “0.89%.” Maher added that it’s “0.01%” for vaccinated individuals.

“So in both cases, the correct answer is less than 1%. They thought it was over 50. How do people, especially of one party, get such a bad idea? Where did that come from?” he wondered.

People are idiots.

The Democrat Party consists of criminal conservative psychopaths, and primarily exists to destroy the left, not support it in any way.

Only a dupe or moron would believe the Democrats are in any way leftist.
If I have a pet peeve on this board it's you people talking to me as if I were personally responsible for your self-imposed misery. It makes you seem delusional. Pretty sure no one here has been elected to national office or has a seat at any policy discussion.

You pet peeve is not my concern. And you mistake righteous indignation for misery. People like you propose laws that lower the standard of living because of nebulous threats like AGW.

And just like with the mask crap, the people passing the laws often don't practice what they preach.
You are responsible for your own mental state. If you are in a constant state of fearfulness and rage it's time to reevaluate your life. No politician is going to make you happy. Yelling at random people on the internet is a temporary balm at best.
Take your own advice
Take your own advice
If I start getting even mildly irritated at you rage addicts I find something else to do. I have a wonderful life. Not going to spoil it by being needlessly pissed off all the time. My hard right younger brother dropped dead a couple of years ago riding the Trump train. Staying pissed off enough to please Trump is bad for your health.
If I start getting even mildly irritated at you rage addicts I find something else to do. I have a wonderful life. Not going to spoil it by being needlessly pissed off all the time. My hard right younger brother dropped dead a couple of years ago riding the Trump train. Staying pissed off enough to please Trump is bad for your health.
Anecdotal. My parents are immigrants and came here legally. Life long Democrats who believe the party left them too. I fight for them. Glad your life is wonderful your initial post in this thread shows otherwise.
For all his wrong opinions, Maher has always been consistently wrong with them. I may not like his views, but I respect his dedication to free speech.
It's Maher's job to be a "snarky sanctimonious asshole" and HBO, or whoever employs him, pays him well
Although I myself am vaccinated, for all the good that does (very little now I'm finding out) I'm glad to
see Maher is recognizing now that the government serves Big Pharmaceutical companies far more than
the common citizen.

He thinks red states are far better run and more civil and orderly than blue states (duh!) and now if he
would just drop that last left wing shibboleth of his concerning Trump and the Russians he would
seem totally rational though his cheering fans would probably drop him like a red hot stone.

The left will NOT say a word about Brandon Biden and the Chinese who have invested heavily in him
and his sick degenerate son but just mention Vlad Putin and Trump and they salivate like Pavlov's dogs.
In recent years there have been quite a few former democrats who have left their party because it got too extreme. Last time I checked, they were down to 27% of the populace, a few points below the republicans (29%), and both trailing the independents at 43%. Some people may have left the GOP too because of their dislike for Trump, but my guess is a lot fewer defections than what the democrats are experiencing.

He isn't the only one. If you watch his show on HBO, he is definitely a Liberal and supports Liberal values. And he sees how insane the Democratic Party has become with:

-- Vaccine and Mask Mandates
-- Defund the Police / turn a blind eye to crime
-- Over Regulation
-- Secret night flights with planes filled with illegals dropped off all over the US
-- Ridiculous inflation (my grocery bill is on average 30% higher not 7%...true inflation0
-- Major mess in the exit out of Afghanistan
-- Basically telling Putin he can take the Ukraine
-- Justice Sotomayor and her misinformation on COVID

Come on man!

Truth over Facts

“It’s not me who’s changed, it’s the left. A large contingent has gone mental, and I’m willing to call them out.”

Critics (aka idiot leftists like rightwinger and colfax_m have been harsh on Maher as of late, claiming that he never made fun of the left as much as he does now. Maher countered, “Yeah, because they didn’t give me so much to work with. The oath of office I took was to comedy.”

“I travel in every state now, back on the road, and the red states are a joy and the blue states are a pain in the a**. For no reason,” Maher remarked.

“Except the world recognizes natural immunity. We don’t,” Maher argued, “because everything in this country has to go through the pharmaceutical companies. Natural immunity is the best kind of immunity. We shouldn’t fire people who have natural immunity because they don’t get the vaccine. We should hire them. Yes?”

Maher then referred to a poll that shows 41 percent of Democrats believe that unvaccinated people have more than a 50 percent risk of hospitalization when it’s actually “0.89%.” Maher added that it’s “0.01%” for vaccinated individuals.

“So in both cases, the correct answer is less than 1%. They thought it was over 50. How do people, especially of one party, get such a bad idea? Where did that come from?” he wondered.

Bill Maher is a idiot.

- Mask and vaccine mandates are not left wing. They are common sense.
- Only a few Democrats are pushing defund the police
- Clean air, clean water and protecting wildlife habitats are not overregulation.
- There are no secret night flights
- Inflation is hardly disastrous and my food bill is not up 7%
- Trump's surrender in Afghanistan as stated by Trump's security advisor and defense secretary
- No one has told Putin he can take Ukraine except Tucker Carlson
- The Republican Party has spouted nothing but misinformation on covid

Maher is the one who has changed. He is spouting misinformation. He is not a doctor and what he says has no basis in fact. The world does not recognize natural immunity on the coronavirus. We should fire people who refu8se to protect themselves and others.
Bill Maher is a idiot.

- Mask and vaccine mandates are not left wing. They are common sense.
- Only a few Democrats are pushing defund the police
- Clean air, clean water and protecting wildlife habitats are not overregulation.
- There are no secret night flights
- Inflation is hardly disastrous and my food bill is not up 7%
- Trump's surrender in Afghanistan as stated by Trump's security advisor and defense secretary
- No one has told Putin he can take Ukraine except Tucker Carlson
- The Republican Party has spouted nothing but misinformation on covid

Maher is the one who has changed. He is spouting misinformation. He is not a doctor and what he says has no basis in fact. The world does not recognize natural immunity on the coronavirus. We should fire people who refu8se to protect themselves and others.
^^^Case in Point^^^ of what Bill Maher stated. Typical leftist nut job.
Bill Maher is a idiot.

- Mask and vaccine mandates are not left wing. They are common sense.
- Only a few Democrats are pushing defund the police
- Clean air, clean water and protecting wildlife habitats are not overregulation.
- There are no secret night flights
- Inflation is hardly disastrous and my food bill is not up 7%
- Trump's surrender in Afghanistan as stated by Trump's security advisor and defense secretary
- No one has told Putin he can take Ukraine except Tucker Carlson
- The Republican Party has spouted nothing but misinformation on covid

Maher is the one who has changed. He is spouting misinformation. He is not a doctor and what he says has no basis in fact. The world does not recognize natural immunity on the coronavirus. We should fire people who refu8se to protect themselves and others.
Your food bill is likely up 30%. That is true.

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