Make bet...the bitch is running..Hillary’s Southern Accent Makes A Comeback In Selma Alabama

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This is the closest the Satanic bitch will get to the South.

(Hopefully gone forever to Gitmo, both of them)

Trumpers SO hope lightning will strike twice.

Sorry. Hillary ain't running.

But the Russians are definitely helping again ...

After the October surprise they pulled in 2016 when they DIDN'T have control of the DOJ...One wonders what they'll pull THIS time round
Probably more than it...

How's about a bottle of Dalmore 12 year single malt Scotch? It's about 60 bucks a bottle. If she is the Democratic nominee, I send you a bottle. If she's not, you send me one.
How about $100 make it easy on you!

That works too. If Hillary is the Dem nominee, I send you a crisp 100. If she's not the Democratic nominee, you send me one.
Even better since I, in no way, would want you to benefit If I lose will send $100 to the Wounded Warriors Fund and send you the receipt if I win you do the done!!!!!!

Wrong answer dude. If you lose, you send the 100 to ME. The bet is with ME, not some charity of your choosing. Besides, if you do the donation, you get the tax cut, not me.
So you have no balls and refuse to do it....figures you cowardly traitorous scumbags only think of yourselves... typical greedy mother fucker as I wouldn't waste my spit on you if you were thirsty....either donate like I will to our gallant men or get the fuck out!
Trumpers SO hope lightning will strike twice.

Sorry. Hillary ain't running.

But the Russians are definitely helping again ...

After the October surprise they pulled in 2016 when they DIDN'T have control of the DOJ...One wonders what they'll pull THIS time round
How's about a bottle of Dalmore 12 year single malt Scotch? It's about 60 bucks a bottle. If she is the Democratic nominee, I send you a bottle. If she's not, you send me one.
How about $100 make it easy on you!

That works too. If Hillary is the Dem nominee, I send you a crisp 100. If she's not the Democratic nominee, you send me one.
Even better since I, in no way, would want you to benefit If I lose will send $100 to the Wounded Warriors Fund and send you the receipt if I win you do the done!!!!!!

Wrong answer dude. If you lose, you send the 100 to ME. The bet is with ME, not some charity of your choosing. Besides, if you do the donation, you get the tax cut, not me.
So you have no balls and refuse to do it....figures you cowardly traitorous scumbags only think of yourselves... typical greedy mother fucker as I wouldn't waste my spit on you if you were thirsty....either donate like I will to our gallant men or get the fuck out!

Actually, I already gave at the office. Seems that there is the over 20 years of service that I already did, as well as the fact that when CFC drives come around (Combined Federal Campaign), I get an envelope and pick the charity I already want to send to. I get one every year, because my retirement keeps me on the rolls. I have the balls, but apparently, you don't. So, I get it, you aren't sure about your claim, so now you are trying to back out. I'm guessing you won't keep your bet with Golfing Gator either, you'll just come back under another name.

By the way you colon jousting rump ranger, how many years did YOU serve in the military? Anyone can give cash, but it takes a special kind of person to actually serve. Did you know that of all the 18 to 35 year old people in this country, only 30 percent are eligible to serve?
Trumpers SO hope lightning will strike twice.

Sorry. Hillary ain't running.

But the Russians are definitely helping again ...

After the October surprise they pulled in 2016 when they DIDN'T have control of the DOJ...One wonders what they'll pull THIS time round
Probably more than it...

How's about a bottle of Dalmore 12 year single malt Scotch? It's about 60 bucks a bottle. If she is the Democratic nominee, I send you a bottle. If she's not, you send me one.
How about $100 make it easy on you!

That works too. If Hillary is the Dem nominee, I send you a crisp 100. If she's not the Democratic nominee, you send me one.
Even better since I, in no way, would want you to benefit If I lose will send $100 to the Wounded Warriors Fund and send you the receipt if I win you do the done!!!!!!

Wrong answer dude. If you lose, you send the 100 to ME. The bet is with ME, not some charity of your choosing. Besides, if you do the donation, you get the tax cut, not me.

Wow, aren't you the charitable whiney ass liberal.
Trumpers SO hope lightning will strike twice.

1966 to 1968

Sorry. Hillary ain't running.

But the Russians are definitely helping again ...

After the October surprise they pulled in 2016 when they DIDN'T have control of the DOJ...One wonders what they'll pull THIS time round
How about $100 make it easy on you!

That works too. If Hillary is the Dem nominee, I send you a crisp 100. If she's not the Democratic nominee, you send me one.
Even better since I, in no way, would want you to benefit If I lose will send $100 to the Wounded Warriors Fund and send you the receipt if I win you do the done!!!!!!

