Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

So tax them 0 and give them handouts. Glad you are on record with it.

"Handouts"? Yeah, like Solyndra. We need to do a lot more of that kind of stuff. It gives a great rate of return. Where do I sign up?

I'm not for or against, like I said, It's irrelevant. I'm sure the liberals would love raising the corporate tax rate. The end result would be the consumer giving even more money to the government through slight of hand.

The big picture: The taxes levied by the government onto the people/corporations et al, are a tax on the products and services that US businesses provide. The government provides no value except for redistribution to help out those in need, protect our interests, people and assets through providing security and to provide for a shared infrastructure in which our businesses can compete and excel. Any supposed value above and beyond that is essentially non-value added. Our government is inefficient at best at providing anything and would lose if they went head to head against the private sector. By increasing taxes, we are providing more money for them to spend in more inefficiency and only results in reducing our capacity to compete with foreign companies.

I am not for any government handouts to the corporations. You have said do not tax them and give them handouts. Sorry that bothers you so.

It doesn't bother me. I'm agnostic. I keep telling you that, but you don't seem to either read or comprehend. I never said don't tax them. I said I don't fucking care.

So don't tax them and YOU pay all the taxes. Sound better?

LMAO. Ok, I'll pay.

Yes you will.
To encourage house purchases, that's why.

That is not the government’s job. Taxes should be used to raise money to pay for the governments spending, nothing more.
It is wrong to use the tax code for social engineering.

Except when it comes to the free stuff I suppose.

What free stuff is that?

C'mon, have you been sleeping? Free healthcare, free college, not sure if free income is still on the table.
isn't it grand all that free stuff, but never where it comes from.
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Dewey that is what I have been advocating from the start. Back to the kiddie table with you.

Are you for lowering the tax rate on the rich?
How dare your values corporations pay their fair share. Let the people pay it.

What are you saying?:huh1:

Lowering the tax rate on everyone.
How dare your valued corporations pay an equal share. That is just shameless.

They don't pay shit! The cost is passed on to the consumer. LOL. Step back and look at the larger picture.

So like I have said then are you advocating that corporations pay no taxes at all of any kind.

I think it is irrelevant. The taxes paid are paid by the consumer. It's just another place to tax something. Our government loves finding new things to tax (just look at the OP).
they are legalizing marijuana to get a tax resource.
Are you for lowering the tax rate on the rich?
What are you saying?:huh1:

Lowering the tax rate on everyone.
How dare your valued corporations pay an equal share. That is just shameless.

They don't pay shit! The cost is passed on to the consumer. LOL. Step back and look at the larger picture.

So like I have said then are you advocating that corporations pay no taxes at all of any kind.
why do you think they should?

So you do not believe in equality?
no such thing. It's an ideology created to shame people. you ain't equal to me. You have all the equal choices as I do, but you ain't equal to me, and I'm not to you.

Here's one for ya, I work my ass off five days a week for 48 weeks a year, I pay taxes, and then there are those who get welfare, for doing nothing. Getting money off my hard work. And you say equality to me? fk you. you can't define fair mthr.
-- an investment you wouldn't make without the "help". Again, that's bad for markets, and it's bad for society.

Giving some people tax breaks - because they jump through whatever hoops Congress has set up - and denying those tax breaks to everyone who won't jump through those hoops - is screwing those who don't do as they're told. I'm sorry you can't see it.

That's not screwing anybody. Our economic system is setup to encourage growth. It's like the lower capital gains rates. Why are they lower? Because it encourages people with money to invest in the market. When that happens, the economy grows, little people with their IRA money invested in the market get a more secure retirement account, which in the end, is less burden on our government. Companies use that money others invested in their industry to make investments of their own and create jobs.

It's just like dependent write-offs. They were designed to help our country grow, to encourage people to have families, encourage a spouse to stay home and raise those children. Do you think people who rent instead of own are getting screwed because they have no mortgage interest to write off?

Yrs, they are. Why should two people that make the exact same amount pay different rates based upon whether they have debt or not?

To encourage house purchases, that's why.

Nope. It encourages mortgages.

You're playing word salad.

How so? I made a very specific, and factual, point. The home mortgage tax incentive encourages home debt, not home ownership.
To encourage house purchases, that's why.

That is not the government’s job. Taxes should be used to raise money to pay for the governments spending, nothing more.
It is wrong to use the tax code for social engineering.

That's why I see conservatism as essentially dead in this country. Republicans and Democrats are on the same page when it comes to government interference in the economy. They just have a different list of "beneficiaries".
That's not screwing anybody. Our economic system is setup to encourage growth. It's like the lower capital gains rates. Why are they lower? Because it encourages people with money to invest in the market. When that happens, the economy grows, little people with their IRA money invested in the market get a more secure retirement account, which in the end, is less burden on our government. Companies use that money others invested in their industry to make investments of their own and create jobs.

