"Make the Rich Panic"

Kill the kulaks....why does that sound so familiar
Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
"The fundamental law of revolution, which has been confirmed by all revolutions, and particularly by all three Russian revolutions in the twentieth century, is as follows: it is not enough for revolution that the exploited and oppressed masses should understand the impossibility of living in the old way and demand changes, what is required for revolution is that the exploiters should not be able to live and rule in the old way. Only when the“lower classes” do not want the old way, and when the “upper classes”cannot carry on in the old way—only then can revolution win."

I have to disagree, successful revolutions are lead by the Middle Class, and the Middle Class will tolerate the status quo unless and until their expectation of things getting better don't, at that point they say (in the words of Camus, The Rebel), "NO".

The American Revolution was led by the wealthy, so your claim is obviously false.
Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
"The fundamental law of revolution, which has been confirmed by all revolutions, and particularly by all three Russian revolutions in the twentieth century, is as follows: it is not enough for revolution that the exploited and oppressed masses should understand the impossibility of living in the old way and demand changes, what is required for revolution is that the exploiters should not be able to live and rule in the old way. Only when the“lower classes” do not want the old way, and when the “upper classes”cannot carry on in the old way—only then can revolution win."

I have to disagree, successful revolutions are lead by the Middle Class, and the Middle Class will tolerate the status quo unless and until their expectation of things getting better don't, at that point they say (in the words of Camus, The Rebel), "NO".

The Middle Class revolted at the LBJ Soviet Model Cities, they voted with their feet and fled!

You seem to get dumber and dumber. Why is that, do you consume too much alcohol?

Have you been to Baltimore lately, Freddo?

15 years or so ago my sons and I caught an Oriole Game. Why do you ask? We took light rail into the Inner harbor and (at the insistence of my sons went to lunch at Hooter's, the food sucked but the views were terrific).

I've flown into BWI several times, the landing in the fall is spectacular, coming in over the Bay with all the colors in fall splendor is worth the air fare.

Baltimore is a shit hole. I lived in that city for 4 years, so I know what I'm talking about. The first year I lived there I was robbed 7 times. about a mile away from the inner harbour the city is a huge combat zone. You don't want to break down or get our of your car for any reason in those areas. That kind of area is where the riot took place.
Shows what happens when capitalists abandon US cities for Chinese cities

Its almost like the only similarities they see is dems and not all the jobs that went overseas.

Its not even considered as an option

Why did they only ship Baltimore jobs overseas? If you wanted to hire easily exploitable, uneducated people, seems like Baltimore would be at the top of the list, no?
Shows what happens when capitalists abandon US cities for Chinese cities

Its almost like the only similarities they see is dems and not all the jobs that went overseas.

Its not even considered as an option

Why did they only ship Baltimore jobs overseas? If you wanted to hire easily exploitable, uneducated people, seems like Baltimore would be at the top of the list, no?

IDK but you have a lot of questions tho
Let me know when you actually join the work force
Too late!

Chris Hedges's latest column at Truthdig argues that "(i)f you want change you can believe in, destroy the system", and he draws on examples from stories he has personally observed over a two decade long career in over fifty countries:

"When I was a foreign correspondent I covered revolts, insurgencies and revolutions, including the guerrilla conflicts in the 1980s in Central America; the civil wars in Algeria, Sudan and Yemen; and the two Palestinian uprisings or intifadas, along with the revolutions in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania and the war in the former Yugoslavia. I have seen that despotic regimes collapse internally."

Chris is also clear about how little US presidential elections matter to those who market ALL the candidates, including Bernie and Lizzy:

"It does not matter to the corporate rich who wins the presidential election. It does not matter who is elected to Congress. The rich have the power. They throw money at their favorites the way a gambler puts cash on his favorite horse.

"Money has replaced the vote.

"The wealthy can crush anyone who does not play by their rules. And the political elites—slobbering over the spoils provided by their corporate masters for selling us out—understand the game. Barack and Michelle Obama, as did the Clintons, will acquire many millions of dollars once they leave the White House."

Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

The problem is if you make the rich "panic" they tend to lash out and kill lots of people. Far better to educate people so they are able to compete and get better jobs. You guys just want to tear everything down so that everyone except the ruling elite (there always is one isn't there) is living in equal misery.

