Major Russian tv documentary film exposes LGBT lobby moral decay of West


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Major Russian TV Documentary Film Exposes LGBT Lobby, Moral Decay of West (Video)

The film is interesting on a number of levels. It was made by Arkady Mamontov, a popular TV host and investigative journalist famous for his ground-breaking documentaries.

Mamontov is a conservative Christian. His best known recent film is about the Greek orthodox monastic island of Athos (in Russian only). He has also done a lot of work on Russian social issues, and on the Ukraine conflict.

Next is the country of Georgia, where there is also a very strong anti-LGBT movement due to the extremely conservative attitudes towards sexual roles in society. The film exposes how, while he was in power, the former president Mikheil Saakashvili, institutionalized sodomy as a method of torture in Georgian prisons against political opponents, showing a man being sodomized. Unsurprisingly, Saakashvili's popularity in Georgia didn't last, and now he has been installed as the mayor of Odessa, Ukraine, by American neocons, much to the chagrin of certain members of the government in Kiev.

Well the LGBT isn't going to like it but many of them are just like the typical Trump haters you all are kinda in your own group (s ) you know the ANTIFA like minded. You all think alike act alike blah blah..............

Facts and Normal are just that facts, instincts can't be taken away they can't be controlled and no matter how much some try to con people into accepting all of this bs as normal it's never going to happen. You can not force people.

Everyone is different like it or not.

Oh did anyone connect the dots yet " taking down the west" ....... oh it's being done in ways sheep won't ever pick up on.
Do we have a Russian troll on board here?

For someone whose severely braindamaged beyond retarded level....... You wouldn't know but if you look in the mirror asshole you might find your answer.
Poor brainwashed people: as soon as somebody tries to tell the truth to them they yell: Troll! Soros has done a great job brainwashing Western people and building parallel reality in their minds: now they feel so comfortable in that parallel world, hate to cowl out and fear to face the truth.
Do we have a Russian troll on board here?

For someone whose severely braindamaged beyond retarded level....... You wouldn't know but if you look in the mirror asshole you might find your answer.
Poor brainwashed people: as soon as somebody tries to tell the truth to them they yell: Troll! Soros has done a great job brainwashing Western people and building parallel reality in their minds: now they feel so comfortable in that parallel world, hate to cowl out and fear to face the truth.

It is pathetic isn't it. They don't even realize how they are the IQ level of a kid . Why? Because, they are like sponges absorb what their parents do or say ( Obama / Clinton ) and as soon as those two loons mentioned the Russia bs it took off from there and hasn't stopped.

These diots are so fkn stupid they can't even tell. how easily they are manipulated. As their political parents sit back and laugh at how stupid the public is and they are that stupid.
America just hasn’t been the same since gay marriage destroyed all of our marriages. It has such a major impact on everybody’s everyday life, and it’s all I can think about! :crybaby:
America just hasn’t been the same since gay marriage destroyed all of our marriages. It has such a major impact on everybody’s everyday life, and it’s all I can think about! :crybaby:
It's how gay marriages happened that makes people pissed off. The destruction of democracy by a judicial power grab should be all you can think about...
America just hasn’t been the same since gay marriage destroyed all of our marriages. It has such a major impact on everybody’s everyday life, and it’s all I can think about! :crybaby:
It's how gay marriages happened that makes people pissed off. The destruction of democracy by a judicial power grab should be all you can think about...
Yes the abuse of power to block Merrick Garland to create a court that can circumvent the constitution is certainly a problem
America just hasn’t been the same since gay marriage destroyed all of our marriages. It has such a major impact on everybody’s everyday life, and it’s all I can think about! :crybaby:
It's how gay marriages happened that makes people pissed off. The destruction of democracy by a judicial power grab should be all you can think about...
Yes the abuse of power to block Merrick Garland to create a court that can circumvent the constitution is certainly a problem
Where in the constitution does it specify the right for a man who inserts his penis into another man’s rectum to be subsidized by the population?
Does it say the same for booger-eating, a perfectly parallel proclivity?
Where in the constitution does it specify the right for a man who inserts his penis into another man’s rectum to be subsidized by the population?
Does it say the same for booger-eating, a perfectly parallel proclivity?
You noticed that LGBT are behaviors. The answer is that nowhere in the Constitution are repugnant behaviors able to escape majority regulation. Because if one escapes that regulation, they all have to be able to (see the 14th Amendment)...

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