"Make the Rich Panic"

The real truth is the system is set up so people have a very difficult time moving up the economic ladder no matter how hard they are willing to work. If you are middle class, you aren't going to move ahead. If you are poor, you aren't going to magically work yourself out of being poor. Its been this way since the early 80's and it will never change. What scares the rich is that they all have the right to vote. Now we see voter ID laws coming in.... this will help limit the vote. Very smart and efficient plan.

Totally untrue. The system is being warped so that lazy fucks will go on the dole and give their vote to the new slave masters. That much is true. But if you are willing o work you can do far better. Most would rather whine and swill beer watching the TV, than work.
Here's OUR RICH elected Masters in government tackling the HARD JOBS. But don't anyone dare say our FEDERAL government has gotten TOO BIG

Federal Workplace Safety Agency Takes On Transgender Restroom Access
2:22 PM, May 5, 2015 • By JERYL BIER

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) isn't just about hard hats and safer machinery anymore. The federal government agency charged with regulating workplace conditions has formed an "alliance" with a "national social justice advocacy organization for transgender people" primarily to promote gender-appropriate restroom access. The agreement, signed on April 27, is part of a larger OSHA program to partner with groups "committed to worker safety and health to prevent workplace fatalities, injuries, and illnesses."

ALL of it here:
Federal Workplace Safety Agency Takes On Transgender Restroom Access The Weekly Standard
The real truth is the system is set up so people have a very difficult time moving up the economic ladder no matter how hard they are willing to work. If you are middle class, you aren't going to move ahead. If you are poor, you aren't going to magically work yourself out of being poor. Its been this way since the early 80's and it will never change. What scares the rich is that they all have the right to vote. Now we see voter ID laws coming in.... this will help limit the vote. Very smart and efficient plan.

Don't agree with this at all.

What keeps folks poor is poor decision making.

80% of my friends are lower class from my younger days. Why are they trapped there? The number one reason is...having children too young. They couldn't save money and they couldn't get an college education.

Second is drugs...they would get busted for possession, plead to probation, then they were in the system, and once they were on paper, it was only a matter of time before they faced a revocation for another possession charge, or something else...and then they have a felony record.

Third is no drive to succeed...just make enough to pay the bills and buy beer...no going the extra mile to get a promotion, or volunteering to learn the skills necessary for the next level of responsibility.

These are all first hand observations, not something I've read or heard.
es, the baby born in the poor section of town is going to grow up as a welfare child eating shitty food and not learning anything to improve their lot in life. No surprise there. I was born poor and looked around and said to myself
Eight of those Baltimore communities have lower life expectancies than Syria. What makes you think you would have lived long enough to make that decision?

Chris Hedges's latest column at Truthdig argues that "(i)f you want change you can believe in, destroy the system", and he draws on examples from stories he has personally observed over a two decade long career in over fifty countries:

"When I was a foreign correspondent I covered revolts, insurgencies and revolutions, including the guerrilla conflicts in the 1980s in Central America; the civil wars in Algeria, Sudan and Yemen; and the two Palestinian uprisings or intifadas, along with the revolutions in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania and the war in the former Yugoslavia. I have seen that despotic regimes collapse internally."

Chris is also clear about how little US presidential elections matter to those who market ALL the candidates, including Bernie and Lizzy:

"It does not matter to the corporate rich who wins the presidential election. It does not matter who is elected to Congress. The rich have the power. They throw money at their favorites the way a gambler puts cash on his favorite horse.

"Money has replaced the vote.

"The wealthy can crush anyone who does not play by their rules. And the political elites—slobbering over the spoils provided by their corporate masters for selling us out—understand the game. Barack and Michelle Obama, as did the Clintons, will acquire many millions of dollars once they leave the White House."

Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

The problem is if you make the rich "panic" they tend to lash out and kill lots of people. Far better to educate people so they are able to compete and get better jobs. You guys just want to tear everything down so that everyone except the ruling elite (there always is one isn't there) is living in equal misery.

One day you might learn but I doubt it. After over 100 million murdered in pursuit of your utopia a smart person would have figured out that it doesn't work. But that would take smarts.
If I was to tell you that it is better for a government to fear its people than the people to fear their government you would probably agree. We live in a plutocracy so why shouldn't the plutocrats fear the serfs? Fuckers need to have the fear that they might go too far and find their necks in a noose.

I agree that the government needs to fear us. But the rich own the government now. That's the problem. If you panic them they set loose the dogs. Far better for the retaking to be slow and steady. Elect people who are NOT part of the ruling elite. Get rid of the Bushes and the Clintons and the rest of the Ivy League crowd.

They don't care about the poor or the middle class. They only care about themselves.

