Majority of vets support Trump.

Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows

Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.

Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion.

That's gotta be one of the lowest for a Republican President in modern history...
Based on which polls?

This one?
Good one

Shows how much Comeys bombshell impacted the election
Nobody’s talking “impeachment “ out there in the real world. Another Democrat loser issue.
Impeached President Trump seems to talk quite a bit about it
Well sometimes you just have to call bullshit when you see it. The first Democrat elected President after Trump, and GOP has legislative branch, you can fucking guarantee that cocksucker will be impeached and removed.
As hard as you tried, it didn’t work under Obama
Half of active-duty service members are unhappy with Trump, new Military Times poll shows

Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.

Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion.

That's gotta be one of the lowest for a Republican President in modern history...
They loved Bush even though he sent them into an unnecessary war
My dad's a Vietnam Vet & doesn't like Trump..

Your dad must have PTSD. Sad.

I know of at least one Vietnam War vet here who is a rabid left-wing Trump-hater. Like I say, being a hero at one time doesn't give someone the right to be an asshole forever.

No, my dad doesn't like Trump as a person because he's educated.
He knows Trump is a foul mouthed cretin, who talks about grabbing pu$$y, which is a disgrace to women & children.
He knows Trump has 3,500 lawsuits filed against him.
He knows Trump has hired Illegals.
He knows Trump used Chinese steel in his towers.
He knows Stormy Daniels was a fiasco.
He knows Trump University was a scam.
He knows Trump paid workers less than minimum wage.
He knows Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square & not lose voters.
He knows Trump said Communist China used good government force in Tiananmen Square Massacre.
MOST IMportantly, Trump ripped off a Veterans charity.

You are just ignorant & subservient.
Try again, Sobie. You ARE as dumb as your avatar pic appears to be. Congratulations.

Even dumber than that, considering his username is “Sobieski saved Europe”, and yet he loves Palestinians. Sobieski was Poland’s Donald Trump in the 17th century and kicked the Muslims’ asses.

I never said I loved Palestinians.
This is your typical low Western European intellect, anybody must love one side or the other.
How about no, you are dumb.

There's a big difference between Sobieski saving Europe from Islamic invaders.
Palestine combating Israeli invaders.

Besides, since I've made my username when arriving, the Jews / Israel have decided to blame Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times, and demand reparations from Poland.

I most certainly support Muslims over Jews.

So when will you be having your own self-radicalization "coming out party"? Will you be "coming out" with a boom, and a hearty "Allah hu Akbar"?

I certainly hope not. That shit gives me a headache. :04:
If that is all you have as a response, then you have lost the discussion.

What discussion? You posted a fucking CARTOON!! You are constantly referring to your rump!!!! :dunno: I don't want to talk about where your ideas come from. :cul2:
Trump is a failed Atlantic City casino operator, and America is just his latest casino!

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