It's just like dependent write-offs. They were designed to help our country grow, to encourage people to have families, encourage a spouse to stay home and raise those children. Do you think people who rent instead of own are getting screwed because they have no mortgage interest to write off?

Yrs, they are. Why should two people that make the exact same amount pay different rates based upon whether they have debt or not?

To encourage house purchases, that's why.

Nope. It encourages mortgages.

You're playing word salad.

How so? I made a very specific, and factual, point. The home mortgage tax incentive encourages home debt, not home ownership.
I'll ask you the same question. how so? you think people can afford homes without mortgages? LOL.

The stupid you all spew is just fking amazing.
If he lost his deductions, he'd probably have to close up shop.

Maybe he should run a better company and you would have health care.

No, maybe people shouldn't elect a bunch of control freak commies to our federal government and I would still have my healthcare.

Or your employer could be a better business man and not rely on the government and yours and my tax dollars to fund it.
then why would they move to your city to do business in? you still don't get it. truly sad.

Why wouldn't they, one has nothing to do with the other.
I feel sorry for you. really, I do. Can't explain away your kind of stupid.
Yrs, they are. Why should two people that make the exact same amount pay different rates based upon whether they have debt or not?

To encourage house purchases, that's why.

Nope. It encourages mortgages.

You're playing word salad.

How so? I made a very specific, and factual, point. The home mortgage tax incentive encourages home debt, not home ownership.
I'll ask you the same question. how so? you think people can afford homes without mortgages? LOL.

A mortgage ends up costing a family much more than buying a home for cash - so yeah, they could afford it. In the end it would be much cheaper to pay cash. But we have a government hell bent on pushing people into debt, so that's what happens.

Anyone wonder why the government wants to encourage debt?
Lowering the tax rate on everyone.
How dare your valued corporations pay an equal share. That is just shameless.

They don't pay shit! The cost is passed on to the consumer. LOL. Step back and look at the larger picture.

So like I have said then are you advocating that corporations pay no taxes at all of any kind.
why do you think they should?

So you do not believe in equality?
no such thing. It's an ideology created to shame people. you ain't equal to me. You have all the equal choices as I do, but you ain't equal to me, and I'm not to you.

Here's one for ya, I work my ass off five days a week for 48 weeks a year, I pay taxes, and then there are those who get welfare, for doing nothing. Getting money off my hard work. And you say equality to me? fk you. you can't define fair mthr.

Ahh poor lil man is the only person in country that has a job. Equal as in paying an equal % of taxes. That's it. And you are correct, you are subhuman.
Maybe he should run a better company and you would have health care.

No, maybe people shouldn't elect a bunch of control freak commies to our federal government and I would still have my healthcare.

Or your employer could be a better business man and not rely on the government and yours and my tax dollars to fund it.
then why would they move to your city to do business in? you still don't get it. truly sad.

Why wouldn't they, one has nothing to do with the other.
I feel sorry for you. really, I do. Can't explain away your kind of stupid.

I can yours, it is a special kind though.
To encourage house purchases, that's why.

Nope. It encourages mortgages.

You're playing word salad.

How so? I made a very specific, and factual, point. The home mortgage tax incentive encourages home debt, not home ownership.
I'll ask you the same question. how so? you think people can afford homes without mortgages? LOL.

A mortgage ends up costing a family much more than buying a home for cash - so yeah, they could afford it. In the end it would be much cheaper to pay cash. But we have a government hell bent on pushing people into debt, so that's what happens.

Anyone wonder why the government wants to encourage debt?
anything bought on credit costs three times the price of the buy. So how many folks do you know buy homes with cash? Look at the percentage on the internet. I saw a site saying 23% of homes sold in january of 2017.

All-Cash Sales: 23 Percent of Residential Sales in January 2017
They don't pay shit! The cost is passed on to the consumer. LOL. Step back and look at the larger picture.

So like I have said then are you advocating that corporations pay no taxes at all of any kind.
why do you think they should?

So you do not believe in equality?
no such thing. It's an ideology created to shame people. you ain't equal to me. You have all the equal choices as I do, but you ain't equal to me, and I'm not to you.

Here's one for ya, I work my ass off five days a week for 48 weeks a year, I pay taxes, and then there are those who get welfare, for doing nothing. Getting money off my hard work. And you say equality to me? fk you. you can't define fair mthr.

