Majority of vets support Trump.

My Polish American father correctly identifies Capitalism as a problem that has outsourced to China, VIETNAM, Mexico, while importing those same enemies to here.

The problem is you're a Western European, AKA a lower race of Humanity.

You people DON'T THINK, you just kind of Chimp out.

Your father doesn’t sound very smart, since the only leader to ever fight to keep our jobs from going overseas to China and Mexico and to try and stop third world trash from being imported is President Trump.

I don't think you're very smart, if you think Capitalism has nothing to do with outsourcing.

As for deportations Obama deported more than Trump.

Trump has solved nothing.

Obviously won't because he's a Capitalist.

Does it all make sense to you…The Kenyan deported more wetbacks yet he added 2.5 million more to the backs of good real Americans?
Is shit really adding up for you?
Report: 2.5 million illegal immigrants under Obama, 400,000 yearly

I said deported more, nothing about deporting all of them. (Rolls eyes)

Every USA President has added a bunch of illegals, and it started with Reagan's Amnesty largely.

This is the confusing… If every president has added wetbacks then how have we stayed steady at 10 to 12M for two decades?

Your study stated that 2.5 million were added under Obama.

Now a new study says 14 - 29 million Illegals are in the USA.

So, what about 10 - 12% of all illegals came in under Obama?

Now, who's responsible for the other 88 - 90%?
No, my dad doesn't like Trump as a person because he's educated.
He knows Trump is a foul mouthed cretin, who talks about grabbing pu$$y, which is a disgrace to women & children.
He knows Trump has 3,500 lawsuits filed against him.
He knows Trump has hired Illegals.
He knows Trump used Chinese steel in his towers.
He knows Stormy Daniels was a fiasco.
He knows Trump University was a scam.
He knows Trump paid workers less than minimum wage.
He knows Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square & not lose voters.
He knows Trump said Communist China used good government force in Tiananmen Square Massacre.
MOST IMportantly, Trump ripped off a Veterans charity.

You are just ignorant & subservient.
Try again, Sobie. You ARE as dumb as your avatar pic appears to be. Congratulations.

Even dumber than that, considering his username is “Sobieski saved Europe”, and yet he loves Palestinians. Sobieski was Poland’s Donald Trump in the 17th century and kicked the Muslims’ asses.

I never said I loved Palestinians.
This is your typical low Western European intellect, anybody must love one side or the other.
How about no, you are dumb.

There's a big difference between Sobieski saving Europe from Islamic invaders.
Palestine combating Israeli invaders.

Besides, since I've made my username when arriving, the Jews / Israel have decided to blame Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times, and demand reparations from Poland.

I most certainly support Muslims over Jews.

You’re right, there is a big difference between Sobieski and the Palestinians, he won and they lost. But for some reason you think that Palestinians deserve to have land they couldn’t win in a war. So why is that Sobieski was justified in using brute force to control land but the Israelis can’t? Oh because some Jews hurt your feelings and you love Muslims.

Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Actually the Jews moved to the land of Israel back in antiquity, long before the Arabs arrived.
Try again, Sobie. You ARE as dumb as your avatar pic appears to be. Congratulations.

Even dumber than that, considering his username is “Sobieski saved Europe”, and yet he loves Palestinians. Sobieski was Poland’s Donald Trump in the 17th century and kicked the Muslims’ asses.

I never said I loved Palestinians.
This is your typical low Western European intellect, anybody must love one side or the other.
How about no, you are dumb.

There's a big difference between Sobieski saving Europe from Islamic invaders.
Palestine combating Israeli invaders.

Besides, since I've made my username when arriving, the Jews / Israel have decided to blame Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times, and demand reparations from Poland.

I most certainly support Muslims over Jews.

You’re right, there is a big difference between Sobieski and the Palestinians, he won and they lost. But for some reason you think that Palestinians deserve to have land they couldn’t win in a war. So why is that Sobieski was justified in using brute force to control land but the Israelis can’t? Oh because some Jews hurt your feelings and you love Muslims.

Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Actually the Jews moved to the land of Israel back in antiquity, long before the Arabs arrived.

They left for over a 1,000 years overwhelmingly.

Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)
Well thank your dad for his service for me. He fought to preserve the freedom to vote for whomever he wants so if he wants to vote for a faggot or one of six or eight Democrats who believe in the same communist ideology shared with those who tried to kill him in Vietnam, well have at it.

My Polish American father correctly identifies Capitalism as a problem that has outsourced to China, VIETNAM, Mexico, while importing those same enemies to here.

The problem is you're a Western European, AKA a lower race of Humanity.

You people DON'T THINK, you just kind of Chimp out.

Your father doesn’t sound very smart, since the only leader to ever fight to keep our jobs from going overseas to China and Mexico and to try and stop third world trash from being imported is President Trump.

I don't think you're very smart, if you think Capitalism has nothing to do with outsourcing.

As for deportations Obama deported more than Trump.

Trump has solved nothing.

Obviously won't because he's a Capitalist.

Does it all make sense to you…The Kenyan deported more wetbacks yet he added 2.5 million more to the backs of good real Americans?
Is shit really adding up for you?
Report: 2.5 million illegal immigrants under Obama, 400,000 yearly

I said deported more, nothing about deporting all of them. (Rolls eyes)

Every USA President has added a bunch of illegals, and it started with Reagan's Amnesty largely.

That’s because more illegals are fleeing on their own before ICE has a chance to catch them. They are also being held longer for their crimes instead of just being released over the border and coming right back over. There are also far more Central American illegals now, and our laws make it more difficult to deport them. There are also many liberal run shit hole cities that are sanctuaries now that refuse to turn over illegals to ICE just because they hate President Trump. They even go as far as tipping off illegals so they don’t get caught.
No, my dad doesn't like Trump as a person because he's educated.
He knows Trump is a foul mouthed cretin, who talks about grabbing pu$$y, which is a disgrace to women & children.
He knows Trump has 3,500 lawsuits filed against him.
He knows Trump has hired Illegals.
He knows Trump used Chinese steel in his towers.
He knows Stormy Daniels was a fiasco.
He knows Trump University was a scam.
He knows Trump paid workers less than minimum wage.
He knows Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square & not lose voters.
He knows Trump said Communist China used good government force in Tiananmen Square Massacre.
MOST IMportantly, Trump ripped off a Veterans charity.

You are just ignorant & subservient.
Try again, Sobie. You ARE as dumb as your avatar pic appears to be. Congratulations.

Even dumber than that, considering his username is “Sobieski saved Europe”, and yet he loves Palestinians. Sobieski was Poland’s Donald Trump in the 17th century and kicked the Muslims’ asses.

I never said I loved Palestinians.
This is your typical low Western European intellect, anybody must love one side or the other.
How about no, you are dumb.

There's a big difference between Sobieski saving Europe from Islamic invaders.
Palestine combating Israeli invaders.

Besides, since I've made my username when arriving, the Jews / Israel have decided to blame Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times, and demand reparations from Poland.

I most certainly support Muslims over Jews.

You’re right, there is a big difference between Sobieski and the Palestinians, he won and they lost. But for some reason you think that Palestinians deserve to have land they couldn’t win in a war. So why is that Sobieski was justified in using brute force to control land but the Israelis can’t? Oh because some Jews hurt your feelings and you love Muslims.

Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.
Try again, Sobie. You ARE as dumb as your avatar pic appears to be. Congratulations.

Even dumber than that, considering his username is “Sobieski saved Europe”, and yet he loves Palestinians. Sobieski was Poland’s Donald Trump in the 17th century and kicked the Muslims’ asses.

I never said I loved Palestinians.
This is your typical low Western European intellect, anybody must love one side or the other.
How about no, you are dumb.

There's a big difference between Sobieski saving Europe from Islamic invaders.
Palestine combating Israeli invaders.

Besides, since I've made my username when arriving, the Jews / Israel have decided to blame Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times, and demand reparations from Poland.

I most certainly support Muslims over Jews.

You’re right, there is a big difference between Sobieski and the Palestinians, he won and they lost. But for some reason you think that Palestinians deserve to have land they couldn’t win in a war. So why is that Sobieski was justified in using brute force to control land but the Israelis can’t? Oh because some Jews hurt your feelings and you love Muslims.

Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.

Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.
Even dumber than that, considering his username is “Sobieski saved Europe”, and yet he loves Palestinians. Sobieski was Poland’s Donald Trump in the 17th century and kicked the Muslims’ asses.

I never said I loved Palestinians.
This is your typical low Western European intellect, anybody must love one side or the other.
How about no, you are dumb.

There's a big difference between Sobieski saving Europe from Islamic invaders.
Palestine combating Israeli invaders.

Besides, since I've made my username when arriving, the Jews / Israel have decided to blame Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times, and demand reparations from Poland.

I most certainly support Muslims over Jews.

You’re right, there is a big difference between Sobieski and the Palestinians, he won and they lost. But for some reason you think that Palestinians deserve to have land they couldn’t win in a war. So why is that Sobieski was justified in using brute force to control land but the Israelis can’t? Oh because some Jews hurt your feelings and you love Muslims.

Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.

Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.

What’s that have to do with the Nazis rolling over them?
Try again, Sobie. You ARE as dumb as your avatar pic appears to be. Congratulations.

Even dumber than that, considering his username is “Sobieski saved Europe”, and yet he loves Palestinians. Sobieski was Poland’s Donald Trump in the 17th century and kicked the Muslims’ asses.

I never said I loved Palestinians.
This is your typical low Western European intellect, anybody must love one side or the other.
How about no, you are dumb.

There's a big difference between Sobieski saving Europe from Islamic invaders.
Palestine combating Israeli invaders.

Besides, since I've made my username when arriving, the Jews / Israel have decided to blame Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times, and demand reparations from Poland.

I most certainly support Muslims over Jews.

You’re right, there is a big difference between Sobieski and the Palestinians, he won and they lost. But for some reason you think that Palestinians deserve to have land they couldn’t win in a war. So why is that Sobieski was justified in using brute force to control land but the Israelis can’t? Oh because some Jews hurt your feelings and you love Muslims.

Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.

Like in Tehran, Yalta & Potsdam conferences?
I never said I loved Palestinians.
This is your typical low Western European intellect, anybody must love one side or the other.
How about no, you are dumb.

There's a big difference between Sobieski saving Europe from Islamic invaders.
Palestine combating Israeli invaders.

Besides, since I've made my username when arriving, the Jews / Israel have decided to blame Poland for the Holocaust about 1,000 times, and demand reparations from Poland.

I most certainly support Muslims over Jews.

You’re right, there is a big difference between Sobieski and the Palestinians, he won and they lost. But for some reason you think that Palestinians deserve to have land they couldn’t win in a war. So why is that Sobieski was justified in using brute force to control land but the Israelis can’t? Oh because some Jews hurt your feelings and you love Muslims.

Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.

Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.

What’s that have to do with the Nazis rolling over them?

Soviets saved Poland from Nazis, NOT America.
You’re right, there is a big difference between Sobieski and the Palestinians, he won and they lost. But for some reason you think that Palestinians deserve to have land they couldn’t win in a war. So why is that Sobieski was justified in using brute force to control land but the Israelis can’t? Oh because some Jews hurt your feelings and you love Muslims.

Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.

Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.

What’s that have to do with the Nazis rolling over them?

Soviets saved Poland from Nazis, NOT America.

And you’d still be Soviet if not for the USA. Something tells me you wish you were.
Yet he is President and will win in 2020. Too bad for you though.

Based on which polls?

This one?
Good one

Shows how much Comeys bombshell impacted the election
Nobody’s talking “impeachment “ out there in the real world. Another Democrat loser issue.
Impeached President Trump seems to talk quite a bit about it
Well sometimes you just have to call bullshit when you see it. The first Democrat elected President after Trump, and GOP has legislative branch, you can fucking guarantee that cocksucker will be impeached and removed.
Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.

Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.

What’s that have to do with the Nazis rolling over them?

Soviets saved Poland from Nazis, NOT America.

And you’d still be Soviet if not for the USA. Something tells me you wish you were.

Capitalism causes immigration, now for Poland too.

This wasn't the case in the Soviet era.

Poland’s Businesses Are Running Out of Workers

Vietnamese migrants are thriving in Poland and the Czech Republic

Despite the anti-immigrant rhetoric, Poland receives more migrant workers than anywhere else in the world
Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.

Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.

