"Make the Rich Panic"

The middle class is arming itself but not to revolt against the rich.

Really? You know this how? And, who are they planning to 'revolt' against? In my opinion a revolt is against a government, against other citizens it is something else, something evil; namely, ethnic cleansing.

Is that what you hope for?
Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
"The fundamental law of revolution, which has been confirmed by all revolutions, and particularly by all three Russian revolutions in the twentieth century, is as follows: it is not enough for revolution that the exploited and oppressed masses should understand the impossibility of living in the old way and demand changes, what is required for revolution is that the exploiters should not be able to live and rule in the old way. Only when the“lower classes” do not want the old way, and when the “upper classes”cannot carry on in the old way—only then can revolution win."

I have to disagree, successful revolutions are lead by the Middle Class, and the Middle Class will tolerate the status quo unless and until their expectation of things getting better don't, at that point they say (in the words of Camus, The Rebel), "NO".

The Middle Class revolted at the LBJ Soviet Model Cities, they voted with their feet and fled!

You seem to get dumber and dumber. Why is that, do you consume too much alcohol?

Have you been to Baltimore lately, Freddo?

15 years or so ago my sons and I caught an Oriole Game. Why do you ask? We took light rail into the Inner harbor and (at the insistence of my sons went to lunch at Hooter's, the food sucked but the views were terrific).

I've flown into BWI several times, the landing in the fall is spectacular, coming in over the Bay with all the colors in fall splendor is worth the air fare.

Baltimore looks a lot like Detroit and for the same reasons: 3 generations of Progressive leadership. The City needs a Mayor Rudy, nothing else can save it
Baltimore looks a lot like Detroit and for the same reasons: 3 generations of Progressive leadership. The City needs a Mayor Rudy, nothing else can save it
The city need a President Sanders and the New Deal 2.0
"ECONOMY Mr. Sanders supports increased government spending to generate jobs and rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. And he would raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour from $7.25, although in early April he called a $15 minimum wage 'reasonable.'”
When were the wars declared illegal? Or right wing? Apart from the voices in your head? CU wasn't a move, period. There was nothing to prevent it, much to the dismay of the union thugs.
Wars are illegal without an imminent threat or UNSC authorization. Iraq had neither, and Afghanistan posed zero threat to the US homeland. Unless you're arguing the majority of SCOTUS has shifted leftward, Citizens United was a right-wing corporate coup designed to economically benefit a fraction of 1% of Americans at the expense of most others. NAFTA was signed by a RICH corporate Democrat, and this thread is calling for Americans to panic rich Democrats AND rich Republicans. Maybe you should turn off Rich Rupert's minions and learn to think for yourself?
with help from your champions in government. thank them for all the rules, regulations on top of rules and regulations...AND then thank your all's champion of champions, Billy boy Clinton...He passed NAFTA
Clinton is another example of a rich fat-cat corporatist who deserves to pay for his sins. I have no problem calling Clinton and Obama and Bush I & II tools of the corporation; why are you limiting your criticism to rich Democrats only?
The elite was so clever in only shipping away Baltimore jobs overseas.

It was a surgical strike.

Oh, and kill the Kulaks
Baltimore looks a lot like Detroit and for the same reasons: 3 generations of Progressive leadership. The City needs a Mayor Rudy, nothing else can save it
The city need a President Sanders and the New Deal 2.0
"ECONOMY Mr. Sanders supports increased government spending to generate jobs and rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. And he would raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour from $7.25, although in early April he called a $15 minimum wage 'reasonable.'”

Yes! Just like Venezuela!

3 months into a Sander Presidency, we'll have to ration toilet paper
I have to disagree, successful revolutions are lead by the Middle Class, and the Middle Class will tolerate the status quo unless and until their expectation of things getting better don't, at that point they say (in the words of Camus, The Rebel), "NO".

The Middle Class revolted at the LBJ Soviet Model Cities, they voted with their feet and fled!

You seem to get dumber and dumber. Why is that, do you consume too much alcohol?

Have you been to Baltimore lately, Freddo?

15 years or so ago my sons and I caught an Oriole Game. Why do you ask? We took light rail into the Inner harbor and (at the insistence of my sons went to lunch at Hooter's, the food sucked but the views were terrific).

I've flown into BWI several times, the landing in the fall is spectacular, coming in over the Bay with all the colors in fall splendor is worth the air fare.

Baltimore looks a lot like Detroit and for the same reasons: 3 generations of Progressive leadership. The City needs a Mayor Rudy, nothing else can save it

Rudy, a noun, a verb and 911? That Rudy? And what would that Rudy do? In detail CF, for the devil is in the details.
with help from your champions in government. thank them for all the rules, regulations on top of rules and regulations...AND then thank your all's champion of champions, Billy boy Clinton...He passed NAFTA
Clinton is another example of a rich fat-cat corporatist who deserves to pay for his sins. I have no problem calling Clinton and Obama and Bush I & II tools of the corporation; why are you limiting your criticism to rich Democrats only?

Stephanie only does what she is told, and she only listens to AM Radio philosophers and Faux News talking heads.
Baltimore looks a lot like Detroit and for the same reasons: 3 generations of Progressive leadership. The City needs a Mayor Rudy, nothing else can save it
The city need a President Sanders and the New Deal 2.0
"ECONOMY Mr. Sanders supports increased government spending to generate jobs and rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. And he would raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour from $7.25, although in early April he called a $15 minimum wage 'reasonable.'”

Yes! Just like Venezuela!