One day you might learn but I doubt it. After over 100 million murdered in pursuit of your utopia a smart person would have figured out that it doesn't work. But that would take smarts.
Yes! Just like Venezuela!

3 months into a Sander Presidency, we'll have to ration toilet paper
Senate to Vote on Disastrous Republican Budget
"Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday urged the Senate to reject a Republican budget that would throw 27 million Americans off health insurance, slash $5 trillion over the coming decade from programs that help working families, cut taxes on the superrich and raise them on working families with kids, and boost Pentagon spending by $38 billion next year. The House approved the non-binding blueprint last week. The ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, Sanders laid out the budget’s ugly details in a Senate floor speech on Tuesday, calling it 'an absolute disaster for the working families of this country.'"
Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont

Chris Hedges's latest column at Truthdig argues that "(i)f you want change you can believe in, destroy the system", and he draws on examples from stories he has personally observed over a two decade long career in over fifty countries:

"When I was a foreign correspondent I covered revolts, insurgencies and revolutions, including the guerrilla conflicts in the 1980s in Central America; the civil wars in Algeria, Sudan and Yemen; and the two Palestinian uprisings or intifadas, along with the revolutions in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania and the war in the former Yugoslavia. I have seen that despotic regimes collapse internally."

Chris is also clear about how little US presidential elections matter to those who market ALL the candidates, including Bernie and Lizzy:

"It does not matter to the corporate rich who wins the presidential election. It does not matter who is elected to Congress. The rich have the power. They throw money at their favorites the way a gambler puts cash on his favorite horse.

"Money has replaced the vote.

"The wealthy can crush anyone who does not play by their rules. And the political elites—slobbering over the spoils provided by their corporate masters for selling us out—understand the game. Barack and Michelle Obama, as did the Clintons, will acquire many millions of dollars once they leave the White House."

Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

The problem is if you make the rich "panic" they tend to lash out and kill lots of people. Far better to educate people so they are able to compete and get better jobs. You guys just want to tear everything down so that everyone except the ruling elite (there always is one isn't there) is living in equal misery.

One day you might learn but I doubt it. After over 100 million murdered in pursuit of your utopia a smart person would have figured out that it doesn't work. But that would take smarts.
If I was to tell you that it is better for a government to fear its people than the people to fear their government you would probably agree. We live in a plutocracy so why shouldn't the plutocrats fear the serfs? Fuckers need to have the fear that they might go too far and find their necks in a noose.
The problem is if you make the rich "panic" they tend to lash out and kill lots of people. Far better to educate people so they are able to compete and get better jobs. You guys just want to tear everything down so that everyone except the ruling elite (there always is one isn't there) is living in equal misery.
'The rich are only defeated when running for their lives,' the historian C.L.R. James noted. And until you see the rich fleeing in panic from the halls of Congress, the temples of finance, the universities, the media conglomerates, the war industry and their exclusive gated communities and private clubs, all politics in America will be farce."
You're saying the rich "kill lots of people" whenever they "panic?" What explains the amount of money they've "earned" from mass killing from Korea to Kandahar since 1945, panic attacks? Maybe you guys should tell the elites misery loves company.
Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
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Chris Hedges's latest column at Truthdig argues that "(i)f you want change you can believe in, destroy the system", and he draws on examples from stories he has personally observed over a two decade long career in over fifty countries:

"When I was a foreign correspondent I covered revolts, insurgencies and revolutions, including the guerrilla conflicts in the 1980s in Central America; the civil wars in Algeria, Sudan and Yemen; and the two Palestinian uprisings or intifadas, along with the revolutions in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania and the war in the former Yugoslavia. I have seen that despotic regimes collapse internally."

Chris is also clear about how little US presidential elections matter to those who market ALL the candidates, including Bernie and Lizzy:

"It does not matter to the corporate rich who wins the presidential election. It does not matter who is elected to Congress. The rich have the power. They throw money at their favorites the way a gambler puts cash on his favorite horse.

"Money has replaced the vote.

