Pneumonia kills also and there is a vaccine, oh, and so does influenza.....If the OP could just invent a vaccine that would cure everything that ails humans we could bitch about something else.

There is a Pneumococcal vaccine, but that is only one of many causes of pneumonia, so there is no pneumonia vaccine.
For example, when covid causes pneumonia, it is from an autoimmune over active response, so clearly there can be no vaccine for that.
We're on the same page. I'd rather have your drooling, stuttering fucktard with the brain injury than anyone that could hurt animals. Even though the election was stolen. And he holds black joggers at gunpoint for.... well, being black.

Wouldn't that make him a natural hero to Republicans?

Well that’s because many more people have been vaccinated. Here’s some math that will blow your mind. If everybody got vaccinated then 100% of COVID deaths would be vaccinated people… crazy huh?!?!

But the problem is that the infection, transmission, and death rate are the same, before and a couple months after vaccination.
So then clearly the mRNA vaccines do not at all work.
So you have no answer. Another useless conversation. You are consistent.
No answer to what? You didn’t ask a question.

But I have one for you that should end the discussion….

Let’s say somebody has been vaxed and they go to this blood bank anyways. How will the blood bank know that their blood is contaminated?
But the problem is that the infection, transmission, and death rate are the same, before and a couple months after vaccination.
So then clearly the mRNA vaccines do not at all work.
How do you know that the infection, transmission, and death rate are the same, before and a couple months after vaccination?
I did in my original response. More people getting vaxxed is going to increase the proportion of vaxxed COVID deaths.

You said that doesn’t apply. How?

Except that the whole point of getting vaccinated is that it normally reduces infection, spread, and death so much that it ends the epidemic.
These mRNA vaccines clearly do not work because after a few months, they have ZERO effect on infection, spread, or death.
No answer to what? You didn’t ask a question.

But I have one for you that should end the discussion….

Let’s say somebody has been vaxed and they go to this blood bank anyways. How will the blood bank know that their blood is contaminated?

Covid can not survive in blood, so blood banks take people with covid, without any testing.
No answer to what? You didn’t ask a question.

But I have one for you that should end the discussion….

Let’s say somebody has been vaxed and they go to this blood bank anyways. How will the blood bank know that their blood is contaminated?
The blood bank that does not want vaxxed blood will simply ask them. If they are not Democrats they will tell the truth.
How do you know that the infection, transmission, and death rate are the same, before and a couple months after vaccination?

All statistics before and a few months after mRNA vaccination, remain identical.
The mRNA vaccine has zero effect on any statistic, (except for a few months).
I did in my original response. More people getting vaxxed is going to increase the proportion of vaxxed COVID deaths.

You said that doesn’t apply. How?
I can't see the posts of who you are talking to (I have them on ignore), but I am guessing it is along the lines of "Nuh-uh!"

That's what the tards do when they can't overcome the facts.

Don't feed the troll.
Except that the whole point of getting vaccinated is that it normally reduces infection, spread, and death so much that it ends the epidemic.
These mRNA vaccines clearly do not work because after a few months, they have ZERO effect on infection, spread, or death.
The vaccines were never intended to wipe out the virus. Like the flu virus, COVID mutates and new strains form which is why we see new flu shots every season.

What the vaccines did was provided short term efficacy, blocking transmission which eased the strain on our hospital system. They also built up the immune system so those who did contract COVID had less sever symptoms.

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