Supreme Court 9-0, can't prevent Catholic Charities from fostering kids. Democrat party hatred of religion takes a hit...


The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Too bad for you that we have a Constitutional right to believe whatever we want. Boo hoo.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Praise the Lord and God bless you.

Being a constitutional right doesn't give it credence as fact, only that you can believe what you want and you can't be denied it.

If a mature woman does not have the right to control her body, under that very same constitution, how can some mythical ghost in the sky have it?
There's no mention of illegal abortions in original texts. This is the liberties you have taken in your gods name to appear you have access to gods thoughts etc on a unique basis. You don't. You are blissfully ignoring everyone else's constitutional right to exercise their freedoms.

Keep going. You will leave this discussion before me. I will dig to the bottom to show you your hypocrisy.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Yes, the fact 99% of all charity for the poor is Judeo-Christian would piss you off.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Too bad for you that we have a Constitutional right to believe whatever we want. Boo hoo.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Praise the Lord and God bless you.

Being a constitutional right doesn't give it credence as fact, only that you can believe what you want and you can't be denied it.

If a mature woman does not have the right to control her body, under that very same constitution, how can some mythical ghost in the sky have it?
There's no mention of illegal abortions in original texts. This is the liberties you have taken in your gods name to appear you have access to gods thoughts etc on a unique basis. You don't. You are blissfully ignoring everyone else's constitutional right to exercise their freedoms.

Keep going. You will leave this discussion before me. I will dig to the bottom to show you your hypocrisy.
Takes a total moron to claim 100% knowledge on the unknowable.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Yes, the fact 99% of all charity for the poor is Judeo-Christian would piss you off.

I don't care if every charity was godbotherers. It doesn't change the facts in my posts. Refute everything I have claimed and see how good you are. I know you can't so cut diversions.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Too bad for you that we have a Constitutional right to believe whatever we want. Boo hoo.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Praise the Lord and God bless you.

Being a constitutional right doesn't give it credence as fact, only that you can believe what you want and you can't be denied it.

If a mature woman does not have the right to control her body, under that very same constitution, how can some mythical ghost in the sky have it?
There's no mention of illegal abortions in original texts. This is the liberties you have taken in your gods name to appear you have access to gods thoughts etc on a unique basis. You don't. You are blissfully ignoring everyone else's constitutional right to exercise their freedoms.

Keep going. You will leave this discussion before me. I will dig to the bottom to show you your hypocrisy.
nobody said every religion was fact

that’s why there are so many of them.

i suggest you find one besides leftism..which appears to be driving your hate

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Yes, the fact 99% of all charity for the poor is Judeo-Christian would piss you off.

I don't care if every charity was godbotherers. It doesn't change the facts in my posts. Refute everything I have claimed and see how good you are. I know you can't so cut diversions.
Ah. So what have I lost and you gained in our beliefs?

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Too bad for you that we have a Constitutional right to believe whatever we want. Boo hoo.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Praise the Lord and God bless you.

Being a constitutional right doesn't give it credence as fact, only that you can believe what you want and you can't be denied it.

If a mature woman does not have the right to control her body, under that very same constitution, how can some mythical ghost in the sky have it?
There's no mention of illegal abortions in original texts. This is the liberties you have taken in your gods name to appear you have access to gods thoughts etc on a unique basis. You don't. You are blissfully ignoring everyone else's constitutional right to exercise their freedoms.

Keep going. You will leave this discussion before me. I will dig to the bottom to show you your hypocrisy.
nobody said every religion was fact

that’s why there are so many of them.

i suggest you find one besides leftism..which appears to be driving your hate
Everyone has a religion. His is the MeMyselfandI religion.
The court ruled in favor of Obamacare the left loves them the right hates them they rule in favor of the Catholic Church the right loves them and the left hates them.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

Wow, another UNANIMOUS rebuke of Biden's hate-based agenda.
Biden is in charger of the city of Philadelphia?

Or did you not actually follow the link?
The court ruled in favor of Obamacare the left loves them the right hates them they rule in favor of the Catholic Church the right loves them and the left hates them.
Supreme Court always makes good decisions?
How good one thinks their decisions are depends on your point of view. For far to many there decisions are only good when they go the way they want them to. The court is there to make rulings based on the law and the constitution not to make the partisans from either side happy.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.

Ah, an internet tough guy as well as a molestation survivor. Sorry man, you've had it rough, but it gets better, I promise. Go to church more often and you'll feel better. God bless!
The democrat run City of Brotherly Love jeopardized the welfare of orphans by refusing to contract services with the Catholic church because the Church discriminated against the sodomite community. It should be noted that the same city had no procedure to inspect abortion clinics while Dr. Kermit Gosnell was running a literal house of horrors. Just when it seemed that the Supreme Court wasn't as conservative as I had hoped they came out with a courageous decision that favored the 1st Amendment freedom of religion over the manufactured issues of the gay community.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

Wow, another UNANIMOUS rebuke of Biden's hate-based agenda.
Biden is in charger of the city of Philadelphia?