"The wealthy can crush anyone who does not play by their rules. And the political elites—slobbering over the spoils provided by their corporate masters for selling us out—understand the game. Barack and Michelle Obama, as did the Clintons, will acquire many millions of dollars once they leave the White House."

Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

The problem is if you make the rich "panic" they tend to lash out and kill lots of people. Far better to educate people so they are able to compete and get better jobs. You guys just want to tear everything down so that everyone except the ruling elite (there always is one isn't there) is living in equal misery.

One day you might learn but I doubt it. After over 100 million murdered in pursuit of your utopia a smart person would have figured out that it doesn't work. But that would take smarts.
If I was to tell you that it is better for a government to fear its people than the people to fear their government you would probably agree. We live in a plutocracy so why shouldn't the plutocrats fear the serfs? Fuckers need to have the fear that they might go too far and find their necks in a noose.

I agree that the government needs to fear us. But the rich own the government now. That's the problem. If you panic them they set loose the dogs. Far better for the retaking to be slow and steady. Elect people who are NOT part of the ruling elite. Get rid of the Bushes and the Clintons and the rest of the Ivy League crowd.

They don't care about the poor or the middle class. They only care about themselves.
If I was to tell you that it is better for a government to fear its people than the people to fear their government you would probably agree. We live in a plutocracy so why shouldn't the plutocrats fear the serfs? Fuckers need to have the fear that they might go too far and find their necks in a noose
Corporate elites believe they can loot neighborhoods, cities, and entire countries, for that matter, and their militarized, privatized police forces will protect them.
"It is apparent to most people across the globe that organizing political and social behavior around the dictates of the marketplace has proved to be a disaster for working men and women. The promised prosperity that was to have raised living standards through trickle-down economics has been exposed as a lie. The corporate state, understanding that it has been unmasked with the rise of unrest, has formed militarized police forces, stripped us of legal protection, taken over the legislative bodies, the courts and mass media, and built the most intrusive system of mass surveillance in human history. Corporate power, if unchecked, will suck every last bit of profit out of human society and the ecosystem before collapse. It has no self-imposed limits. And it has no external limits. Only we can create them."
Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig
Before it's too late, hopefully.
The problem is if you make the rich "panic" they tend to lash out and kill lots of people. Far better to educate people so they are able to compete and get better jobs. You guys just want to tear everything down so that everyone except the ruling elite (there always is one isn't there) is living in equal misery.
'The rich are only defeated when running for their lives,' the historian C.L.R. James noted. And until you see the rich fleeing in panic from the halls of Congress, the temples of finance, the universities, the media conglomerates, the war industry and their exclusive gated communities and private clubs, all politics in America will be farce."
You're saying the rich "kill lots of people" whenever they "panic?" What explains the amount of money they've from mass killing from Korea to Kandahar since 1945, panic attacks? Maybe you guys should tell the elites misery loves company.
Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

Coming from George Soros's minion, that's hysterically ironic

Chris Hedges's latest column at Truthdig argues that "(i)f you want change you can believe in, destroy the system", and he draws on examples from stories he has personally observed over a two decade long career in over fifty countries:

"When I was a foreign correspondent I covered revolts, insurgencies and revolutions, including the guerrilla conflicts in the 1980s in Central America; the civil wars in Algeria, Sudan and Yemen; and the two Palestinian uprisings or intifadas, along with the revolutions in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania and the war in the former Yugoslavia. I have seen that despotic regimes collapse internally."

Chris is also clear about how little US presidential elections matter to those who market ALL the candidates, including Bernie and Lizzy:

"It does not matter to the corporate rich who wins the presidential election. It does not matter who is elected to Congress. The rich have the power. They throw money at their favorites the way a gambler puts cash on his favorite horse.

"Money has replaced the vote.

"The wealthy can crush anyone who does not play by their rules. And the political elites—slobbering over the spoils provided by their corporate masters for selling us out—understand the game. Barack and Michelle Obama, as did the Clintons, will acquire many millions of dollars once they leave the White House."

Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

The problem is if you make the rich "panic" they tend to lash out and kill lots of people. Far better to educate people so they are able to compete and get better jobs. You guys just want to tear everything down so that everyone except the ruling elite (there always is one isn't there) is living in equal misery.

