Mainstream media now OPENLY calling for violence against white conservatives!!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
CBS = Communist Broadcasting System needs to remember that that shit can work both ways....and it will once the left feels empowered to completely disregard the law when they are frustrated enough to see their lackeys in power are not working fast enough for their complete takeover!!!!! ...
Vice TV has been advocating similar actions....supporting the DC Sniper and black on white crime.
They're trying to create a race war.

It think it's time for the FBI to kick down doors of television stations and start charging them with sedition and inciting violence.
CBS = Communist Broadcasting System needs to remember that that shit can work both ways....and it will once the left feels empowered to completely disregard the law when they are frustrated enough to see their lackeys in power are not working fast enough for their complete takeover!!!!! ...

There tough guys in groups. One on one there pussy’s.

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