Majority of Americans support the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants

Including a majority of independents and a notable amount of Democrats. Wow this is really a turning point. It’s a turning point for the Democrat party and I think that in large part we are seeing a significant number of Democrats support the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants because of the vile racism of the radical left-wing. They’re supportive of BLM, the fact that some Democrat politicians support BLM ideology. It’s having a reverberating effect on other policies.

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The radical left probably thinks that 2% of Democrats would support the mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. Nope wow look at the remarkable Poll results.

The cancel culture…. The violent BLM riots. The fact that the radical left wing is the most violent political group in the past few years… the renaming of sports teams for no good reason the hypocrisy of it, removing or renaming items from grocery stores because some rich person deemed it to be racist…. Most Americans tired of the radical left-wing. The sad thing is you’re gonna have undocumented immigrants that are good Catholic people and they’re paying for the attitude, the belligerent attitude of the radical left-wing politicians, media personalities, and celebrities.

Those poll results might be different if not for the radical left-wing and their racist anti-American attitude. The fact that they have allowed in millions upon millions of undocumented immigrants. If we had less undocumented immigrants in this country and a pro American democrat party that opposes the blm mindset, I think that the poll results would be different.
Undocumented? Does that mean illegal, those that broke the law?
I’m listening on cspan to some of the Democrats who oppose the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants.

They’re lying about the issue. Claiming that Republicans oppose immigration. Saying that Trump is a hypocrite for marrying an immigrant. Well no Republicans are constantly saying they are for legal immigration while opposing illegal immigration. Why do Democrats have to constantly engage in hyperbole and even outright lie about the topic?

Melania wasn't legal.
Trump had 4 years and did absolutely nothing about the millions here.
More lies and you know it.
You globalists tied his hands at every turn. He won’t try to play nice this time…he’ll go full dictator on the issue of deportation this go-around. You better go into hiding come January 2025 Humberto.
They still came by the millions
If you think Harris is going to be better on the border, good luck with that.

Trump failed to deliver of few of his campaign promises, I have no doubt he will have mass deportations. It's an easy call.
When Trump was elected illegal immigration declined by 40 percent, but ramped up again when the wall was delayed. Old news, can't find a link.

This graphic was posted by MAGA member Healthmyths...


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