One day you might learn but I doubt it. After over 100 million murdered in pursuit of your utopia a smart person would have figured out that it doesn't work. But that would take smarts.
If I was to tell you that it is better for a government to fear its people than the people to fear their government you would probably agree. We live in a plutocracy so why shouldn't the plutocrats fear the serfs? Fuckers need to have the fear that they might go too far and find their necks in a noose.

I agree that the government needs to fear us. But the rich own the government now. That's the problem. If you panic them they set loose the dogs. Far better for the retaking to be slow and steady. Elect people who are NOT part of the ruling elite. Get rid of the Bushes and the Clintons and the rest of the Ivy League crowd.

They don't care about the poor or the middle class. They only care about themselves.
I do not feel it is possible to work entirely within the system they rigged long ago. What they fear is torches and pitchforks, not populist politicians who are remarkably easy to defeat with smear campaigns and labels like "socialist", "anti-business", "leftist" etc.
There was a revolution in Baltimore and the sane, civil and working people fled for the hill. You're looking at post-Progressive Revolutionary society in Baltimore
Corporate revolution, you mean?
"Just 42 percent of the residents in Freddie Gray’s neighborhood are employed ….

"Here are the terrifying facts about Sandtown, according to U.S. Census tract data.

— Just 42 percent of residents are employed, compared to the national average of 59 percent.

— Thirty-three percent of residential properties are vacant or abandoned.

— Just 54 percent of its residents are even in the labor force, even though 77 percent of residents are between 20 and 64 years old.

— Just 4.5 percent of the neighborhood has a Bachelor’s degree."

- See more at: Baltimore Protests Little-Known Facts Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization"
Lying fuck. Democrats did it. Baltimore and Detroit were all Democrat Model Cities starting in the late 60's. You fuckers destroyed every model city you touched
Capitalists destroyed Detroit and Baltimore, or maybe you imagine Democratic mayors shipped millions of US jobs to communist China?

See Greenville, SC, Huntsville, AL, and Austin, TX. They are not communist China yet they attract jobs and better quality of life vs. Baltimore and Detroit. Why is that?

Show us where Republican policy pushed jobs out of Detroit and Baltimore to China? If that is the case, how come jobs are coming into the places mentioned above? What are those places doing to attract jobs and why isn't Detroit and Baltimore emulating those models?
Jobs are going to those places for the same reason they are going to China. Desperately poor people who will work for less and put up with incredible amounts of bullshit to keep food on the table. They are going to those places but they are not making them better, more prosperous places.

You are saying that the people working in Greenville SC are not prosperous because the jobs are there, not Baltimore or Detroit? What authority do you have on prosperity? Educate US, please, on why jobs in Greenville SC are not as valuable as jobs in Detroit?
Here's another photo of Shanghai:


Those masked people must be anarchists on their way to a protest.

Oh, wait...
Lying fuck. Democrats did it. Baltimore and Detroit were all Democrat Model Cities starting in the late 60's. You fuckers destroyed every model city you touched
Capitalists destroyed Detroit and Baltimore, or maybe you imagine Democratic mayors shipped millions of US jobs to communist China?

See Greenville, SC, Huntsville, AL, and Austin, TX. They are not communist China yet they attract jobs and better quality of life vs. Baltimore and Detroit. Why is that?

Show us where Republican policy pushed jobs out of Detroit and Baltimore to China? If that is the case, how come jobs are coming into the places mentioned above? What are those places doing to attract jobs and why isn't Detroit and Baltimore emulating those models?
Jobs are going to those places for the same reason they are going to China. Desperately poor people who will work for less and put up with incredible amounts of bullshit to keep food on the table. They are going to those places but they are not making them better, more prosperous places.

You are saying that the people working in Greenville SC are not prosperous because the jobs are there, not Baltimore or Detroit? What authority do you have on prosperity? Educate US, please, on why jobs in Greenville SC are not as valuable as jobs in Detroit?
I lived in Alabama during the time several large companies came there to much fanfare, the economic impact was so light as to be unnoticeable. A few hundred might get some low paying undependable jobs but overall the place stays just as poor and starved for tax revenue as ever.

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