What’s that have to do with the Nazis rolling over them?

Soviets saved Poland from Nazis, NOT America.

And you’d still be Soviet if not for the USA. Something tells me you wish you were.

Capitalism causes immigration, now for Poland too.

This wasn't the case in the Soviet era.

Poland’s Businesses Are Running Out of Workers

Vietnamese migrants are thriving in Poland and the Czech Republic

Despite the anti-immigrant rhetoric, Poland receives more migrant workers than anywhere else in the world

When are you moving to Poland? You need a job and they need workers.
Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.

Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.

What’s that have to do with the Nazis rolling over them?

Soviets saved Poland from Nazis, NOT America.

And you’d still be Soviet if not for the USA. Something tells me you wish you were.

Capitalism causes immigration, now for Poland too.

This wasn't the case in the Soviet era.

Poland’s Businesses Are Running Out of Workers

Vietnamese migrants are thriving in Poland and the Czech Republic

Despite the anti-immigrant rhetoric, Poland receives more migrant workers than anywhere else in the world

Unchecked capitalism yes. That’s why I support tariffs and strict immigration policy. We should only allow immigration from European nations, not African or Muslim. Capitalism isn’t perfect, but it sure as hell beats communism and socialism.
You’re right, there is a big difference between Sobieski and the Palestinians, he won and they lost. But for some reason you think that Palestinians deserve to have land they couldn’t win in a war. So why is that Sobieski was justified in using brute force to control land but the Israelis can’t? Oh because some Jews hurt your feelings and you love Muslims.

Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.

Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.

What’s that have to do with the Nazis rolling over them?

Soviets saved Poland from Nazis, NOT America.
Was this before or after Stalin ordered the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Poles?
Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.

What’s that have to do with the Nazis rolling over them?

Soviets saved Poland from Nazis, NOT America.

And you’d still be Soviet if not for the USA. Something tells me you wish you were.

Capitalism causes immigration, now for Poland too.

This wasn't the case in the Soviet era.

Poland’s Businesses Are Running Out of Workers

Vietnamese migrants are thriving in Poland and the Czech Republic

Despite the anti-immigrant rhetoric, Poland receives more migrant workers than anywhere else in the world

Unchecked capitalism yes. That’s why I support tariffs and strict immigration policy. We should only allow immigration from European nations, not African or Muslim. Capitalism isn’t perfect, but it sure as hell beats communism and socialism.

Capitalism puts greed above nation.
Arabs lived in Israel / Palestine for 1,400 years.

Anglos (English) only lived in England for about 1,000 years.
in America maybe 400 years.

Maybe you guys also should be forced to give it up for ":So called" indigenous folks?

Sobieski was defending Europe from Islamic invaders, just like Palestinians are defending from Jewish invaders.

The more I deal with Western Europeans the more I think you're just some kind of very pale Negro / Sand Negro kind of race.
Just a very degenerate & idiotic race of vermin.

Yet if it wasn’t for Americans you’d be speaking German or Russian, and there would be no Poland.

Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.

What’s that have to do with the Nazis rolling over them?

Soviets saved Poland from Nazis, NOT America.
Was this before or after Stalin ordered the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of Poles?

Well, its more like Soviets slaved Poland, and the USA supported them in Tehran, Yalta & Potsdam.

Still, I think Poland was in overall better shape in the Soviet era.
Actually, you are wrong there. Poland was partitioned for the entire 19th Century and part of the 20th between Russia, Prussia and Austria, yet the people still spoke Polish and the people continued to exist even if the state disappeared from the map for a while.

What’s that have to do with the Nazis rolling over them?

Soviets saved Poland from Nazis, NOT America.

And you’d still be Soviet if not for the USA. Something tells me you wish you were.

Capitalism causes immigration, now for Poland too.

This wasn't the case in the Soviet era.

Poland’s Businesses Are Running Out of Workers

Vietnamese migrants are thriving in Poland and the Czech Republic

Despite the anti-immigrant rhetoric, Poland receives more migrant workers than anywhere else in the world

When are you moving to Poland? You need a job and they need workers.

Or when is he moving to “Palestine” to fight the good fight against the Jews?

He could actually live up to his name and kick the “invaders” out.

But we all know he is really a pu$$y.

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