The facts belie your opinion. Both the Clinton Administration and the Obama Administration worked to provide universal health care for the poor and the middle class - both failed. Hillary care was attacked and the attack prevailed; Obama care succeeded, but only half way as the conservative element went all in to attack the PPACA , something they continue to do, since they do nothing to aid the poor or the middle class, and do the bidding of the power elite.
If you want to hear the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal the Obama administration is hoping to pass, you’ve got to be a member of Congress, and you’ve got to go to classified briefings and leave your staff and cellphone at the door.

If you’re a member who wants to read the text, you’ve got to go to a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center and be handed it one section at a time, watched over as you read, and forced to hand over any notes you make before leaving.
This might be an issue conservatives and progressives should unite on. 600 corporate trade reps have been negotiating this "trade" agreement in secret for years. Obama wants it passed before 2016 election campaigning begins. Maybe corporate Republicans AND Democrats need a white hot spotlight on TPP and its non-trade related chapters (24/29) while Americans are deciding who their presidential candidates will be?
Trans-Pacific Partnership
How did Corporate Elites drain business just from Baltimore and export the Baltimore jobs to China?
The real truth is the system is set up so people have a very difficult time moving up the economic ladder no matter how hard they are willing to work. If you are middle class, you aren't going to move ahead. If you are poor, you aren't going to magically work yourself out of being poor. Its been this way since the early 80's and it will never change. What scares the rich is that they all have the right to vote. Now we see voter ID laws coming in.... this will help limit the vote. Very smart and efficient plan.

Don't agree with this at all.

What keeps folks poor is poor decision making.

80% of my friends are lower class from my younger days. Why are they trapped there? The number one reason is...having children too young. They couldn't save money and they couldn't get an college education.

Second is drugs...they would get busted for possession, plead to probation, then they were in the system, and once they were on paper, it was only a matter of time before they faced a revocation for another possession charge, or something else...and then they have a felony record.

Third is no drive to succeed...just make enough to pay the bills and buy beer...no going the extra mile to get a promotion, or volunteering to learn the skills necessary for the next level of responsibility.

These are all first hand observations, not something I've read or heard.

If you choose to work hard and good no matter what, something good will come out of it.
If you choose to be bad something bad will come out of it.
Bottom line: The savages in Baltimore chose to engage in violence. No one but them is to blame.
"...let's look at a hypothetical case of two babies born on the same day this year in Baltimore. One is born in Roland Park, a wealthy neighborhood in the north of the city. The other is born just three miles away in Downtown/Seton Hill, one of the city's poorest neighborhoods.

"The Roland Park baby will most likely live to the age of 84, well above the U.S. average of 79. The Seton Hill baby, on the other hand, can expect to die 19 years earlier at the age of 65. That's 14 years below the U.S. average. The average child born this year in Seton Hill will be dead before she can even begin to collect Social Security."

15 Baltimore neighborhoods have lower life expectancies than North Korea - The Washington Post
Poor people tend to die younger because they're stupid. They do drugs, commit crimes and become felons, and they're overweight. Their health issues are all totally self-inflicted.
I think it is time to tariff the living shit out of all imports! The rich thought they could fuck the American people by outsourcing??? Well, think again, assholes.

The last time we tried that was the beginning of the Great Depression.

Some people learn from history, and apparently some people don't.

Chris Hedges's latest column at Truthdig argues that "(i)f you want change you can believe in, destroy the system", and he draws on examples from stories he has personally observed over a two decade long career in over fifty countries:

"When I was a foreign correspondent I covered revolts, insurgencies and revolutions, including the guerrilla conflicts in the 1980s in Central America; the civil wars in Algeria, Sudan and Yemen; and the two Palestinian uprisings or intifadas, along with the revolutions in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania and the war in the former Yugoslavia. I have seen that despotic regimes collapse internally."

Chris is also clear about how little US presidential elections matter to those who market ALL the candidates, including Bernie and Lizzy:

"It does not matter to the corporate rich who wins the presidential election. It does not matter who is elected to Congress. The rich have the power. They throw money at their favorites the way a gambler puts cash on his favorite horse.

"Money has replaced the vote.

"The wealthy can crush anyone who does not play by their rules. And the political elites—slobbering over the spoils provided by their corporate masters for selling us out—understand the game. Barack and Michelle Obama, as did the Clintons, will acquire many millions of dollars once they leave the White House."

Chris Hedges Make the Rich Panic - Chris Hedges -Truthdig

The problem is if you make the rich "panic" they tend to lash out and kill lots of people. Far better to educate people so they are able to compete and get better jobs. You guys just want to tear everything down so that everyone except the ruling elite (there always is one isn't there) is living in equal misery.

