Major Report in on the benefits of the Vaccine

Yesterday, the Commonwealth Fund released a paper purporting to prove Covid jabs had saved almost 3.3 million lives and prevented 18.6 million hospitalizations - in the United States alone.

I didn’t plan to write about it. The figures are absurd on their face. The hospitalization number is particularly stupid, implying that almost 6 percent of Americans would have been hospitalized for Covid without the vaccines.

Yet the usual suspects in the media are writing about this study as if it is something other than a joke. In fact, they’re using it in a desperate effort to prop up the faltering campaigns for Covid boosters and shots for kids.

So, in the interests of science - as opposed to The Science - I will demolish this absurdity in three minutes or less.

Set aside the obvious problem that the researchers did not provide the specific inputs that they used to calculate these figures - what Covid infection fatality rate did they use, what hospitalization rate, et cetera?

Here’s all you need to know. The study Commonwealth released yesterday makes estimates through November 30, 2022. But is actually an update of an earlier paper that made the same calculations through March 31, 2022.

The earlier figures are below. As you can see, in the earlier work, the Commonwealth Fund claimed that as of the end of March, the vaccines had saved 2.26 million lives (and stopped 66 million infections).

Thus the updated paper is claiming that the mRNA jabs prevented an additional 1 million Covid deaths and 54 million infections in the last eight months.


First, no one even bothers to argue anymore that the vaccines stop infection with the Omicron variant. At best, they are marginally effective for a few weeks or months, and their effectiveness goes to zero - if not below - afterwards. Don’t take it from me, take it from The New England Journal of Medicine:

The effectiveness of vaccination [against Omicron] with two doses of BNT162b2 and no previous infection was negligible…

Second, let’s pretend for argument’s sake that the paper’s claim that the vaccines stopped 54 million Covid infections between April and November 2022 is correct, rather than absurd.

Fine. The paper then claims that avoiding those 54 million infections prevented 1 million deaths.

In other words, Commonwealth is estimating an infection fatality rate from Omicron almost 2 percent (1 million deaths out of 54 million infections).

That estimate is at least 20 times the actual infection fatality rate for the Omicron variant - and not because of vaccines. In 2020, before vaccines existed, the original Sars-Cov-2 had an infection fatality rate in the range of 0.3 percent - and Omicron is significantly less lethal than the original.

Claiming Omicron has a death rate of 2 percent is worse than a joke.

It’s dishonest, and the only reason to do it is to produce numbers that friendly reporters can paste into headlines and post on Twitter. One last point: Omicron has killed fewer than 500,000 people WORLDWIDE since April, even though most of the world does not use the mRNA jabs. How could it have killed 1 million Americans in the last eight months under any circumstances?

The Commonwealth Fund "study" is no such thing. It's propaganda being eagerly digested by idiots that want to believe in deathly magic mandated by the US Government.
A quick dive into the .org shows that they are predominantly leftist and Ivy League.....My surprised face. 😐
So you have no factual evidence except that the people who prepared this are well educated...

You then try and link being well educated to being 'leftist'

On your theory being uneducated and ignorant as being more right wing...

Do you really want sell the message of being uneducated is being more right...
Please correct and I am giving the opportunity to present evidence and facts to back your case...
Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections.
Pure speculation. ^^^ There is NO way to know how many more infections there would have been, especially since the vaxx doesn't prevent infection. Fake News. They've been playing the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" game since the beginning of this BS.
Pure speculation. ^^^ There is NO way to know how many more infections there would have been, especially since the vaxx doesn't prevent infection. Fake News. They've been playing the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" game since the beginning of this BS.

Yep, speculation that can not be proved yet they think they can push this junk science. Its not science.
Again you have no evidence... Just a personal wish list...

Have you got actual evidence?
Evidence? Like the CF evidence? Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. This is pure BS. It has been widely proven and announced by the CDC that the vaxx DOES NOT prevent infection. Try again.
The only legit measurement of the efficacy of these shots would be to compare the deaths among those who are vulnerable and got the shot vs those who didn’t get the shot. People under 60 without serious medical issues would have survived regardless so that metric is moot.
So you have no factual evidence except that the people who prepared this are well educated...

You then try and link being well educated to being 'leftist'

On your theory being uneducated and ignorant as being more right wing...

Do you really want sell the message of being uneducated is being more right...
Please correct and I am giving the opportunity to present evidence and facts to back your case...
You have presented NO evidence to refute--just fake biased reports by a minor player.
This is the Commonweath Fund, one of the most respected foundations in the world..

View attachment 743625

Since then, the U.S. has administered more than 655 million doses — 80 percent of the population has received at least one dose — with the cumulative effect of preventing more than 18 million additional hospitalizations and more than 3 million additional deaths.

Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred.

Now before you answer this is a report with evidence and shows how it came to their figures... If you want to be critical, please be specific while using actual proper evidence.
Posting propagada bullshit just means you want to shit on the 1 million US Citizens that died in this pandemic.
You warn against responses utilizing propaganda while your entire thread premise is rooted in propaganda.
This is the Commonweath Fund, one of the most respected foundations in the world..

View attachment 743625

Since then, the U.S. has administered more than 655 million doses — 80 percent of the population has received at least one dose — with the cumulative effect of preventing more than 18 million additional hospitalizations and more than 3 million additional deaths.

Without vaccination, there would have been nearly 120 million more COVID-19 infections. The vaccination program also saved the U.S. $1.15 trillion (Credible Interval: $1.10 trillion–$1.19 trillion) (data not shown) in medical costs that would otherwise have been incurred.

Now before you answer this is a report with evidence and shows how it came to their figures... If you want to be critical, please be specific while using actual proper evidence.
Posting propagada bullshit just means you want to shit on the 1 million US Citizens that died in this pandemic.
Nobody here has any clue of what is in the jab and what its original intention is. I am an MD and work with scientists and I can tell you that many of them (esp doctors) are plain stupid; book smart yes, common sense, NO.

Politically, "The Right" is typically anti-establishment and reject these questionable experiments while the left are the corporate, fascist boot lickers that are most likely to do whatever their favorite corporate controlled celebrity tells them to do.
Yesterday, the Commonwealth Fund released a paper purporting to prove Covid jabs had saved almost 3.3 million lives and prevented 18.6 million hospitalizations - in the United States alone.

I didn’t plan to write about it. The figures are absurd on their face. The hospitalization number is particularly stupid, implying that almost 6 percent of Americans would have been hospitalized for Covid without the vaccines.

Yet the usual suspects in the media are writing about this study as if it is something other than a joke. In fact, they’re using it in a desperate effort to prop up the faltering campaigns for Covid boosters and shots for kids.

So, in the interests of science - as opposed to The Science - I will demolish this absurdity in three minutes or less.

Set aside the obvious problem that the researchers did not provide the specific inputs that they used to calculate these figures - what Covid infection fatality rate did they use, what hospitalization rate, et cetera?

Here’s all you need to know. The study Commonwealth released yesterday makes estimates through November 30, 2022. But is actually an update of an earlier paper that made the same calculations through March 31, 2022.

The earlier figures are below. As you can see, in the earlier work, the Commonwealth Fund claimed that as of the end of March, the vaccines had saved 2.26 million lives (and stopped 66 million infections).

Thus the updated paper is claiming that the mRNA jabs prevented an additional 1 million Covid deaths and 54 million infections in the last eight months.


First, no one even bothers to argue anymore that the vaccines stop infection with the Omicron variant. At best, they are marginally effective for a few weeks or months, and their effectiveness goes to zero - if not below - afterwards. Don’t take it from me, take it from The New England Journal of Medicine:

The effectiveness of vaccination [against Omicron] with two doses of BNT162b2 and no previous infection was negligible…

Second, let’s pretend for argument’s sake that the paper’s claim that the vaccines stopped 54 million Covid infections between April and November 2022 is correct, rather than absurd.

Fine. The paper then claims that avoiding those 54 million infections prevented 1 million deaths.

In other words, Commonwealth is estimating an infection fatality rate from Omicron almost 2 percent (1 million deaths out of 54 million infections).

That estimate is at least 20 times the actual infection fatality rate for the Omicron variant - and not because of vaccines. In 2020, before vaccines existed, the original Sars-Cov-2 had an infection fatality rate in the range of 0.3 percent - and Omicron is significantly less lethal than the original.

Claiming Omicron has a death rate of 2 percent is worse than a joke.

It’s dishonest, and the only reason to do it is to produce numbers that friendly reporters can paste into headlines and post on Twitter. One last point: Omicron has killed fewer than 500,000 people WORLDWIDE since April, even though most of the world does not use the mRNA jabs. How could it have killed 1 million Americans in the last eight months under any circumstances?

The Commonwealth Fund "study" is no such thing. It's propaganda being eagerly digested by idiots that want to believe in deathly magic mandated by the US Government.
Thanks for coming back...

Lets have a look...

Your study from the New England Journal was about being infected and getting the vaccine compare to been just infected... It wasn't about the Vaccine alone without infection..

or that we are looking at these types of studies:
Study finds Omicron hospital risk 10 times higher in unvaccinated
Here is the raw report :

So you first refutal was using the wrong report as I have shown.
Lastly this was the rate death rate of COVID over time... 2% seems about right...


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