Ahh poor lil man is the only person in country that has a job. Equal as in paying an equal % of taxes. That's it. And you are correct, you are subhuman.
no one does that either. you're fked in the head poindexter.
No, maybe people shouldn't elect a bunch of control freak commies to our federal government and I would still have my healthcare.

Or your employer could be a better business man and not rely on the government and yours and my tax dollars to fund it.
then why would they move to your city to do business in? you still don't get it. truly sad.

Why wouldn't they, one has nothing to do with the other.
I feel sorry for you. really, I do. Can't explain away your kind of stupid.

I can yours, it is a special kind though.
cause you're stupid.
anything bought on credit costs three times the price of the buy. So how many folks do you know buy homes with cash? Look at the percentage on the internet. I saw a site saying 23% of homes sold in january of 2017.

All-Cash Sales: 23 Percent of Residential Sales in January 2017

That's more than I expected. Our government has spent the better part of a century pushing debt culture. So, we have debt culture. Why do the hard work of saving money for a large purchase when the government rewards you for going into debt?
anything bought on credit costs three times the price of the buy. So how many folks do you know buy homes with cash? Look at the percentage on the internet. I saw a site saying 23% of homes sold in january of 2017.

All-Cash Sales: 23 Percent of Residential Sales in January 2017

That's more than I expected. Our government has spent the better part of a century pushing debt culture. So, we have debt culture. Why do the hard work of saving money for a large purchase when the government rewards you for going into debt?
again, one is in debt without the government. I just showed you that. 77 percent worth of people. They went into debt to have a home. Not to get a discount tax bill. fk I hate stupid.
That's not screwing anybody. Our economic system is setup to encourage growth. It's like the lower capital gains rates. Why are they lower? Because it encourages people with money to invest in the market. When that happens, the economy grows, little people with their IRA money invested in the market get a more secure retirement account, which in the end, is less burden on our government. Companies use that money others invested in their industry to make investments of their own and create jobs.

It's just like dependent write-offs. They were designed to help our country grow, to encourage people to have families, encourage a spouse to stay home and raise those children. Do you think people who rent instead of own are getting screwed because they have no mortgage interest to write off?

Yrs, they are. Why should two people that make the exact same amount pay different rates based upon whether they have debt or not?

To encourage house purchases, that's why.

Nope. It encourages mortgages.

You're playing word salad.

How so? I made a very specific, and factual, point. The home mortgage tax incentive encourages home debt, not home ownership.

It encourages people to take the easiest, best leverage (debt) that they will get in their whole life. No one loans money at <4% for investment purposes unless it is a home mortgage. It's a GOOD thing. Not a BAD thing. And after you pay off the leverage (debt) you own the asset outright. That's not a BAD thing. Additionally, it is optional. YOU don't have to participate if you don't want to. Don't fuck other people over for YOUR ideals.
anything bought on credit costs three times the price of the buy. So how many folks do you know buy homes with cash? Look at the percentage on the internet. I saw a site saying 23% of homes sold in january of 2017.

All-Cash Sales: 23 Percent of Residential Sales in January 2017

That's more than I expected. Our government has spent the better part of a century pushing debt culture. So, we have debt culture. Why do the hard work of saving money for a large purchase when the government rewards you for going into debt?
again, one is in debt without the government. I just showed you that. 77 percent worth of people.

??? I don't understand what point you're trying to make. Do you?
So like I have said then are you advocating that corporations pay no taxes at all of any kind.
why do you think they should?

So you do not believe in equality?
no such thing. It's an ideology created to shame people. you ain't equal to me. You have all the equal choices as I do, but you ain't equal to me, and I'm not to you.

Here's one for ya, I work my ass off five days a week for 48 weeks a year, I pay taxes, and then there are those who get welfare, for doing nothing. Getting money off my hard work. And you say equality to me? fk you. you can't define fair mthr.

Ahh poor lil man is the only person in country that has a job. Equal as in paying an equal % of taxes. That's it. And you are correct, you are subhuman.
no one does that either. you're fked in the head poindexter.

48 hrs a week is a fucking joke partner. Been doing 6-10's for year and 1/2. Sometimes 7-10's. Your to fvcking dumb to be given a human name.
It encourages people to take the easiest, best leverage (debt) that they will get in their whole life. No one loans money at <4% for investment purposes unless it is a home mortgage. It's a GOOD thing. Not a BAD thing.
Especially if you're a banker!

Sorry, debt is not a good thing. It can be a useful thing, depending on a person's specific goals, but overall holding a lot of debt is only good for the lender.

Additionally, it is optional. YOU don't have to participate if you don't want to. Don't fuck other people over for YOUR ideals.

There's nothing optional about the tax code. If you don't play the game, if you don't jump through the hoops the government creates, you'll pay more in taxes.

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