Make illegals slaves?

Iowa Radio Host Stands By Plan To Enslave Undocumented Immigrants If They Don't Leave

Mickelson: GOP Candidates Would Understand His Proposal "From A Historical And Intellectual Point Of View"

Influential Iowa radio host Jan Mickelson -- whose show is a frequent destination for Republican presidential candidates -- is standing by his plan to make undocumented immigrants "property of the state" if they refuse to leave the country after an allotted period of time. In comments to Media Matters, Mickelson described his plan as "constitutionally defensible, legally defensible, morally defensible, biblically defensible and historically defensible."
On his August 17 radio show, Mickelson laid out his proposal for forcing undocumented immigrants out of Iowa. According to Mickelson, he would "put up some signs" alerting undocumented immigrants that they would be forced into "compelled labor" if they did not leave before a stated deadline. He continued, "the people who are here illegally would therefore be owned by the state and become an asset of the state rather than a liability and we start inventing jobs for them to do." After a caller raised a concern that "everybody would believe it sounds like slavery," Mickelson replied, "well, what's wrong with slavery?"

Just when you think RWs can't sink any lower.
Wait until they show up here agreeing, in droves.
I heard some want to use the illegals to build the wall. Don't know if trump has spoken in agreement yet?

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