Major Tesla Recall

Maybe if Elmo wasn't so focused on making sure his tweets get more likes than President Biden's Tesla wouldn't be facing these massive technical problems and the civil lawsuits from people injured in their death traps.

Major Tesla Recall, sounds like somebody I served with in Germany.
Maybe if Elmo wasn't so focused on making sure his tweets get more likes than President Biden's Tesla
Joe Biden is president? Of what?! And I wonder if the FBI have searched Joe Biden's Tesla yet for missing government documents! I mean, surely Green EV Joe has sold that nasty gas-burning Corvette by now to buy an EV?!

And please don't try to swing all the blame onto a poor stuffed doll---


--- or are we STILL talking about poor Joe Biden?

wouldn't be facing these massive technical problems and the civil lawsuits from people injured in their death traps.
The entire EV industry is a government-manufactured technical problem being thrust onto the unwitting public.

I never could figure out why anyone would WANT to let go of their steering wheel, give up the pleasure of driving-- the best part of owning a car, much less hope and trust that it will keep steering, making all the stops, turns, bends, red lights, stop signs, parked cars, intersections and not crash into an 18-wheeler it didn't see?

HOW FUCKING LAZY AND STUPID must a person be to think that a chip in their dashboard can do a BETTER job of navigating a complex and dangerous situation at highway speeds than their own HUMAN BRAIN???
Maybe if Elmo wasn't so focused on making sure his tweets get more likes than President Biden's Tesla wouldn't be facing these massive technical problems and the civil lawsuits from people injured in their death traps.

Get a car, pass a test and drive it.

All this wasted research on self drive. If anyone wants self drive, get a track with rails, a buggy to run on it and hit go.

So Tesla are footing the cost of something stupid.
Get a car, pass a test and drive it.

All this wasted research on self drive. If anyone wants self drive, get a track with rails, a buggy to run on it and hit go.

So Tesla are footing the cost of something stupid.
I can envision the day when most government built roadways require AI driven vehicles. May not be in my lifetime though.
I can envision the day when most government built roadways require AI driven vehicles. May not be in my lifetime though.

Actually, if you were to make true self-driving cars, that would be the way to do it, for ALL cars to give destination instructions to a central network then coordinate all traffic through it, thereby almost eliminating the need for stop signs and red lights, rather than each car having its own guidance.
Actually, if you were to make true self-driving cars, that would be the way to do it, for ALL cars to give destination instructions to a central network then coordinate all traffic through it, thereby almost eliminating the need for stop signs and red lights, rather than each car having its own guidance.
I believe that true self-driving cars are in the future. One thing that will make self-driving cars a reality is to limit or perhaps remove human driving from the roads. We humans make too many unpredictable mistakes. Self-driving cars will not be perfect, but can be much better than humans. Fatal crashes could be reduced from tens of thousands per year (United States) to hundreds per year.
Do we have a sub forum for literally and indisputably fake news? This is a software update you download, not remotely a “recall.”

But OP is a known piece of shit liar anyway, so I guess no one will take his bullshit threads seriously.
I believe that true self-driving cars are in the future.
I guarantee you they are.

One thing that will make self-driving cars a reality is to limit or perhaps remove human driving from the roads.
It would essentially have to. Every street would be embedded with markers, the car would have a locator, and each car would be in bidirectional communication with cellular towers. It would greatly speed things up while improving safety, but would need redundancy to eliminate failures and breakdown.
I can envision the day when most government built roadways require AI driven vehicles. May not be in my lifetime though.

God, I hope not in my lifetime.

I'm getting so sick of living in a culture that want nothing more than to never have to know how to do anything!

Do we have a sub forum for literally and indisputably fake news? This is a software update you download, not remotely a “recall.”

But OP is a known piece of shit liar anyway, so I guess no one will take his bullshit threads seriously.
You weren't blowing that guy, you were just removing excess saliva from your mouth.
Elon Musk is an American hero

America's enemies hate him for exposing their mass gaslighting operations.

If it wasn't for Elon, Democrats would still be deciding who is banned and who is boosted while claiming everything was even.
Recalls on electronics, software and safety devices are rampant throughout the auto industry.

The main reason I would never trust a so called self driving vehicle.
Never mind the road conditions in a blizzard already shut down the many sensors on my own vehicle anyway, nor would I trust automatic braking on black ice.

The new Ford F150 has the commercial with the guy towing a 25 foot trailer hands free while drinking coffee.

Just insane.

God, I hope not in my lifetime.

I'm getting so sick of living in a culture that want nothing more than to never have to know how to do anything!

I actually enjoy driving, even in heavy traffic.
My time to unwind, listen to music and take in the day.

Self driving vehicles sound like Hell on Earth to me.
Might as well just take the bus then.

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