But the problem is that the infection, transmission, and death rate are the same, before and a couple months after vaccination.
So then clearly the mRNA vaccines do not at all work.
I suspect the Trump Vaccine is ineffective against the newer variants.

Which is why boosters are needed. And boy oh boy does that get the retards panties in a bunch!

MOAR of Bill Gates's shots?!?! ZOMG!

Yet we all get a new flu shot every year because of new variants of influenza.
The blood bank that does not want vaxxed blood will simply ask them. If they are not Democrats they will tell the truth.
Right but if undercover Dems go there and lie about their vax status and donate their blood, how will the blood bank know if the blood is pure or not?
You know, Bill Gates's computer software was constantly having to be updated because of bugs in the software and exploits by hackers.

That's why we have to get a new Covid vaccine all the time. To update the microchip tracker software being implanted in everyone who gets the shot.

Just my personal pet theory. ;)

Pass it on.
All statistics before and a few months after mRNA vaccination, remain identical.
The mRNA vaccine has zero effect on any statistic, (except for a few months).
What statistics are you looking at? What’s your source?
In other words the jabs dont work.
Not as well as we would like them to.

People still die of the flu every year despite being vaccinated. That's because the flu shot each year is protection against the most prevalent strain going around. But there are other strains also going around from which you are not as well protected by the shot.

Thousands and thousands die each year from the flu.

I don't see any tards running around screaming that most of the people who died from the flu were vaxxed against the flu.

The MAGAtards' ignorance is being exploited by their propagandists. Their propagandists don't care how many dead bodies pile up as long as they get ad revenue.

But its backfiring. All those early dead unvaxxed were mostly Republicans. This has created a real world impact on election outcomes.
Pneumonia kills also and there is a vaccine, oh, and so does influenza.....If the OP could just invent a vaccine that would cure everything that ails humans we could bitch about something else.
Not as well as we would like them to.

People still die of the flu every year despite being vaccinated. That's because the flu shot each year is protection against the most prevalent strain going around. But there are other strains also going around from which you are not as well protected by the shot.

Thousands and thousands die each year from the flu.

I don't see any tards running around screaming that most of the people who died from the flu were vaxxed against the flu.

The MAGAtards' ignorance is being exploited by their propagandists. Their propagandists don't care how many dead bodies pile up as long as they get ad revenue.

But its backfiring. All those early dead unvaxxed were mostly Republicans. This has created a real world impact on election outcomes.

Yeah but people aren't dying from the flu vac. like they are from the jab.
Back to my pet theory about Bill Gates and microchip trackers and software upgrade boosters.

I have discovered a giant hole in this theory.

If the aim is to implant everyone so the Illuminati Bilderberg Group Deep State WEF can monitor and control our movements, why not do it with the flu vaccine?

No one suspects the flu vaccine.

Well, there were anti-vaxxers before Covid (see: Jenna Jameson), but you get what I mean.
One of the more recent hoaxes surrounding the Trump Vaccine is "Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome".

The tards' propagandists have gotten a lot of lulz by connecting this SADS thing to Covid.
This makes me haz a sad.

This woman is a nurse and sez the Trump Vaccine made her magnetic.

God help us all.

That was a joke moron.
My question still stands. How will the blood bank know which blood is pure and which is contaminated? Taking a persons word surly isn’t sufficient verification for something this important. Right?

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