One day you might learn but I doubt it. After over 100 million murdered in pursuit of your utopia a smart person would have figured out that it doesn't work. But that would take smarts.
If I was to tell you that it is better for a government to fear its people than the people to fear their government you would probably agree. We live in a plutocracy so why shouldn't the plutocrats fear the serfs? Fuckers need to have the fear that they might go too far and find their necks in a noose.

I agree that the government needs to fear us. But the rich own the government now. That's the problem. If you panic them they set loose the dogs. Far better for the retaking to be slow and steady. Elect people who are NOT part of the ruling elite. Get rid of the Bushes and the Clintons and the rest of the Ivy League crowd.

They don't care about the poor or the middle class. They only care about themselves.

The facts belie your opinion. Both the Clinton Administration and the Obama Administration worked to provide universal health care for the poor and the middle class - both failed. Hillary care was attacked and the attack prevailed; Obama care succeeded, but only half way as the conservative element went all in to attack the PPACA , something they continue to do, since they do nothing to aid the poor or the middle class, and do the bidding of the power elite.

Give me a break. The Clintons have been raping the US for decades now. They went from "broke" to being hundred millionaires in 15 years....sure they did. The Obama's are following suit. The middle class is getting screwed by the ACA and the insurance companies are laughing all the way to the bank thanks to brainless turds like you.
Truth about Baltimore redlining:
"Listening to the speech that Ken Ulman made on Monday, June 3 I was struck by his passion for Columbia. It is the same passion I have felt living in Columbia for 40 years. I too have loved this planned city that treats people equally. As proud as I am seeing one of our own named to the top of the ticket I am imbued with a sense of unease. One of the reasons many people came to Columbia was to live in a well thought out and carefully planned community. Columbia was the antidote to the hodgepodge exemplified by routes 1 and 40 and to escape the insidious and unethical practice of redlining!"
Articles about Redlining - tribunedigital-baltimoresun
If you want to hear the details of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal the Obama administration is hoping to pass, you’ve got to be a member of Congress, and you’ve got to go to classified briefings and leave your staff and cellphone at the door.

If you’re a member who wants to read the text, you’ve got to go to a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center and be handed it one section at a time, watched over as you read, and forced to hand over any notes you make before leaving.
This might be an issue conservatives and progressives should unite on. 600 corporate trade reps have been negotiating this "trade" agreement in secret for years. Obama wants it passed before 2016 election campaigning begins. Maybe corporate Republicans AND Democrats need a white hot spotlight on TPP and its non-trade related chapters (24/29) while Americans are deciding who their presidential candidates will be?
Trans-Pacific Partnership

I think there are a lot of things that conservatives and progressives should unite on...but the reality is that the two parties have become more a cult of personality than a political system.

The same liberals that skewered President Bush for war with Iraq, lined up in support of bombing Syria. And the same conservatives that supported Bush's war with Iraq skewered Obama's plan to bomb Syria.

The same conservatives that railed against the passage of Obamacare wholeheartedly supported Bush's Senior Drug policy. And vice versa.

Liberals will back Obama and defend him against opposition like Pavlovian Dogs at bell ringing time, and conservatives would do the same thing if their standard bearer was "under attack" from the opposition.

I've been there, defending the indefensible, because my side had to be right and the other side had to be defeated at all costs.

I'm older and hopefully wiser now, but from this vantage point, I see no end to cult-of-personally effect...the partisans become more and more entrenched every year.

P.S.- To answer your post, I absolutely agree that both sided should be united in opposition to this trade agreement.
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Truth about Baltimore redlining:
"Listening to the speech that Ken Ulman made on Monday, June 3 I was struck by his passion for Columbia. It is the same passion I have felt living in Columbia for 40 years. I too have loved this planned city that treats people equally. As proud as I am seeing one of our own named to the top of the ticket I am imbued with a sense of unease. One of the reasons many people came to Columbia was to live in a well thought out and carefully planned community. Columbia was the antidote to the hodgepodge exemplified by routes 1 and 40 and to escape the insidious and unethical practice of redlining!"
Articles about Redlining - tribunedigital-baltimoresun

That constitutes proof of nothing: it's a letter to the editor.
Simple: because it's true. The claim of "redlining" was a liberal scam intended to extort money from the banking system. The whole thing came crashing down in 2008
a discriminatory practice by which banks, insurance companies, etc.,refuse or limit loans, mortgages, insurance, etc., within specificgeographic areas, especially inner-city neighborhoods.
Origin of redlining
redline + -ing1, as if banks, insurance companies, etc., had outlined suchareas in red on a map"
Redlining Define Redlining at Dictionary.com

Redlining is part of the reason 8 Baltimore communites currently have life expectancies that are less than those found in Syria.

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