Majority of vets support Trump.

Republicans usually poll well with active duty troops
Trump at only 42 percent does not bode well

Yet he is President and will win in 2020. Too bad for you though.

Based on which polls?

Based on the fact I am not a stupid TDS retard like you.

Most of the polls show swing states especially in the Rust Belt have Biden winning over Trump.

I can't say I'm surprised, especially considering the large Polish ethnic populations of the Rust Belt, which aren't necessarily happy with Trump.

Because Trumpty Dumpty wants to be an idiot & make Poland pay Jews reparations.

Because Trumpty Dumpty wants to be an idiot, and attack NATO.

Because Poot Putin wants to support Trump.
Well, if you start Chimping out for anyone who's smart enough to notice Trump's corruption & flaws like a few users did here for me pointing them out.

Then, yeah subservient idiots.

Corruption and flaws using your metrics?
You've already said you hate him because he hasn't promised you any free shit. You hate him because he engaged in locker room speak like real men with dicks do. You hate him because he banged a dirty liberal whore a decade ago.
Sorry bud, nobody sane and legitimate can take you seriously.

2 of my neighbors lost their houses in Pawling, NY because they were uninsured, and they fell gravely ill.

1 of them a fairly prosperous tavern owner.

Both of them White.

If I lost my job, or money, and I fell gravely ill, yes I think we shouldn't be letting this senselessness go on.

The problem is your lower intellectual functioning & lack of empathy, being that you're a classic Individualist savage.

Most mentally ill & mentally retarded get their aids, supervision, meds , housing etc. paid for by Medicaid

If you get rid of that, they'll be causing mischief in the streets all loopy.

Then like a dumb Bast@rd you'd probably complain about that too, because you're dumb & selfish.

Look bud, you beggars always label us whom make good decisions and pay our way as “savages”...I’m okay with fact, I wear the label proudly as a token of achievement...thanks!

Good decisions?

So, a fairly prosperous tavern owner I know in Pawling, who took in probably 200K a year, who got a rare blood disease,
and lost his house because of it.
a beggar?

Its called a sick person.

I don't mean a sick person like you are, as in you're mentally sick, emotionally detached, rationally impaired etc.
It sounds like his decision not to buy insurance was not wise.

Healthcare is expensive, especially because of you Individualist Dunderheads.

Typical Individualist, everything that happens to you must be your fault.

You Individualists are simply Baboons among Men.

You don't think, nor feel anything, I bet you all have mild Autism or Sociopathy, or some kind of cold hearted emotionally detached syndrome.
Republicans usually poll well with active duty troops
Trump at only 42 percent does not bode well

Yet he is President and will win in 2020. Too bad for you though.

Based on which polls?

This one?
Republicans usually poll well with active duty troops
Trump at only 42 percent does not bode well

Yet he is President and will win in 2020. Too bad for you though.

Based on which polls?

This one?

Either way, I think 2020 is going to be a terrible year.. No matter who wins.

A mix of stubborn Individualist Capitalist dunderheads, and stubborn Individualist Globalist dunderheads are tearing apart America.
My dad's a Vietnam Vet & doesn't like Trump..
then he is part of the minority that doesnt support him .i never said all vets support him .. im asking the leftist are the vets that do support him racist deplorable Nazi's like they claim most Trump supporters are .
I'm a vet, and I don't support Trump either. I wouldn't say most Trump supporters are racist deplorable Nazis, but most racist deplorable Nazis are Trump supporters.
Either way, I think 2020 is going to be a terrible year.. No matter who wins.

A mix of stubborn Individualist Capitalist dunderheads, and stubborn Individualist Globalist dunderheads are tearing apart America.

Luckily, what you think doesn't really matter.
My dad's a Vietnam Vet & doesn't like Trump..
then he is part of the minority that doesnt support him .i never said all vets support him .. im asking the leftist are the vets that do support him racist deplorable Nazi's like they claim most Trump supporters are .
I'm a vet, and I don't support Trump either. I wouldn't say most Trump supporters are racist deplorable Nazis, but most racist deplorable Nazis are Trump supporters.
I’m a Vet and support President Donald J. Trump all the way!
Republicans usually poll well with active duty troops
Trump at only 42 percent does not bode well

Yet he is President and will win in 2020. Too bad for you though.

Based on which polls?

This one?
Good one

Shows how much Comeys bombshell impacted the election
Nobody’s talking “impeachment “ out there in the real world. Another Democrat loser issue.
Republicans usually poll well with active duty troops
Trump at only 42 percent does not bode well

Yet he is President and will win in 2020. Too bad for you though.

