Make no mistake, Republicans raised the debt ceiling. Biden and Schumer are refusing to raise the debt ceiling.

Well Trump told them it would go away in a few weeks when he was told this was very serious...

He fed the states with false information...

There was little support from Federal Government initially because of this...

Trump was an unmitigated disaster, if there is a handbook on not to deal with a epidemic, Trump would be the poster child...
And we didn't mention that
Trump first cut the funding to the Global Pandemic team.

He was saying in late March 2020 that it would be over in two weeks, by Easter. He was telling his Christian supporters to go to church and not worry about masking. He refused to wear a mask. These right-wingers are psychopaths.
More stupid games by you.

Did the Republican House pass a bill to raise the debt ceiling?

yes or no?

Along with a bunch of other crap Democrats don't want. At least you've finally stopped saying Republicans raised the debt limit. That was completely moronic.
Ok, I’ve given you enough rope to hang yourself, now let me jerk it tight around your neck.

First, when starting a thread rules require a link to provide context and more information for posters to get more information to debate the topic of a thread.
I provided one that you are either too stupid to click on and read, or too stupid to comprehend.

Coin toss.

Here is the link I provided in my OP clearly laying out what the House did, what the Senate refuses to do, and what Veggie Joe said he would do if the bill made it to him.

But you are too fucking stupid To EVER attempt to discuss a topic. What you do is try to find some semantic bullshit you can latch into in an attempt to derail a thread by dragging the discussion down your usual rabbit hole of semantic dumbassery. You should have learned by know I’m way too smart to play your silly games, Simp.

So your MO has once again been exposed, as well as your complete lack of intellect and inability to discuss a topic on a level remotely close to adult.

One other thing I have established here is that you are too fucking stupid to answer Simple yes or no questions.

Now, feel free to fuck the fuck off, you raving Dumbass.

I won’t play your stupid games.


Shit, Dumbfuck, what a long-winded whine just to admit you're an idiot for claiming Republicans raised the debt ceiling. :lmao:
I notice you ignored the part of the 14th Amendment where it said that nobody could refuse payment on any debt, appropriations or spending approved by Congress.

“ The validity of public debt incurred by law . . . not be questioned”.

All of the public debt being incurred, has been approved by law. Congress has no right to default on the payment. Under the 14th amendment, this Congress has no right to refuse to raise the debt limit or to question the spending.
Why is Lil Chucky Schumer and your Vegetable Messiah refusing to raise the debt ceiling, Simp?

Shit, Dumbfuck, what a long-winded whine just to admit you're an idiot for claiming Republicans raised the debt ceiling. :lmao:
Are you back for another beating?

Lets look at what you are trying to sell the board:

You are trying to convince the board i believe the House unilaterally and magically raised the debt ceiling and solved this issue in its own, despite the fact that the link I used in my OP explains the entire process in detail and how the House have done their role in raising the ceiling, and how Schumer and Biden are refusing to do so.

The hilarious thing is you are too stupid to see how stupid you look.

All you bring tothe board is semantic bullshit. You are intellectually incapable of discussing a topic.

Your schtick is played out. Go try it somewhere else, you raving moron.
The GOP voted in the House and raised it...duh. The Senate lead by the Dems, have refused to act, and Xiden has vowed to veto it even if it does pass....moreover they have refused to have any talks with the House on the are...your demafascsit tyrants are holding the nation hostage

More lies. Democrats acted. They told Republicans to give them a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling.
Are you back for another beating?

Lets look at what you are trying to sell the board:

You are trying to convince the board i believe the House unilaterally and magically raised the debt ceiling and solved this issue in its own, despite the fact that the link I used in my OP explains the entire process in detail and how the House have done their role in raising the ceiling, and how Schumer and Biden are refusing to do so.

The hilarious thing is you are too stupid to see how stupid you look.

All you bring tothe board is semantic bullshit. You are intellectually incapable of discussing a topic.

Your schtick is played out. Go try it somewhere else, you raving moron.


I'm quoting you, Dumbfuck...

"Republicans raised the debt ceiling." ~ Dumbfuck
They acted alright....holding the country hostage. Just abhorrent practices by Dems but that's what we're dealing with now.

Nope, Democrats said they would pass a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling.
More lies. Democrats acted. They told Republicans to give them a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling.
hahaha they acted by saying they refuse to do anything but what they want. Yes, they acted like tyrants

The GOP has a responsibly to the people, the people that put them in office to be a check on the radical demafascit agenda. The demafasict obviously just want to continue to be tyrants

Of course he did...

oh i see your confusion…yes the gop voted and passed legislation to raise the debt ceiling. that’s true. The demafasict have blocked it being implemented, continuing to hold the nation hostage

I'm quoting you, Dumbfuck...

"Republicans raised the debt ceiling." ~ Dumbfuck
Nobody is buying your semantic dumbassery, Simp.

You are the only one dumb enough to not know what the point of the OP is.

Seriously, fuck off troll.
Nobody is buying your semantic dumbassery, Simp.

You are the only one dumb enough to not know what the point of the OP is.

Seriously, fuck off troll.
to be fair he’s a dembot so i am sure he has issues with reading comprehension
They acted alright....holding the country hostage. Just abhorrent practices by Dems but that's what we're dealing with now.

Actually, most would blame Republicans in Congress. And by a margin of 58% to 26%, people want a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling with no strings attached.

WP/ABC News Poll
Nope, Democrats said they would pass a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling.
this is true the demafasict have said it’s our way or economic chaos. That’s how tyrants work.

They are ignoring rhe will of rhe people who put the gop in charge of the house to be a check on their radical agenda

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