Makenna Lee Elrod’s Murder is the Fault of Republicans at Every Level of Government

Yes the French and Indian war was just a theater of the global war between your European crowns, as your link states

The F&I war started in 1754
THe Seven Years War started in 1756.

DO you have some kind of learning disability?

The F&I war started in 1754
THe Seven Years War started in 1756.

DO you have some kind of learning disability?
which were all part of the same war, between the Brits and the French....also part of the larger 60 year war between the two nations.

Not the United States, we weren't founded for years later.
which were all part of the same war, between the Brits and the French....also part of the larger 60 year war between the two nations.

Not the United States, we weren't founded for years later.
Wow, your understanding of history is amusing, but sad.
Can you judge the intent of every man?

Not at all. that's why we need thorough background checks.

if they had talked to anyone in Nicholas Cruz's life, he never should have bought a gun. Or the Uvalde shooter. Or the Aurora Theater shooter.
Coming from a guy that thinks the United States started a war with france…haha
You obviously have reading disabilities. Where did I say, "United States"?

I mean, are you really this stupid, that you don't see the linkage between the French and Indian War, the taxes needed to pay for it, and the revolution? Because this is largely grade school history.

Just a reminder that the gunman in the deadliest school shooting in Texas history bought two AR-style rifles legally just after his 18th birthday — days before his assault on Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. The republicans and their lax gun laws have killed more Mekenna’s than you can count.

Not ONE of you remember her name. McKenna. She was "a light to all who knew her” and the little girl loved to play softball and practice gymnastics and also enjoyed singing and dancing.

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I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that gun free zones are bullet magnets. Install fully vetted, armed combat veterans in these places and the shootings will stop. These people that commit mass shootings are cowards who do not want to be confronted by people armed and trained to run towards gun fire and not stand around and wait like the Uvalde LEO's did.

Of course this real solution that doesn't shit all over the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens will never be accepted by the loons. The mouth breathing base of the left actually believe the lie that disarming law abiding citizens will keep everyone safe and their handlers won't go for it because it doesn't disarm law abiding citizens.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that gun free zones are bullet magnets. Install fully vetted, armed combat veterans in these places and the shootings will stop. These people that commit mass shootings are cowards who do not want to be confronted by people armed and trained to run towards gun fire and not stand around and wait like the Uvalde LEO's did.

Oh, please, guy.

Fort Hood had two mass shooting incidents. So did the Washington Naval Yard. Mass shooters are not intimidated by military any more than they are LEOs.

Of course this real solution that doesn't shit all over the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens will never be accepted by the loons. The mouth breathing base of the left actually believe the lie that disarming law abiding citizens will keep everyone safe and their handlers won't go for it because it doesn't disarm law abiding citizens.

Except that every other industrialized democracy either bans private gun ownership or limits who can own a gun.
They have nowhere near our crime rates or murder rates.
Oh, please, guy.

Fort Hood had two mass shooting incidents. So did the Washington Naval Yard. Mass shooters are not intimidated by military any more than they are LEOs.

Except that every other industrialized democracy either bans private gun ownership or limits who can own a gun.
They have nowhere near our crime rates or murder rates.
You do know that on every post in the US the only people that are armed are the MP's ? Everyone else have their weapons stored in their units arms room.

None of those countries you morons constantly babel about have ever had a Constitutional right to bear arms and have a historical tendency to die in monstrous numbers every time some lunatic decides to take over.

Just a reminder that the gunman in the deadliest school shooting in Texas history bought two AR-style rifles legally just after his 18th birthday — days before his assault on Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. The republicans and their lax gun laws have killed more Mekenna’s than you can count.

Not ONE of you remember her name. McKenna. She was "a light to all who knew her” and the little girl loved to play softball and practice gymnastics and also enjoyed singing and dancing.

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Poor commie, did it really take you this long to come up with an imitation thread? But hey, feel free to tell it to the judge.

Monumental Ruling: 18-20 Year Olds Can Purchase Handguns, Judge Rules » Concealed Carry Inc


Just a reminder that the gunman in the deadliest school shooting in Texas history bought two AR-style rifles legally just after his 18th birthday — days before his assault on Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. The republicans and their lax gun laws have killed more Mekenna’s than you can count.

Not ONE of you remember her name. McKenna. She was "a light to all who knew her” and the little girl loved to play softball and practice gymnastics and also enjoyed singing and dancing.

