Major political party refuses to debate on network that airs the other side's views


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
The only thing that isn't common knowledge about this development is....'s not Republicans that are refusing to debate on a network like CNN or NBC, which only airs views agreeing with the Democrat party.

Guess which party is refusing... thus continuing a long trend?

Yep, it's the Democrat candidates, who consistently refuse to come to a debate on Fox News - the only network which consistently airs BOTH sides' views in a debate and lets them argue it out on the air.

The Democrats just can't stand the opposition getting ANY air time.

The New York Times reports on this appalling behavior.


Giuliani Calls on Democrats to Debate on Fox

May 16, 2007, 3:41 pm

When Fox News tried to set up a Democratic presidential debate with the Congressional Black Caucus, it watched its effort crumble after bloggers and liberal groups complained that Democrats should not appear on a network that, they said, had a history of belittling Democrats and promoting Republicans on its airwaves.

Three Democrats announced they would not participate: Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama.

On Tuesday night, Republicans in South Carolina participated in a feisty debate sponsored by Fox News that even Democrats said was anything but a free ride for their opponents: The Fox questioners hammered the Republicans on issues ranging from abortion to government spending to the war on terror.

Given that, one of the Republican presidential contenders, Rudolph W. Giuliani, called on Democrats to reconsider their refusal. “The Democrats should debate on Fox,” Mr. Giuliani said in an interview. “I think they would get a good chance to explain themselves. If the Republicans candidates are willing to debate on MSNBC and CNN, the Democrats should be willing to debate on Fox. I don’t think they’d want us to look like the bolder group of candidates.”
It is a proven fact that the mainstream media does not take too kindly to airing or giving credence to the other side's political viewpoints. One good instance was the Presidential Debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, when Candy Crowley inexplicably tried to steer the debate in favor of the President.
It must be difficult for the Democrats to acknowledge the fact that they are the ones with the long record of refusing to debate on a network that doesn't 100% support their agenda, while Republicans have participated in debates with such networks every year.

Sorry, Demmies, you made your bed. Now you can lie in it.

You lie everywhere else, after all.
Fox is a member in great standing of the bs propaganda machine, and you're a functional moron. Change the channel- hoping for your recovery. See sig, and finally get some truth. Ay caramba.
Fox is a member in great standing of the bs propaganda machine, and you're a functional moron. Change the channel- hoping for your recovery. See sig, and finally get some truth. Ay caramba.

STFU, dupe. Any hope of a recovery from you has long since been lost.

The LSM are balanced- but to do it the the cowards have to present your bs with a straight face, never explain any policy factually, and give up journalism (explaining the truth). A disgrace, kowtowing to loudmouth hater dupes.
Any actual argument with the facts, or just stupid talking points and insults?

were any of the 2012 debates on Fox? Did the left wing media give obozo softball questions and Romney set-up questions?

was it Crowley/Obama vs Romney?

Media bias is very obvious in the MSM. If you can't see it, your defective liberal gene must be acting up again.
Why would anyone debate on the Republican Propaganda Network?
Why would anyone debate on the Republican Propaganda Network?

The reason the modern day Republican avoids the left wing hack shows as much as possible, and the reason the modern day Democrat avoids the right wing hack shows as much as possible, is because both sides are so retarded they can't figure out how to argue the retarded point the other guy is making.

It's a paradox. :lol:
Why would anyone debate on the Republican Propaganda Network?

The reason the modern day Republican avoids the left wing hack shows as much as possible, and the reason the modern day Democrat avoids the right wing hack shows as much as possible, is because both sides are so retarded they can't figure out how to argue the retarded point the other guy is making.

It's a paradox. :lol:

LOL, thanks for the laugh, that was good ... :)
Any actual argument with the facts, or just stupid talking points and insults?

Holy crap. Of all people. Ya gotta love this place.

Anyway, let's just do this right and have MSNBC host the Democrat debates and have Fox host the Republican debates. Each network can have their evening hosts do the moderating and it'll be one groovy love fest.

Fuck it, it's not like anyone's being honest anyway, it may as well be pleasant.

DEMOCRAT: 46 million uninsured!

REPUBLICAN: Death panels!

DEMOCRAT: Excess profits!

REPUBLICAN: More tax cuts!

DEMOCRAT: Bush drove the car into a ditch!!!

REPUBLICAN: Where's the birth certificate!?!

DEMOCRAT: Need more taxes!

REPUBLICAN: Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!

A pox on both their houses, etc., etc., etc.
Thinking about this topic you all know what would be a great pay for view? Live debates of the left and right talking heads.
I would pay to watch that it would be hillarious Rachel go up against meg, Al Sharpton v.s. Hannity, O'Reilly vs.John Stewart and Ed Shultz goes up against cleaning lady at Fox who dont speak english. Lmao...
its a distinction with no difference- they're all biased, so they should all have a shot.
The only thing that isn't common knowledge about this development is....'s not Republicans that are refusing to debate on a network like CNN or NBC, which only airs views agreeing with the Democrat party.

Guess which party is refusing... thus continuing a long trend?

Yep, it's the Democrat candidates, who consistently refuse to come to a debate on Fox News - the only network which consistently airs BOTH sides' views in a debate and lets them argue it out on the air.

The Democrats just can't stand the opposition getting ANY air time.

The New York Times reports on this appalling behavior.


Giuliani Calls on Democrats to Debate on Fox

May 16, 2007, 3:41 pm

When Fox News tried to set up a Democratic presidential debate with the Congressional Black Caucus, it watched its effort crumble after bloggers and liberal groups complained that Democrats should not appear on a network that, they said, had a history of belittling Democrats and promoting Republicans on its airwaves.

Three Democrats announced they would not participate: Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama.

On Tuesday night, Republicans in South Carolina participated in a feisty debate sponsored by Fox News that even Democrats said was anything but a free ride for their opponents: The Fox questioners hammered the Republicans on issues ranging from abortion to government spending to the war on terror.

Given that, one of the Republican presidential contenders, Rudolph W. Giuliani, called on Democrats to reconsider their refusal. “The Democrats should debate on Fox,” Mr. Giuliani said in an interview. “I think they would get a good chance to explain themselves. If the Republicans candidates are willing to debate on MSNBC and CNN, the Democrats should be willing to debate on Fox. I don’t think they’d want us to look like the bolder group of candidates.”

Their way or the it has been for 100 years. The Statist wants no dissention, nor will engage others in the arena of ideas.
I have a simple solution to this you have five networks ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, AND FOX air one debate on each network.

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