Majority Of Americans Don't Know Thier History

Get a l;oad of the scmucks clapping and waving them on? Did I say Americans don't know their history well they don't know their laws that use to keep them safe either.
This was a conference demonstration not training so these foreign are not stationed on US soil. They are long gone.

Many Americans don't know their history well it is true, but many Americans have gone off the deep end, seeing conspiracies where they want to see them. Such folk have lost touch with reality, are you one of them?
This was a conference demonstration not training so these foreign are not stationed on US soil. They are long gone.

Many Americans don't know their history well it is true, but many Americans have gone off the deep end, seeing conspiracies where they want to see them. Such folk have lost touch with reality, are you one of them?

I see you didn't watch the video. All I said is fact.
This was a conference demonstration not training so these foreign are not stationed on US soil. They are long gone.

Many Americans don't know their history well it is true, but many Americans have gone off the deep end, seeing conspiracies where they want to see them. Such folk have lost touch with reality, are you one of them?

As a country we've done far less of the 'evil things' assorted commies and sniveling minorities would want to acknowledge.
But then our history along with the worlds isn't taught in our schools of indoctrination.
The Spanish were the first to bring slaves sold to them by the Black African Slave Traders to the American Continent but don't tell those making a killing off the lies.
Portugal and Spain had the first slaves and used their ships to transport.
We were also one of the first nations to abolish slavery. Africa still has slaves used by their black masters. But don't tell anyone this inconvienent fact.
Only the truth will truely set them and us free. While they divide and conquor both black and whites lose the best thing that ever happend to us far as nations go.
Because of this fact we have lost our nation.
We allowed others to change the whole concept of what and who were. America has done evil things but the good she did far outweigh the bad. We are the only nation on earth who is actually ashamed of our success's dwelling only on our failures.
I think it will be missed even by those who hate it. maybe its just time for the world to be desolved?
Or even another empire to come onto the scene like " CHINA" . I do rhink China will be the next if WW3 doesn't take out all of us.
I don't think the problem is that people have forgotten history, more like they have lost it in the continual revisionism that is rampant on both side of the aisle. For instance, the whole CRT rests on the work of one professor, and the foundation lies in her attempt to trace a black family all the way back to Jamestown. Except that is impossible, in the Indian Massacre of 1622 Native Americans captured, and incorporated into their tribes, all the slaves in Jamestown.

Then there is every Thanksgiving where those on the right, John Stossel comes to mind first, want to proclaim that the colonists were all starving to death because they were socialist. The truth is Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay were both colonized through stock holding corporations and the colonists were starving because they were spending all their time trying to gather resources, like lumber, that they were shipping back to their corporate masters. They stopped starving when they told the corporate masters to go pound sand.

History is full of surprises, and secrets. Those in power attempt to keep the secrets secret and hide the surprises.
We celebrate every 4th of July
It is a festival of American greatness

Our First Amendment guarantees a Free Press
The duty of the free press is to report on what Government is doing wrong
Fourth means three day weekend of self indulgent, camping, over drinking and fun. Just like any other holiday.
I don't think the problem is that people have forgotten history, more like they have lost it in the continual revisionism that is rampant on both side of the aisle. For instance, the whole CRT rests on the work of one professor, and the foundation lies in her attempt to trace a black family all the way back to Jamestown. Except that is impossible, in the Indian Massacre of 1622 Native Americans captured, and incorporated into their tribes, all the slaves in Jamestown.

Then there is every Thanksgiving where those on the right, John Stossel comes to mind first, want to proclaim that the colonists were all starving to death because they were socialist. The truth is Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay were both colonized through stock holding corporations and the colonists were starving because they were spending all their time trying to gather resources, like lumber, that they were shipping back to their corporate masters. They stopped starving when they told the corporate masters to go pound sand.

History is full of surprises, and secrets. Those in power attempt to keep the secrets secret and hide the surprises.

Refreshing to see some do know some of their history. Only problem was with us and Indians was they didn't think Mother Earth wanted private land ownership.
Also lets not forget the Oligarchs in England stirred up a lot of crap before we threw them out.
Also who knows who was here when the Asians aka Eskimos aka Indians came across the frozen Eurasian Stepps. Lots of artifacts found to prove there were others here at one time, nobody knows for sure when. Don't you just love history?
I debate and play online maunly out of boredom since the world has changed so much it leaves us little more to do for entertainment.

Hell, it changes all the time, and only us old farts seem to understand this.

When I returned to the military in 2007 at the age of 42, it shocked me to realize that most I was now serving with had absolutely no comprehension of the "Cold War". They were babies when it ended, and seemed to think all we did back then was party all the time and do nothing. And I quickly realized that none could begin to comprehend the sense of almost imminent dread we all seemed to be living under back then.

And now, we have those in the military that were not even born yet when 9/11 happened. Try to explain what things were like before that event, and once again to them it is incomprehensible as they can not imagine living in a "Pre-9/11 world".

One of the advantages to me is having seen many such periods come and go, and seeing the differences.
Hell, it changes all the time, and only us old farts seem to understand this.

When I returned to the military in 2007 at the age of 42, it shocked me to realize that most I was now serving with had absolutely no comprehension of the "Cold War". They were babies when it ended, and seemed to think all we did back then was party all the time and do nothing. And I quickly realized that none could begin to comprehend the sense of almost imminent dread we all seemed to be living under back then.

And now, we have those in the military that were not even born yet when 9/11 happened. Try to explain what things were like before that event, and once again to them it is incomprehensible as they can not imagine living in a "Pre-9/11 world".

One of the advantages to me is having seen many such periods come and go, and seeing the differences.

" Too bad youth is wasted on the young". Otherwise they would not be "laying on the tracks for the train of the future to run over them".
I did watch and don't recall any non-American troops being stationed here.

Oh hell, we have them all over the place.

There are contingents of Germans stationed at both Fort Bliss and Fort Sill for training German Air Defense forces. These units have been on those two bases for at least 50 years, possibly since the Bundeswehr was first constituted after WWII.

In fact, it was always amusing when we would have a major Change of Command ceremony there, and the German Contingent would be a part of it. And on the day of the ceremony after a week of practice the Clergy for the German Air Force would be there in his formal "Friar Tuck" outfit. In actual black cowl and robes, with a white rope belt and wood cross on twine around his neck. They had their own school on the base for their children, their own chapel, and there was always a large selection of foods from Germany at the commissary.

There are also permanently based personnel from the UK, Italy, Germany, and others at Holloman Air Force Base. When I was at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard we had permanent groups from both Taiwan and Japan there.
I NEVER said 'stationed' I said "training on American soil ".
BS. You actually said: "Our leaders already have NATO troops and special forces right here on our soil in case they need them for marshall law". Sounds like they are stationed here permanently in case they are needed not here for temporary training. Were you mistaken then or are you mistaken now?

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