Major differences between Obama and Trump...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
This thread will be showing why we have seen after the election the increase in Americans' confidence for the future. This difference will be totally apparent by looking at the past specifically the difference between Obama's negative approach to the USA economy specifically to gas prices.
Obama once said:"I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly"
The claim that won’t die: Did Obama want higher gas prices?

The following chart shows a couple of points.
A) the difference between Obama's view of the USA energy independence.
B) how a President can directly affect gas prices at the pump by increasing/decreasing supply.

Trump has told us specifically that "We will become and stay totally independent of any need to import energy from the OPEC cartel," adding, "We don’t deal with them. We’ll handle them just fine.”
Trump calls for ‘complete American energy independence’

And the most direct means Trump will have is increasing federal land oil/gas exploration leases as
Bush did which resulted in the oil/gas production boom from which Obama benefited by in lower gas prices at the pump...i.e. Obama gas!

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Come back to reality...

Have gas prices increased under him past inflation? NO
Does US import less Oil since has got in? YES
Does US produced more Oil? YES


Your whole is just to start the massive sweetheart Trump is going have to pay Russia...

Wake up, the con is in.... Russia are going to collect in the form of a $500bn deal...
So this is why he tapped Rick Perry to be head of the Department of Energy --- even though Perry wanted to do away with the agency, but just couldn't remember the name of it. Oops.

Perry, with his impressive set of qualifications to lead the Department of Energy, will be the man leading the way to make America energy independent, LOL.

Thank goodness we'll be getting rid of the man currently in charge of the Department of Energy, Dr. Moniz. His qualifications pale in comparison to Perry's.

A little background on the current man in charge of the Department of Energy, Dr. Moniz:

As United States Secretary of Energy, Dr. Ernest Moniz is tasked with implementing critical Department of Energy missions in support of President Obama’s goals of growing the economy, enhancing security and protecting the environment. This encompasses advancing the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, maintaining the nuclear deterrent and reducing the nuclear danger, promoting American leadership in science and clean energy technology innovation, cleaning up the legacy of the cold war, and strengthening management and performance.

Prior to his appointment, Dr. Moniz was the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he was a faculty member since 1973. At MIT, he headed the Department of Physics and the Bates Linear Accelerator Center. Most recently, Dr. Moniz served as the founding Director of the MIT Energy Initiative and as Director of the MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment where he was a leader of multidisciplinary technology and policy studies on the future of nuclear power, coal, nuclear fuel cycles, natural gas and solar energy in a low-carbon world.

From 1997 until January 2001, Dr. Moniz served as Under Secretary of the Department of Energy. He was responsible for overseeing the Department’s science and energy programs, leading a comprehensive review of nuclear weapons stockpile stewardship, and serving as the Secretary’s special negotiator for the disposition of Russian nuclear materials. From 1995 to 1997, he served as Associate Director for Science in the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President.

In addition to his work at MIT, the White House and the Department of Energy, Dr. Moniz has served on a number of boards of directors and commissions involving science, energy and security. These include President Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, the Department of Defense Threat Reduction Advisory Committee, and the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future.

A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. Moniz is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Humboldt Foundation, and the American Physical Society.

Dr. Moniz received a Bachelor of Science degree summa cum laude in Physics from Boston College, a Doctorate in Theoretical Physics from Stanford University, and honorary degrees from the University of Athens, Boston College, Boston University, the University of Erlangen-Nurenberg, Iowa State University, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Michigan State University and Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. He has been awarded the Distinguished Public Service Medal of the Department of Defense, and the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator.
This thread will be showing why we have seen after the election the increase in Americans' confidence for the future. This difference will be totally apparent by looking at the past specifically the difference between Obama's negative approach to the USA economy specifically to gas prices.
Obama once said:"I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly"
The claim that won’t die: Did Obama want higher gas prices?

The following chart shows a couple of points.
A) the difference between Obama's view of the USA energy independence.
B) how a President can directly affect gas prices at the pump by increasing/decreasing supply.

Trump has told us specifically that "We will become and stay totally independent of any need to import energy from the OPEC cartel," adding, "We don’t deal with them. We’ll handle them just fine.”
Trump calls for ‘complete American energy independence’

And the most direct means Trump will have is increasing federal land oil/gas exploration leases as
Bush did which resulted in the oil/gas production boom from which Obama benefited by in lower gas prices at the pump...i.e. Obama gas!

View attachment 102287

Too simplistic an analysis. Most of those are Gulf of Mexico leases. The activity level is determined by several things, and government policy is only one of them. Price is the major driver, and new opportunities on private land (read shale fracking) are another. The only aspect of that particular statistic which could correlate to government action was the regulatory response to the Deepwater Horizon drilling disaster.
So this is why he tapped Rick Perry to be head of the Department of Energy --- even though Perry wanted to do away with the agency, but just couldn't remember the name of it. Oops.

Perry, with his impressive set of qualifications to lead the Department of Energy, will be the man leading the way to make America energy independent, LOL.

Thank goodness we'll be getting rid of the man currently in charge of the Department of Energy, Dr. Moniz. His qualifications pale in comparison to Perry's.

A little background on the current man in charge of the Department of Energy, Dr. Moniz:

As United States Secretary of Energy, Dr. Ernest Moniz is tasked with implementing critical Department of Energy missions in support of President Obama’s goals of growing the economy, enhancing security and protecting the environment. This encompasses advancing the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, maintaining the nuclear deterrent and reducing the nuclear danger, promoting American leadership in science and clean energy technology innovation, cleaning up the legacy of the cold war, and strengthening management and performance.

