Majority Of Rescued Sex-Trafficked Kids Came From Foster Care

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
If you have visibility of any foster care parents or operations keep an eye out for suspicious behavior.

Probably have a Cuties operation going on.

Looks like some judges and family courts may be involved.

he U.S. Marshals Service recently launched a nationwide effort to recover missing and exploited children. Three major operations rescued over 100 children, many of them from sex traffickers. But a disturbing trend discovered during the operation should launch a nationwide investigation into the American child welfare system. PJ Media reached out to USMS for details on the rescued children and was told that the majority of them came from foster care. This information was ignored in the initial media reports on the operation. Dave Oney, press contact at the USMS, responded via email to questions about the rescued children.

Cause or effect?

That's a damn good question. I don't have the answer. But it has to be dissected and the problem found.

Over 200 have been rescued since Epstein's girlfriend was arrested and I think that she gave up her happy hunting ground to prosecutors.
The "majority" of 100 kids doesn't exactly constitute a national trend. The Feds rescued "foster" kids because social service records are easy to find.

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