Majority of Republicans believe Obama sympathizes with imposers of Islamic Law


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Least according to Newsweek.

Scroll down to question #24

"Some people have alleged that Barack Obama sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic Law around the world. From what you know about Obama, what is your opinion of these allegations?

14% of Republicans say it's definitely true. 38% of Republicans say probably true. 33% say probably not true. Only 7% say definitely not true.


I have yet to hear that he approves of Sharia Law and the Stoning of Women..

Oh, Republicans.. I'm glad I stopped affiliating with you guys, you sure know how to stir some shit.
Least according to Newsweek.

Scroll down to question #24

"Some people have alleged that Barack Obama sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic Law around the world. From what you know about Obama, what is your opinion of these allegations?

14% of Republicans say it's definitely true. 38% of Republicans say probably true. 33% say probably not true. Only 7% say definitely not true.

View attachment 11502
Of COURSE most RepubliCON$ believe that, its because most RepubliCON$ are MORANS!!!


Least according to Newsweek.

Scroll down to question #24

"Some people have alleged that Barack Obama sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic Law around the world. From what you know about Obama, what is your opinion of these allegations?

14% of Republicans say it's definitely true. 38% of Republicans say probably true. 33% say probably not true. Only 7% say definitely not true.

View attachment 11502
Of COURSE most RepubliCON$ believe that, its because most RepubliCON$ are MORANS!!!



thx for the lucid response.
Least according to Newsweek.

Scroll down to question #24

"Some people have alleged that Barack Obama sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic Law around the world. From what you know about Obama, what is your opinion of these allegations?

14% of Republicans say it's definitely true. 38% of Republicans say probably true. 33% say probably not true. Only 7% say definitely not true.

View attachment 11502
Of COURSE most RepubliCON$ believe that, its because most RepubliCON$ are MORANS!!!



This response is exactly why I and most on this board believe you to be mentally ill.
Least according to Newsweek.

Scroll down to question #24

"Some people have alleged that Barack Obama sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic Law around the world. From what you know about Obama, what is your opinion of these allegations?

14% of Republicans say it's definitely true. 38% of Republicans say probably true. 33% say probably not true. Only 7% say definitely not true.

View attachment 11502

FACTUALLY, THE EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD Obami Salaami has been, and still OBVIOUS Muslim PC Protector, Palestinian Guardian, a SUPPORTER of known Islamic Terrorists, and semi-Terrorists and their Organizations. Spending our tax money on workshops for these Islamic Swine, sending the fucking Imam Rauf to the Mid East....who is OBVIOUSLY going to drum up money for the VICTORY MOSQUE that our Political Charlatan supports. His Homeland Security Czar, Janet Incompetano (obviously with Obami's approval) appoints KNOWN Islamic Terrorists or ACTIVE Terrorist supporters to high positions in our highest National SECURITY organization, is giving IRAN a pass by didling around, etc., etc., etc.

WTF can you conclude if not that our EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD, Obami Salaami is, basically, establishing Shariah in the World by his NOT only inaction......BUT HIS ACTIVE SUPPORT OF THE ISLAMIC SWINE ??????
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I have yet to hear that he approves of Sharia Law and the Stoning of Women..

Oh, Republicans.. I'm glad I stopped affiliating with you guys, you sure know how to stir some shit.

Every time I find myself starting to lean towards the Republicans - like now for instance - I read something like this, and I ... I ... I just can't.
Least according to Newsweek.

Scroll down to question #24

"Some people have alleged that Barack Obama sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic Law around the world. From what you know about Obama, what is your opinion of these allegations?

14% of Republicans say it's definitely true. 38% of Republicans say probably true. 33% say probably not true. Only 7% say definitely not true.

View attachment 11502
That pretty well shows how the lunatics have take over the Republican party. I think Democrats could certainly use this to energize the base. Most Republicans think Obama supports the terrorist. That should do it.

I have yet to hear that he approves of Sharia Law and the Stoning of Women..

Oh, Republicans.. I'm glad I stopped affiliating with you guys, you sure know how to stir some shit.

Every time I find myself starting to lean towards the Republicans - like now for instance - I read something like this, and I ... I ... I just can't.


Face it, it's not the stoning of women, etc.....YOU ARE A CONGENITAL LIEBTURD....and the EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD fits your idea of a MESSIAH !!!

You know damn well that my post preceding yours a few posts away is FACTUALLY TRUE....even if you might disagree with a couple of the FACTS.

So HOW THE FUCK can you claim it's just the stoning of women, etc....that turns you off from being a rational person ?!?!?

Stop being a PHONEY in addition....oops, NOT "in addition".....but .....Stop being a TRUE Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd.
That Newsweek Poll also says there is reason to believe that Democrats may not be heading to the bloodbath that Republicans expect.
Every time I find myself starting to lean towards the Republicans - like now for instance - I read something like this, and I ... I ... I just can't.

stay away from both sides Toro.....they are both poison......
That pretty well shows how the lunatics have take over the Republican party. I think Democrats could certainly use this to energize the base. Most Republicans think Obama supports the terrorist. That should do it.

the lunatics have taken over both parties.....they both should go strait to hell....with Yukon....

I have yet to hear that he approves of Sharia Law and the Stoning of Women..

Oh, Republicans.. I'm glad I stopped affiliating with you guys, you sure know how to stir some shit.

Every time I find myself starting to lean towards the Republicans - like now for instance - I read something like this, and I ... I ... I just can't.


Face it, it's not the stoning of women, etc.....YOU ARE A CONGENITAL LIEBTURD....and the EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD fits your idea of a MESSIAH !!!

You know damn well that my post preceding yours a few posts away is FACTUALLY TRUE....even if you might disagree with a couple of the FACTS.

So HOW THE FUCK can you claim it's just the stoning of women, etc....that turns you off from being a rational person ?!?!?

Stop being a PHONEY in addition....oops, NOT "in addition".....but .....Stop being a TRUE Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd.

Toro?......i dont think so......

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