Majority of Americans lack faith in Obama


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Majority of Americans lack faith in Obama: poll - Yahoo! News

"Nearly 60 percent of American voters say they lack faith in President Barack Obama, according to a public opinion poll published on Tuesday.

The results of the Washington Post/ABC News poll are a reversal of what voters said at the start of Obama's presidency 18 months ago when about 60 percent expressed confidence in his decision making."

I think this is what all modern Presidents can look forward to. Until we realize that the President shapes the issues, but cannot direct the actual change (Congress does), this cycle will simply repeat itself. At a -11 rating, Obama is not in a position to even shape the debate. A more conciliatory tone from Obama may open the door for some compromise with the new Congress in November, but he should start now.
Well if half of us keep believing the lies spouted by the right wing media why would anyone be surprised?
Right wing media...errr......ummmmm...sure. This was an ABC poll loon.
Democrat response: This is BS! Oh yeah, well Bush....

However this is a left wing news outlet so if these are the numbers with their polling... the real numbers must be really bad...
Your problem is many of these disillusioned voters want him to kick the republicans ass in congress.
Makes sense since a majority of Americans elected this friggin' idiot based on empty words rather than paying attention to his flimsy resume. However, this majority is the enlightened who knew a scam when they saw one and voters who've realized they made one hell of a mistake and have now left the dark side. Too late, dumbbells, but at least you've finally woke up.
72 percent said the same of Republicans

Republicans have spent the last year and a half doing everything they could to bring down Obama. They don't care about America. They just hate the, how did they say it, "man child", which is long for "boy".

Democrats haven't even started to campaign yet. Do you think they will bring up the fact that the Republican leadership refers to it's unemployed and poor base as, "Bums, hobos, spoiled, bellyachers, animals who will breed if you feed them"?

What about Republican deregulation of OSHA and the EPA which led to mine disasters and oil gushers.

What about Republican deregulation of Wall Street which led to an economic collapse.

It's not like these things are debatable ancient history. They JUST HAPPENED!

What about the Republican apology to BP and the fact that Republicans want to stick the clean up cost to the Middle Class?

It's not possible to be a party of no skills, no ideas and a checkered past and actually "debate". There are always debates leading up to elections.

In a debate, how will Rand Paul explain, "The unemployed are whiners and bellyachers", "Get a job", and "Don't talk bad about BP"?

How will Republicans debate the Dow being up 4,000 points?

Who will they debate an improving economy that their policies almost completely ruined?

How will they debate the millions being poured into Republican campaigns by oil companies? They want to say, "Obama got the most money from BP", then when it's pointed out that Obama received money from the employees and NOT from the company itself, how do Republicans avoid looking like idiots?

The short answer, they can't.
It's probably just me, but I get a blank page when I click the OP link.

"Faith" is an odd word to use here, unless those polled truly consider him a deity.

Rasmussen has him with 48% of likely voters "at least somewhat" approving. Libs I know, who will say, seem split down the middle, with half saying, "Oh well, it seemed like a good idea at the time," and the other half appoving of the healthcare thing.
It's probably just me, but I get a blank page when I click the OP link.

"Faith" is an odd word to use here, unless those polled truly consider him a deity.

Rasmussen has him with 48% of likely voters "at least somewhat" approving. Libs I know, who will say, seem split down the middle, with half saying, "Oh well, it seemed like a good idea at the time," and the other half appoving of the healthcare thing.

I'm finding the same with Yahoo link, though it was there earlier. Here's the link to the poll results:

Washington Post-ABC News (
Faith in politicians?


Some of us had HOPEs for the man, of course, but FAITH?
That number is higher. This poll is being conservative. Most people are pretty sick of the Socialists/Progressives at this point. I know i am.
Faith in politicians?


Some of us had HOPEs for the man, of course, but FAITH?

Some people worship the Founding Fathers, so seeing such a question being asked isn't terribly too surprising. Poorly worded in my opinion.
Makes sense since a majority of Americans elected this friggin' idiot based on empty words rather than paying attention to his flimsy resume. However, this majority is the enlightened who knew a scam when they saw one and voters who've realized they made one hell of a mistake and have now left the dark side. Too late, dumbbells, but at least you've finally woke up.


I'm only astonished the honeymoon didn't end sooner.

Obama is the poster child for social promotion of underqualified minority candidates.


Don't tell anyone I said that......

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