Or did you not actually follow the link?

Biden is in charge of the whole country, didn't you hear? His hate-based agenda has emboldened the hate-based agendas of local fascists like the DemoKKKrats who run Philadelphia.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

Wow, another UNANIMOUS rebuke of Biden's hate-based agenda.
Biden is in charger of the city of Philadelphia?

Or did you not actually follow the link?

Biden is in charge of the whole country, didn't you hear? His hate-based agenda has emboldened the hate-based agendas of local fascists like the DemoKKKrats who run Philadelphia.

Biden is in charge of the whole country.....according to who? that what Tucker told you think, Marvin?

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Too bad for you that we have a Constitutional right to believe whatever we want. Boo hoo.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.
Praise the Lord and God bless you.

Being a constitutional right doesn't give it credence as fact, only that you can believe what you want and you can't be denied it.

If a mature woman does not have the right to control her body, under that very same constitution, how can some mythical ghost in the sky have it?
There's no mention of illegal abortions in original texts. This is the liberties you have taken in your gods name to appear you have access to gods thoughts etc on a unique basis. You don't. You are blissfully ignoring everyone else's constitutional right to exercise their freedoms.

Keep going. You will leave this discussion before me. I will dig to the bottom to show you your hypocrisy.
Murder isn't a right. What about the freedom of the child?

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The thread premise is a lie; unreliable source.

What? It's all over the news...9-0.

Suck on that one
Would you really want a cake from some bible thumper who doesn't approve of your marriage?

The predators who are at the center of this controversy don't want or care about the cake at all, or even the principle behind the issue. They want to destroy the livelihoods (and lives) of people they disagree with. That's the way Big Left operates.
My God says I should discriminate against some people. Sounds proper in a religiously controlled government like those in the Mideast but we are supposed to be a secular nation but thanks to a conservative majority on the SCOTUS we are now, for all intents and purposes, just like the Taliban.

Talk about hyperbole. What is the government's compelling interest in forcing an individual to choose between their chosen work or going against their religious morals?

Especially when we are talking about a non-essential, easily replicable, non time sensitive contracted service like a wedding cake or photography at a wedding?

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

And the typical asshole atheist makes his tired banal appearance.

The Supreme Court delivered a historic unanimous victory for religious freedom on Thursday, ruling that the City of Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services (CSS) because it would not place children with same-sex couples. The Court ruled that Philadelphia cannot discriminate against religious foster care agencies based on their fundamental beliefs about marriage and sexuality.

“CSS seeks only an accommodation that will allow it to continue serving the children of Philadelphia in a manner consistent with its religious beliefs; it does not seek to impose those beliefs on anyone else. The refusal of Philadelphia to contract with CSS for the provision of foster care services unless it agrees to certify same-sex couples as foster parents cannot survive strict scrutiny, and violates the First Amendment,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion in Fulton v. Philadelphia (2021).

The democrats had been considered nor were they involved. As for hating religion, they gave good reason to with all the lies and threats it teaches little kids but you have no proof they hate religion. It's the democrats you hate.
isn’t the proof in your post?

why do you hate people being taught to love their neighbors? does it threaten your left wing message of division?

Love thy neighbours???
White Republican godbotherers are not noted for their tolerance to anything. Look at you.

The point of the exercise is to indoctrinate them with filthy religion.
Threaten them with eternal fire and sins if they don't obey some cruel mythical ghost in the sky. Teach them to hate blacks and atheism. Rivet hate onto there foreheads about everything from democrats to blacks and everything in between.

Do you think religion has any other motives? Grow up. Stick to your filthy bible.

I'm sorry you were molested by a person who claimed to be a religious authority. Your story is not common, however, and you shouldn't generalize.

I was never molested you dickhead. My problem is I'm telling you the truth and you dont like it.

Religion is the most corrosive and detrimental organisation ever perpetrated on the human race.
Hypocritical godbotherers like you sanctamoniously parade yourselves as to be as white and pure as the driven snow. Religion is saturated with paedophiles and homosexuals but again, you fail to mention that to the little kids. All because you want another generation to continue your fraudulent charlatan behaviour. But still you come here with your mealy mouthed excuses and condescending disgraceful assumptions.

I'm not the pushover you think I am.
Keep your filthy disgusting hideous beliefs to yourself and stop ruining you kids lives. Go away and don't reply to me again or I will tear strips off you.


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