3 months into a Sander Presidency, we'll have to ration toilet paper

Once again, an idiot-gram. How often does CrusaderFrank need to be reminded that the devil is in the details. How for example would there be a run on toilet paper three months in his first term as POTUS?

The only thing that occurs to me is all the right wing bullshit would be exposed.
Lying fuck. Democrats destroyed Detroit and Baltimore.

Own it!!!

You fuckers ran both cities into the dirt, literally.
Rich Republicans AND Democrats sitting on the boards of major US corporations closed 50,000 US factories and shipped five million US jobs to China, and that destroyed cities like Detroit and Baltimore.

Own that!

Why didn't it destroy Houston or Dallas or Miami?
Baltimore looks a lot like Detroit and for the same reasons: 3 generations of Progressive leadership. The City needs a Mayor Rudy, nothing else can save it
The city need a President Sanders and the New Deal 2.0
"ECONOMY Mr. Sanders supports increased government spending to generate jobs and rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. And he would raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour from $7.25, although in early April he called a $15 minimum wage 'reasonable.'”

Yes! Just like Venezuela!

3 months into a Sander Presidency, we'll have to ration toilet paper

Once again, an idiot-gram. How often does CrusaderFrank need to be reminded that the devil is in the details. How for example would there be a run on toilet paper three months in his first term as POTUS?

The only thing that occurs to me is all the right wing bullshit would be exposed.

Price controls, numskull - the same way it happened in Venezuela.
The Middle Class revolted at the LBJ Soviet Model Cities, they voted with their feet and fled!

You seem to get dumber and dumber. Why is that, do you consume too much alcohol?

Have you been to Baltimore lately, Freddo?

15 years or so ago my sons and I caught an Oriole Game. Why do you ask? We took light rail into the Inner harbor and (at the insistence of my sons went to lunch at Hooter's, the food sucked but the views were terrific).

I've flown into BWI several times, the landing in the fall is spectacular, coming in over the Bay with all the colors in fall splendor is worth the air fare.

Baltimore looks a lot like Detroit and for the same reasons: 3 generations of Progressive leadership. The City needs a Mayor Rudy, nothing else can save it

Rudy, a noun, a verb and 911? That Rudy? And what would that Rudy do? In detail CF, for the devil is in the details.

The Rudy that changed the course of NY City. Under Dinkins and the Dems it was on a glide path to becoming another Progressive crime ridden shithole like Detroit and Baltimore. Under Dinkins, when looters and rioters ruled Crown Heights, my co worker was robbed at gunpoint in front of Tourneau on 5th Avenue. Rudy changed all that. No longer were homeless vagrants allowed to harass people walking or stopped at a light in their cars. Crime plummeted, property values soared. Mayor Mike continued Rudy's strategy and now NYC is a true wrold class city again.

Yes, that Rudy
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Lying fuck. Democrats did it. Baltimore and Detroit were all Democrat Model Cities starting in the late 60's. You fuckers destroyed every model city you touched
Capitalists destroyed Detroit and Baltimore, or maybe you imagine Democratic mayors shipped millions of US jobs to communist China?

See Greenville, SC, Huntsville, AL, and Austin, TX. They are not communist China yet they attract jobs and better quality of life vs. Baltimore and Detroit. Why is that?

Show us where Republican policy pushed jobs out of Detroit and Baltimore to China? If that is the case, how come jobs are coming into the places mentioned above? What are those places doing to attract jobs and why isn't Detroit and Baltimore emulating those models?
Jobs are going to those places for the same reason they are going to China. Desperately poor people who will work for less and put up with incredible amounts of bullshit to keep food on the table. They are going to those places but they are not making them better, more prosperous places.
Total bullshit. 400 million people have moved out of extreme poverty in China since 1980.

Even by your explanation ... People voting to secure their own interests would be fair.
Fair by contribution would be rated to the contribution not the person.

One person, one vote. And we start treating political spending like bribery.

In other words, you want to repeal the First Amendment. Every time you post you can't help revealing your cloven hoof.
Bullshit! Democrats running the city since the 60's did that!
Jim Crow banks did it.
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Lying fuck. Democrats did it. Baltimore and Detroit were all Democrat Model Cities starting in the late 60's. You fuckers destroyed every model city you touched

Shows what happens when capitalists abandon US cities for Chinese cities

Yeah, that's what it shows.

by giving them too much money? Or not enough billions?

"This is called revolution. It is about ripping power away from a cabal of corporate oligarchs and returning it to the citizenry. This will happen not by appealing to corporate power but by terrifying it. And power, as we saw in Baltimore, will be terrified only when we take to the streets. There is no other way."
Stop being a victim.
Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
Maybe Chris will lead the way and I'll laugh as they stuff his ass into the back of a paddy wagon as he foams over at the mouth. Most of America will not tolerate a Baltimore. The "power" was the mayor ordering the troops to stand down. He's like a toddler that let it go to his head when mommy didn't slap the piss out of him, like she should have.

1. The mayor of Baltimore is a women, not a he.
2. Most of the protest was non violent, of course peaceful protest is not news.
a. Violent acts sell
b. Violent acts cloud the issue
c. Violence - such as occurred in Baltimore - is Red Meat for bigots
d. Violence, as in child abuse, is illegal and counterproductive.

1. Irrelevant.
2. That's true of every riot in history
a. So?
b. So?
c. So?
d. So?​

Bottom line: The savages in Baltimore chose to engage in violence. No one but them is to blame.

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