Wrong answer dude. If you lose, you send the 100 to ME. The bet is with ME, not some charity of your choosing. Besides, if you do the donation, you get the tax cut, not me.
So you have no balls and refuse to do it....figures you cowardly traitorous scumbags only think of yourselves... typical greedy mother fucker as I wouldn't waste my spit on you if you were thirsty....either donate like I will to our gallant men or get the fuck out!

Actually, I already gave at the office. Seems that there is the over 20 years of service that I already did, as well as the fact that when CFC drives come around (Combined Federal Campaign), I get an envelope and pick the charity I already want to send to. I get one every year, because my retirement keeps me on the rolls. I have the balls, but apparently, you don't. So, I get it, you aren't sure about your claim, so now you are trying to back out. I'm guessing you won't keep your bet with Golfing Gator either, you'll just come back under another name.

By the way you colon jousting rump ranger, how many years did YOU serve in the military? Anyone can give cash, but it takes a special kind of person to actually serve. Did you know that of all the 18 to 35 year old people in this country, only 30 percent are eligible to serve?

Sounds like a bullshit story to me....I served from 1966 to 1968 since I was drafted. My class trip was TDY Vietnam.... sounds like you had a desk money is ready but seems you are real FROGGY about losing it for a worthy cause!
If for no other reason, her health is going to prevent her from running.

I want her to run for amusement. Just this past weekend she came up with yet ANOTHER reason she lost, other than anything she did.

I would think Democrats would want her to just go off somewhere and be very, very quiet.
Hope as you ain't happening.

You won't have the "joy" of four years of trashing the Dem nominee...
I kmagine that Abikersailor is a punk bullshitter that chickened out and was a coward to send $100 to the Wounded Warrior project....What a low piece of shit when it came to honoring our wounded soldiers AND SAILORS.... Just goes to show everyone just what kind of PEOPLE LIBERAL LEFTISTS REALLY ARE....DISGRACEFUL!!!!!
You wanna bet big mouth?

I'm in. Set a date. If Hillary announces prior to that date...I'll leave the board. If she doesn't.

You go and never darken our door
You wanna bet big mouth?

I'm in. Set a date. If Hillary announces prior to that date...I'll leave the board. If she doesn't.

You go and never darken our door
Give you the same as I did abullshitsailor Leech.., $100 loser DONATES TO Wounded Warrior Project....are you just a bullshitter also scumbag!....already have a bet with Goon5000 about leaving but MONEY SEEMS TO SCARE YOU SCUM AWAY!!!
There's no way i want even that much contact with you.

My business did a benefit for Wounded Warriors...have you?


Fuck off coward
I'm looking forward to the banshee screech-fest that will be next year's Democrat debates.

all those women running, must really just drive you crazy. They should know there place, shouldn't they?
Its not about knowing their place. They are progressive socialists with some of the party moving to communism. The illogical insanity they bring with them. We can not even pay for the programs we have now and we keep adding to them. People move from higher tax areas as proof.
There's no way i want even that much contact with you.

My business did a benefit for Wounded Warriors...have you?


Fuck off coward

NO, I SERVED APPARENTLY YOU CHICKEN SHIT ABNORMAL ASSWIPE DIDN'T ... AND YOU THINK ANYONE BELIEVES YOUR BULLSHIT THAT YOU DID A BENEFIT????... ROTFLMFAO....A BED WETTER DOING A BENEFIT FOR OUR WOUNDED WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!! You scum wouldn't even donate $100 to that fine organization..... I hope all you forum readers make note of the lying, cowardly scum that the deathRATS have that follow their communist ways.... Leech is forever your name with me and a BULLSHIT Sailor.... 2 of the most reprehensible leftist scum on the forum..... you 2 should disgust any true American citizen
She stands no chance....the only person getting crowds is Bernie

All she has to do is RUN. COLLECT MILLIONS MORE CAMPAIGN DONATIONS and then DROP OUT AND POCKET THOSE MILLIONS FOR HER NEXT DECLARED POLITICAL RUN... how easy is it for even a 29 year old pussy moron to do caught up in a million dollar FRAUD.... You can't make this shit up!!!
Why don’t the old bat Just fade away.

Because the old fucker society known as the republic party still needs her.
Nah...NO ONE needs her. She just isn't listening.
The legitimate winner of the election and most popular woman in America two years afterwards is supporting candidates for 2020 like she did in 2018 and backed quite a few winners. She kicks Republican ass even win she’s not running.
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