Majority worried about student loan forgiveness impact on inflation: poll

Because they are a bunch of entitled deadbeats.
And after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, the whole thing is a much bigger screw job than it used to be. College is more expensive and the loans are more expensive. Have gone up much faster than inflation... Why are we the richest country by far the only modern country without cheap college and training? Or living wage daycare great infrastructure and vacations? And mainly taxing the rich dumb bunnies.
Because the whole operation is a much bigger screw job than it used to be. Why are we the only modern country without cheap college and training, thanks GOP! And silly dupes...
If it is so expensive, why are students from around the world breaking our doors down to get into American Universities? Critical thinking--try it sometime.
the loans are more expensive.
You are deluded. There is no incentive to paying off those loans. They are sitting on them and complaining so that the democrats will pay them off for them. Classic deadbeats. I know of half a dozen students who graduated over 10 years ago and have never paid more than the bare minimum with the sole intent of defaulting on their promise. I didn't sign those loan papers and I didn't get the education that they provided--WTF should I have to pay those deadbeat's loans.
If it is so expensive, why are students from around the world breaking our doors down to get into American Universities? Critical thinking--try it sometime.
because because they are good their governments pay for them and they can get in. 60% on your
You are deluded. There is no incentive to paying off those loans. They are sitting on them and complaining so that the democrats will pay them off for them. Classic deadbeats. I know of half a dozen students who graduated over 10 years ago and have never paid more than the bare minimum with the sole intent of defaulting on their promise. I didn't sign those loan papers and I didn't get the education that they provided--WTF should I have to pay those deadbeat's loans.
Because we are the only modern country without cheap college and training, and you're not gonna pay for it, the bloated rich and giant corporations will. Everybody is getting a piece of the pie because Democrats are making the country fair again and not just for the mega rich. You people are absolutely clueless you don't know what has happened and you don't know what is going on, just garbage propaganda
you're not gonna pay for it, the bloated rich and giant corporations will.
Wrong again, moron. The government guaranteed repayment on those loans. The banks will get their money and the taxpayers will pay it. I can't wait to hear you bitch about paying higher taxes for these deadbeats.
There is nothing wrong with helping people. Forgiving $10,000 is not a bad thing. This is the new Republican strategy to hurt people. Cut programs that help people. This is not inflationary. That is so much nonsense.
It's weird, PPP and multiple tax breaks for the wealthy are fine. A giveaway to the middle class though threatens the very Republic. Horseshit.
You are deluded. There is no incentive to paying off those loans. They are sitting on them and complaining so that the democrats will pay them off for them. Classic deadbeats. I know of half a dozen students who graduated over 10 years ago and have never paid more than the bare minimum with the sole intent of defaulting on their promise. I didn't sign those loan papers and I didn't get the education that they provided--WTF should I have to pay those deadbeat's loans.
Good this is the first step toward taxing the rich and having cheap college and training like every other modern country that we are losing out to in the competition for good jobs. For example we have 6 million high tech jobs going begging at least. Pathetic. Thank you GOP
Wrong again, moron. The government guaranteed repayment on those loans. The banks will get their money and the taxpayers will pay it. I can't wait to hear you bitch about paying higher taxes for these deadbeats.
Try watching real news instead of garbage propaganda and conspiracies. The bill includes taxes on the rich and giant corporations that cover the bill.
Try watching real news instead of garbage propaganda and conspiracies. The bill includes taxes on the rich and giant corporations that cover the bill.
That will never pass constitutional muster. There is no correlation between corp., schools, banks or students. It is discriminatory on its face. Good luck with that.

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