Make No Mistake, Silicon Valley Bank Was a Democratic Party Slush Fund, a Woke Institution


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
This is how Democrats fund their billionaire friends and their own policies, and how kickbacks work from such friends.


"I think this is an issue with respect to the securities they held, the concentration risk of their customer base, and their failure to hedge those risks," Ramaswamy said:

"However, here's a couple observations I will make. Silicon Valley Bank just last year made a $5 billion commitment to sustainable finance to ensure a better and more sustainable planet. If they had actually sought for a more sustainable balance sheet, they would have better done their job.

"But it's even deeper than that. I think that, if they do get bailed out, part of their bet is that they wanted to signal that they're one of the good guys by influence amongst influential people in Silicon Valley, even in Washington, D.C., by gesturing towards even committing $5 billion, which I don't think is responsible, towards something outside of what their core mission should have been focused on.

"And you know what? The sad part of the story is, if they do get bailed out, it will be because they bought that kind of social insurance. And I have written about this in 'Woke, Inc.'

“It's not that different than what companies like Goldman Sachs did back in the 2008 financial crisis. You play the right games, you influence the right people, you send the right virtue signals, you're the one that gets bailed out, if you're Goldman, instead of Lehman Brothers, who didn't do those things.

"This is crony capitalism. We saw the movie in 2008. I had a front-row seat to it. I was working in finance in New York City back then. It was my first job out of college. It would be a sad thing to see that story repeat itself. And this isn't a left-wing or a right-wing issue. It's an issue about the integrity of capitalism itself."

Ramaswamy said federal regulators should "let the market work," even if that means SVB's collapse ...

Failed Silicon Valley Bank Touted 'Empathy,' 'Diversity,' 'Transition to a Low-Carbon World'
They didn't have anybody on the staff who could do arithmetic, probably because math is racist. The Libertarian Party had the same problem, as do most Wall Street firms, which is why they need taxpayer bailouts every few years since the 1790's.
They didn't have anybody on the staff who could do arithmetic, probably because math is racist. The Libertarian Party had the same problem, as do most Wall Street firms, which is why they need taxpayer bailouts every few years since the 1790's.
I always warn people when they are hiring, try to weed out democrats and avoid hiring one at all cost. You will thank me later. No employee is better then a democrat employee.
Brandon the Fake President has his priorities... what a POS~ :mad-61: what a fucking monster, he and all his Administration! Hell awaits for all of them too!

"His Fraudulency Joe Biden is proving just how monstrous he is by running to the rescue of a Silicon Valley bank after he and his administration all but ignored human beings exposed to toxic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio."

This is how Democrats fund their billionaire friends and their own policies, and how kickbacks work from such friends.

"I think this is an issue with respect to the securities they held, the concentration risk of their customer base, and their failure to hedge those risks," Ramaswamy said:
Ramaswamy said federal regulators should "let the market work," even if that means SVB's collapse ...

Failed Silicon Valley Bank Touted 'Empathy,' 'Diversity,' 'Transition to a Low-Carbon World

This guy is clearly playing politics. The bank is not being treated differently than any other bank that has failed. There is no crony capitalism. There also is nothing wrong with expanding the business.
Brandon the Fake President has his priorities... what a POS~ :mad-61: what a fucking monster, he and all his Administration! Hell awaits for all of them too!

"His Fraudulency Joe Biden is proving just how monstrous he is by running to the rescue of a Silicon Valley bank after he and his administration all but ignored human beings exposed to toxic chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio."

You Republicans are the monsters. Janet Yellen responded to the emergency created by SVB. Had she not stepped in, the banking system could have collapsed. The federal government has taken over the cleanup. Worth noting that Ohio is run by Republicans and they were the ones downplaying the threat. Even now, right wing fascists are attempting to stop a bipartisan bill to establish new regulations to improve railway safety. Even JD Vance is criticizing Republicans who are not on board with this.

You have Biden Derangement Syndrome. I bet if a rainstorm washes out your plans, you blame it on Biden.

Make No Mistake, Silicon Valley Bank Was a Democratic Party Slush Fund, a Woke Institution​

You are correct.
And Democrats are systematically and with no shame or hesitation, stealing your prodigies future.
Your children and their children and their children and from now on will lie in abject poverty and be veritable slaves to the people you are crying about.

Who gives a fuck?
Tell you who doesn't.......conservatives and Republicans. Otherwise, you'd think they'd have DONE something about it eh?

You Republicans are the monsters. Janet Yellen responded to the emergency created by SVB. Had she not stepped in, the banking system could have collapsed. The federal government has taken over the cleanup. Worth noting that Ohio is run by Republicans and they were the ones downplaying the threat. Even now, right wing fascists are attempting to stop a bipartisan bill to establish new regulations to improve railway safety. Even JD Vance is criticizing Republicans who are not on board with this.

You have Biden Derangement Syndrome. I bet if a rainstorm washes out your plans, you blame it on Biden.

Lying POS. :auiqs.jpg:
Your passing would leave the earth a better place :)
This is how Democrats fund their billionaire friends and their own policies, and how kickbacks work from such friends.

Let's review a list of all the things Republicans have done to prevent Democrats from funding their billionaire friends and their own polices........

Here's the list........
The whole thing with these two bank closures stinks. From the timing of knocking the China-Saudi-Iran deal from headlines to the BS from Biden about taxpayers not being on the hook and everything in between.

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