major lunar event this attention!

Sweet! And thank god it happens at 10 p.m. and not 3 am. or some shit.
Full Moon names:

January .. Wolf Moon
February .. Snow Moon
March .. Worm Moon
April .. Pink Moon
May .. Flower Moon, Full Corn Planting Moon, or the Milk Moon
June .. Strawberry Moon
July .. Buck Moon
August .. Sturgeon Moon
September ..Harvest Moon
October .. Hunter's Moon
November .. Beaver Moon
December .. Cold Moon

Shine On Harvest Moon
By Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth - 1903
Shine on, shine on harvest moon
Up in the sky,
I ain't had no lovin'
Since January, February, June or July
Snow time ain't no time to stay
Outdoors and spoon,
So shine on, shine on harvest moon,
For me and my gal.
Full Moon names:

January .. Wolf Moon
February .. Snow Moon
March .. Worm Moon
April .. Pink Moon
May .. Flower Moon, Full Corn Planting Moon, or the Milk Moon
June .. Strawberry Moon
July .. Buck Moon
August .. Sturgeon Moon
September ..Harvest Moon
October .. Hunter's Moon
November .. Beaver Moon
December .. Cold Moon

Shine On Harvest Moon
By Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth - 1903
Shine on, shine on harvest moon
Up in the sky,
I ain't had no lovin'
Since January, February, June or July
Snow time ain't no time to stay
Outdoors and spoon,
So shine on, shine on harvest moon,
For me and my gal.
Beaver Moon sounds the best.... I am not too fond of Pink Moon. I wonder what's mdk 's favorite...
Mormons hunker down for apocalyptic supermoon...

'Blood Moon' seen as sign of end times by some Mormons
September 25, 2015 — A rare confluence of a lunar eclipse and a supermoon set to happen this weekend has prompted such widespread fear of an impending apocalypse that the Mormon Church was compelled to issue a statement cautioning the faithful to not get caught up in speculation about a major calamity.
Sunday night's "blood moon" and recent natural disasters and political unrest around the world have led to a rise in sales at emergency preparedness retailers. Apocalyptic statements by a Mormon author have only heightened fears among a small number of Mormon followers about the looming end of time. The eclipse will give the moon a red tint and make it look larger than usual. It won't happen again for 18 years. It's unclear how many Latter-day Saints buy the theory, but Mormon leaders were worried enough that they took the rare step this week of issuing a public statement cautioning the faithful not to get carried away with visions of the apocalypse.

Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints told its 15 million worldwide members that they should be "spiritually and physically prepared for life's ups and downs," but urged them not to take speculation from individual church members as doctrine and "avoid being caught up in extreme efforts to anticipate catastrophic events." The Mormons preparing to hunker down Sunday night aren't alone. Some from other religions also fear a doomsday scenario. A Christian pastor in Texas has written a book predicting a world-shaking event.

Storing away enough food and water in case of disaster, job loss or something worse is part of the fundamental teachings of the religion. Many homes in Utah are equipped with special shelving for cans of beans, rice and wheat. The belief that regular history will someday end, bringing a second coming of Jesus, is embedded in the minds of Mormons and the church's official name. Though most Latter-day Saints probably haven't even heard of this latest theory tied to the blood moon, the church's decision to address it publicly is significant and shows leaders felt the need to reassert their authority on the matter, Mormon scholars said. "For it to filter up to that level means and for them to decide to send out a policy letter means that they felt there was something they needed to tamp down on," said Patrick Mason, the Howard W. Hunter Chair of Mormon Studies at Claremont Graduate University in California

Kevin Allbee, spokesman for Utah-based Emergency Essentials, said his company has seen a steady rise since June with sales up 200 to 300 percent. He attributes it to a variety of events leading to more anxiety, including the earthquake in Nepal, Russian's intervention in the Ukraine and economic concerns in Greece and China. He said it goes well beyond Mormons in Utah. They do most of their sales online with customers outside the state. The public pronouncement by the church comes after leaders earlier this month sent a memo to administrators and teachers in the church's education system telling them to be wary of Mormon author Julie Rowe's books.

that just means all the women will run up their credit cards...why not the world is ending.....

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