Majority of Americans More Concerned about ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans’: POLL

Democrats have a majority in the Senate dickless logic 'well yeah,......but it is not a big majority "

You thugs fucked up the house under Eva Braun to the point that a single vote majority gives a party ABSOLUTE power.

That's not the case in the Senate.
We falsely hated him? Okay....

Trump could have easily won over Americans on both sides of the isle once he got into power. Instead he chose to be divisive. I believe he believed that would benefit him in some way. In leading or in getting re elected, who knows. He decided to really pay off the religious right who got him elected. He elected judges they wanted. He gave them a seat at the table. And right away he was divisive with not only Democrats but also Republicans. And he broke rules, then laws. Wants to take over our elections. Who cares what the people want. Have Mike Pence not certify the vote? Are you kidding me? Call Georgia and ask them to find more votes? Are you kidding me? Call Ukraine and quid pro quo them on digging up fake ass dirt on Biden's son? Are you kidding me?

Sorry your messiah is such a scumbag. Pick someone better.
Your gaslighting is failing, figure something else out because you are truly embarrassing yourself.
Probably just like most Christians aren't "real" Christians and most Republicans are RINOs I'm sure most Libertarians aren't real libertarians

Look. 70% of Michiganders voted YES to abortion but this poll says 70% of Michiganders claim to be Christians

And you think a Christian is supposed to be perfect or they aren't believer's or Christian ??? Keep looking for those missteps, and keep on judging people, but know that you are just being a hypocritical butt hurt political hack that will do and say anything to get your ridiculous biased left leaning way. Hope you are prepared for the final judgement in order to give account for your ways, because it's coming.
Then our democracy is done I hope you're happy about that welcome to fascism.
Our "democracy" ended 8/8/22 - when Joe Biden deployed federal troops against his 2024 presidential election.

We are a banana republic under the rule of the fascist democrats. It will take a decade to restore the Constitutional Republic from the damage the Nazi democrats have done.
Obviously your figures are inaccurate or an outright lie. No surprise there.

Outright lie?

Show a single poll within two weeks of the election that had Festerman leading Oz?

The REALITY is that the Americans must have a +10 lead to compensate for democrat election fraud.
Because even among Republicans there are always a few Good Men willing to stand up to what's wrong about America.
A few traitors you mean ?

After all that has been learned about the Democrat's concerning their idea on abortion, the indoctrination forced into the schools against the parent's wishes, the hidden Hunter Biden story that includes Biden as the big guy then being squashed by big tech, as well as the damage that the Demoncrats have done to law enforcement, the turning America from a meritocracy into an anything is allowed to go type of nation (i.e. from a CIVILIZED SOCIETY into an uncivilized SOCIETY), and then boasting about it or parading it all in front of the nation and the children through a complicit media as if it is all normal, but in reality it flies into the faces of those who are against such things, and we'll so they just want to live their lives in peace.
Majority of Americans More Concerned about ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans’: POLL
Hmmm, it appears, according to this poll, that the left's gaslighting campaign is failing.
This is good news for those who love liberty and freedom.

It appears that the questions were leading and designed to elicit the response they received. Instead of "Which party do you think is more dangerous to the American way of life", they ask this long winded questions slanted against Democrats and in favour of Republicans and wonder why the poll favour Republicans.
It appears that the questions were leading and designed to elicit the response they received. Instead of "Which party do you think is more dangerous to the American way of life", they ask this long winded questions slanted against Democrats and in favour of Republicans and wonder why the poll favour Republicans.
Proving once again biased information is bogus.
It appears that the questions were leading and designed to elicit the response they received. Instead of "Which party do you think is more dangerous to the American way of life", they ask this long winded questions slanted against Democrats and in favour of Republicans and wonder why the poll favour Republicans.
No one cares about the ignorant opinions of whiny Canadian Karens.
Outright lie?

Show a single poll within two weeks of the election that had Festerman leading Oz?

The REALITY is that the Americans must have a +10 lead to compensate for democrat election fraud.

You had better get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it!!!!!!!

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