Prior to his appointment, Dr. Moniz was the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Physics and Engineering Systems at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he was a faculty member since 1973. At MIT, he headed the Department of Physics and the Bates Linear Accelerator Center. Most recently, Dr. Moniz served as the founding Director of the MIT Energy Initiative and as Director of the MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment where he was a leader of multidisciplinary technology and policy studies on the future of nuclear power, coal, nuclear fuel cycles, natural gas and solar energy in a low-carbon world.

From 1997 until January 2001, Dr. Moniz served as Under Secretary of the Department of Energy. He was responsible for overseeing the Department’s science and energy programs, leading a comprehensive review of nuclear weapons stockpile stewardship, and serving as the Secretary’s special negotiator for the disposition of Russian nuclear materials. From 1995 to 1997, he served as Associate Director for Science in the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President.

In addition to his work at MIT, the White House and the Department of Energy, Dr. Moniz has served on a number of boards of directors and commissions involving science, energy and security. These include President Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, the Department of Defense Threat Reduction Advisory Committee, and the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future.

A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Dr. Moniz is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Humboldt Foundation, and the American Physical Society.

Dr. Moniz received a Bachelor of Science degree summa cum laude in Physics from Boston College, a Doctorate in Theoretical Physics from Stanford University, and honorary degrees from the University of Athens, Boston College, Boston University, the University of Erlangen-Nurenberg, Iowa State University, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Michigan State University and Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. He has been awarded the Distinguished Public Service Medal of the Department of Defense, and the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator.

And this is why Trump is replacing the BIASED global warming, capitalism hating, department of energy head with a practical, executive who
led the leading energy production state that has a GDP larger then 239 other countries (11th in the world) as governor. Perry wants to do away
with the Department of Energy for sure! And you can be certain that under Trump there will be MORE oil/gas leases on Federal lands then under Obama.

Just simple question for you and Dr. Moniz....
Before we had satellites and digital thermometers how from 1880 (first organized temperature readings) to the early 1970s how would any
human standing in -20°F or 110°F reading a thermometer like the below distinguish between say 78°F and say 80°F?
And then in their unique handwriting record on some type of paper to be later transcribed to another piece of paper that became a record for that day.
All of this before computers/digital thermometers and yet we are told the earth has warmed 1.53°F since the 1880s.
Now there is some adjustment "supposedly" by the totally unbiased NASA/GISS and remember this is the summation of the following document:

"It turns out that the adjustments instituted by GISS cannot be a deliberate attempt to bias the result, because they don’t favor one direction over another. They are quality control measures, and as such, they don’t bias the results, or favor warming trends over cooling trends — they just make the results better."
This is the conclusion of this source: Best Estimates « Open Mind

Which means therefore that say the results after the above "adjustments" taking in account the above observation for this:
"A systematic discontinuity was introduced by the change from liquid-in-glass thermometers to the maximum-minimum temperature system (MMTS) in the U.S. Cooperative Network." Or in my layman's observation... prior years have been "adjusted" for human errors in trying to read a mercury thermometer
while standing in extreme heat or cold.
Finally this little tidbit...
EXCLUDED in those readings from 1880 to 2012 was 12.5% of the earth's land mass.
When "The number of [Siberian] stations increased from 8 in 1901 to 23 in 1951 and then decreased to 12 from 1989 to present only four (4) stations, those at Irkutsk, Bratsk, Chita and Kirensk, cover the entire 20th century. IEA analysts say climatologists use the data of stations located in large populated centers that are influenced by the urban-warming effect more frequently than the correct data of remote stations…
The scale of global warming was exaggerated due to temperature distortions for Russia accounting for 12.5% of the world’s land mass. The IEA said it was necessary to recalculate all global-temperature data in order to assess the scale of such exaggeration.

So for all the good that credentials that Dr. Moniz has, these common sense observations seem to question what today these people are feeling!

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This thread will be showing why we have seen after the election the increase in Americans' confidence for the future. This difference will be totally apparent by looking at the past specifically the difference between Obama's negative approach to the USA economy specifically to gas prices.
Obama once said:"I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly"
The claim that won’t die: Did Obama want higher gas prices?

The following chart shows a couple of points.
A) the difference between Obama's view of the USA energy independence.
B) how a President can directly affect gas prices at the pump by increasing/decreasing supply.

Trump has told us specifically that "We will become and stay totally independent of any need to import energy from the OPEC cartel," adding, "We don’t deal with them. We’ll handle them just fine.”
Trump calls for ‘complete American energy independence’

And the most direct means Trump will have is increasing federal land oil/gas exploration leases as
Bush did which resulted in the oil/gas production boom from which Obama benefited by in lower gas prices at the pump...i.e. Obama gas!

View attachment 102287

Too simplistic an analysis. Most of those are Gulf of Mexico leases. The activity level is determined by several things, and government policy is only one of them. Price is the major driver, and new opportunities on private land (read shale fracking) are another. The only aspect of that particular statistic which could correlate to government action was the regulatory response to the Deepwater Horizon drilling disaster.

So explain what OTHER DIRECT executive branch order can produce or reduce oil production in the USA that a President can influence?
I used one measuring stick. Federal oil leases.
I kept it "simplistic" because the vast majority of Obamatrons credit factors that OCCURRED prior to Obama i.e. Bush's signing of leases to
"Obamagas"... Again.. it takes time for influences of the President to take effect. When we saw lower gas prices.. it was PARTIALLY due to
Bush's lease signings. Nothing Obama did was to influence production. Look at the Keystone pipeline. Even there it was a stupid call because

Canada will ship via Oil Tanker 1 million barrels a day through the most ship wreck prone straits in the Northwest!
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice.
In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble.
"A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."

Because of Obama's naiveté , add 365 tankers each carrying 1 million barrels traveling in these waters every year!

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