Based on which polls?

This one?
Good one

Shows how much Comeys bombshell impacted the election

Comey exonerated Mrs. Clinton just a few days before the election, proclaiming her to be as pure as driven snow.

Probably boosted her percentage by 5 points
Healthcare is expensive, especially because of you Individualist Dunderheads.

Typical Individualist, everything that happens to you must be your fault.

You Individualists are simply Baboons among Men.

You don't think, nor feel anything, I bet you all have mild Autism or Sociopathy, or some kind of cold hearted emotionally detached syndrome.

Have you ever asked yourself why health care is so expensive? What does 'health care' even mean? You Marxists just babble what you have been told to babble without spending 1 second actually thinking.
Healthcare is expensive, especially because of you Individualist Dunderheads.

Typical Individualist, everything that happens to you must be your fault.

You Individualists are simply Baboons among Men.

You don't think, nor feel anything, I bet you all have mild Autism or Sociopathy, or some kind of cold hearted emotionally detached syndrome.

Have you ever asked yourself why health care is so expensive? What does 'health care' even mean? You Marxists just babble what you have been told to babble without spending 1 second actually thinking.
There is no reason to ask yourself, because you can look it up: 6 reasons its so expensive.

Health care is what you get in a hospital. Even an idiot knows that.
My dad's a Vietnam Vet & doesn't like Trump..
then he is part of the minority that doesnt support him .i never said all vets support him .. im asking the leftist are the vets that do support him racist deplorable Nazi's like they claim most Trump supporters are .
I'm a vet, and I don't support Trump either. I wouldn't say most Trump supporters are racist deplorable Nazis, but most racist deplorable Nazis are Trump supporters.
And most Islamic terrorists, pedophiles and criminals support Democrats.
Healthcare is expensive, especially because of you Individualist Dunderheads.

Typical Individualist, everything that happens to you must be your fault.

You Individualists are simply Baboons among Men.

You don't think, nor feel anything, I bet you all have mild Autism or Sociopathy, or some kind of cold hearted emotionally detached syndrome.

Have you ever asked yourself why health care is so expensive? What does 'health care' even mean? You Marxists just babble what you have been told to babble without spending 1 second actually thinking.

Healthcare is expensive because we've allowed the private insurance companies, private pharmaceutical companies, and private hospitals jerk us around too much.

They know medical is urgent, so they can jack up prices.

Drug Goes From $13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight

The proof is in that every National healthcare system pays less than us.
My dad's a Vietnam Vet & doesn't like Trump..

Your dad must have PTSD. Sad.

I know of at least one Vietnam War vet here who is a rabid left-wing Trump-hater. Like I say, being a hero at one time doesn't give someone the right to be an asshole forever.
why does disliking Trump, make them an asshole?

Trump & his supporters are @$$holes.

Anyone who supports Trump more than a little, must have an exceptionally low IQ, and a exceptionally high rate of degeneracy.

Basically the same applies to anyone who supports Democrats more than a little.
My dad's a Vietnam Vet & doesn't like Trump..

Your dad must have PTSD. Sad.

I know of at least one Vietnam War vet here who is a rabid left-wing Trump-hater. Like I say, being a hero at one time doesn't give someone the right to be an asshole forever.

No, my dad doesn't like Trump as a person because he's educated.
He knows Trump is a foul mouthed cretin, who talks about grabbing pu$$y, which is a disgrace to women & children.
He knows Trump has 3,500 lawsuits filed against him.
He knows Trump has hired Illegals.
He knows Trump used Chinese steel in his towers.
He knows Stormy Daniels was a fiasco.
He knows Trump University was a scam.
He knows Trump paid workers less than minimum wage.
He knows Trump said he could shoot someone in Times Square & not lose voters.
He knows Trump said Communist China used good government force in Tiananmen Square Massacre.
MOST IMportantly, Trump ripped off a Veterans charity.

You are just ignorant & subservient.

Well thank your dad for his service for me. He fought to preserve the freedom to vote for whomever he wants so if he wants to vote for a faggot or one of six or eight Democrats who believe in the same communist ideology shared with those who tried to kill him in Vietnam, well have at it.

My Polish American father correctly identifies Capitalism as a problem that has outsourced to China, VIETNAM, Mexico, while importing those same enemies to here.

The problem is you're a Western European, AKA a lower race of Humanity.

You people DON'T THINK, you just kind of Chimp out.

Your father doesn’t sound very smart, since the only leader to ever fight to keep our jobs from going overseas to China and Mexico and to try and stop third world trash from being imported is President Trump.

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