Major Report in on the benefits of the Vaccine

The people that died almost all had multiple risk factors. Yeah I'm crazy because I refused to partake in a test trial of an unproven experimental vaccine. You Covid Cultists are soooooooo smaaaaaaaarrrtt!! :auiqs.jpg:

Doesn't it just get more fun to watch them, day by day, as they start to lose the little control they have over their nerve, and are forced to start dealing with the reality that maybe we are right?

How many of the people who crowed about what good little jabbies they were have just not been seen here in quite a long time?

Ironically, if Republicans hadn’t gotten so batshit crazy about COVID and vaccines, enough of them would have been alive to win vote for Trump and win the election.

Well, I guess you have done what we thought was impossible -- outdid yourself in the stupid department!


Go get a booster or three. We're waiting. It's going to be lovely to watch.

This report shows exactly why it wasn’t “snake oil” in any way. But hey, not everyone needs to recognize that fact. Darwin’s waiting room is open to all.
The report speculates--Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. Now you tell me, how far up their asses did they reach to come up with that number while admitting that the vaxx "DOES NOT PREVENT INFECTION OR SPREAD OF THE VIRUS?"
Critical thinking. Try it sometime, or better yet, pay attention to what you read and not what you want it to say.
The report speculates--Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. Now you tell me, how far up their asses did they reach to come up with that number while admitting that the vaxx "DOES NOT PREVENT INFECTION OR SPREAD OF THE VIRUS?"
Critical thinking. Try it sometime, or better yet, pay attention to what you read and not what you want it to say.
The fact of what china is going through now is evidence enough that the VAXX DON"T WORK. over 90% vaxx rate and already 250,000 vaxx infections., if you can believe them to tell the truth. I bet it is higher. and the death rate...their elderly are dying off in droves. They kept people from developing immunity by keeping them masked and isolated and worse...vAXXED with that poison clot shot.
The report speculates--Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. Now you tell me, how far up their asses did they reach to come up with that number while admitting that the vaxx "DOES NOT PREVENT INFECTION OR SPREAD OF THE VIRUS?"
Critical thinking. Try it sometime, or better yet, pay attention to what you read and not what you want it to say.
They ignore those lies. Changing stories as they repeat saying what they are told to say. Baaaa
This is the Commonweath Fund, one of the most respected foundations in the world..

View attachment 743625

Since then, the U.S. has administered more than 655 million doses — 80 percent of the population has received at least one dose — with the cumulative effect of preventing more than 18 million additional hospitalizations and more than 3 million additional deaths.

Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred.

Now before you answer this is a report with evidence and shows how it came to their figures... If you want to be critical, please be specific while using actual proper evidence.
Posting propagada bullshit just means you want to shit on the 1 million US Citizens that died in this pandemic.
Why would you believe anything they say? The most respected means nothing anymore.
yes. i do think they know they're lemmings. I bet they know what a female lemming is too...unlike dems who don't know the difference between man/woman.

And I'll bet that right about now, the jabbies are finding out about that one very important side effect of the clot shot, that can get in the way of that very pleasurable thing that depends on healthy blood flow.

Uh-oh! NO MO!

The up side is that they won't have to keep murdering those unborn babies that they can no longer even make!

And we PureBloods really will take over and repopulate the country with our much finer stock.

Why would you believe anything they say? The most respected means nothing anymore.
I would hardly call them the most respected....they work out of the public's eye with the Gov't, because they are more effective that way. What do you call people who do their dirty work in the dark.

And I'll bet that right about now, the jabbies are finding out about that one very important side effect of the clot shot, that can get in the way of that very pleasurable thing that depends on healthy blood flow.

Uh-oh! NO MO!

The up side is that they won't have to keep murdering those unborn babies that they can no longer even make!

And we PureBloods really will take over and repopulate the country with our much finer stock.

You know there's gonna be blowback on that remark. LOLOL
You have presented NO evidence to refute--just fake biased reports by a minor player.
So you think Commonwealth Fund is a minor player.... Is everyone you disagree with a minor player...

They are over a hundred years old and have handed out millions from its endowment...

They are far rom a minor player despite you unfounded opinion....

So now you want to dismiss the messenger but still offer no evidence...

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