View attachment 915127

I am unaware gun murder perpetrators get off easily. There are 20,000 gun murders a year. That feels like a lot of death to have pretty much unrestricted access to guns. No other nations struggles like we do. It’s got to be gun availability. All else is the same.

Why are you commenting on a topic you obviously don't understand. Home gun ownership has actually declined over the last 60 years. And the real problem is people aren't taught. from childhood, that life is sacred and should be respected and preserved. I've had access to firearms all my life, I knew where they were stored, I knew where the ammo was kept.

I actually bought a shotgun along with a box of shells, when I was twelve. I walked in the store, laid down the money and walked back home, gun and shells in hand. No one gave it a second thought and no, the gun was not in a box. It was a Christmas gift for my father.

Of course at that time we respected, our teachers, the police and authority in general, it was indeed a different time, with much different values. The country has lost its way since then, it's a damn shame.

Not at all. that's why we need thorough background checks.

if they had talked to anyone in Nicholas Cruz's life, he never should have bought a gun. Or the Uvalde shooter. Or the Aurora Theater shooter.
We have thorough back ground checks! You can't legislate away evil
You do know that on every post in the US the only people that are armed are the MP's ? Everyone else have their weapons stored in their units arms room.

Yes, I'm aware of that. My MOS in the Army was 76Y.

Still, some people were armed at those bases, and they were all trained to rush towards gunfire, and all those cases of mass shootings still happened.

None of those countries you morons constantly babel about have ever had a Constitutional right to bear arms and have a historical tendency to die in monstrous numbers every time some lunatic decides to take over.

Um, okay, let's look at this statement.

Genocide is one of those funny things. We tend to recognize it in others but not our own. The Germans genocided the Jews, and we Genocided the Native Americans. When the jerk with the mustache came up with Concentration Camps, he used the American Indian Reservations as a model.

So the presence of a "right to bear arms" doesn't protect anyone from genocide when their presence is considered undesirable but something they have is.

If a lunatic takes over this country (and you fuckers on the right are doing your level best to make it happen), the right to bear arms is going to be meaningless, because the government has bombers and tanks and missiles. "Wooo, I got my AR15! I can be a tough guy at the state capitol because I'm white and nothing bad will happen to me."
Yes, I'm aware of that. My MOS in the Army was 76Y.

Still, some people were armed at those bases, and they were all trained to rush towards gunfire, and all those cases of mass shootings still happened.

Um, okay, let's look at this statement.

Genocide is one of those funny things. We tend to recognize it in others but not our own. The Germans genocided the Jews, and we Genocided the Native Americans. When the jerk with the mustache came up with Concentration Camps, he used the American Indian Reservations as a model.

So the presence of a "right to bear arms" doesn't protect anyone from genocide when their presence is considered undesirable but something they have is.

If a lunatic takes over this country (and you fuckers on the right are doing your level best to make it happen), the right to bear arms is going to be meaningless, because the government has bombers and tanks and missiles. "Wooo, I got my AR15! I can be a tough guy at the state capitol because I'm white and nothing bad will happen to me."
and yet Vietnam, Afghanistan and Yemen prove you wrong. Also, if even just 1 percent of Americans resist that's over 3 million which last I checked is a lot more than the military has in all branches.
Yes, I'm aware of that. My MOS in the Army was 76Y.

Still, some people were armed at those bases, and they were all trained to rush towards gunfire, and all those cases of mass shootings still happened.

Um, okay, let's look at this statement.

Genocide is one of those funny things. We tend to recognize it in others but not our own. The Germans genocided the Jews, and we Genocided the Native Americans. When the jerk with the mustache came up with Concentration Camps, he used the American Indian Reservations as a model.

So the presence of a "right to bear arms" doesn't protect anyone from genocide when their presence is considered undesirable but something they have is.

If a lunatic takes over this country (and you fuckers on the right are doing your level best to make it happen), the right to bear arms is going to be meaningless, because the government has bombers and tanks and missiles. "Wooo, I got my AR15! I can be a tough guy at the state capitol because I'm white and nothing bad will happen to me."
Bases are small cities with MP's as a police force no one else walks around with weapons.

The first thing a tyrant will do when taking over is disarm the public the only ones I know of trying to do that are you fuckers on the left. You also assume that the military with their bombers and tanks and missiles will follow an unlawful order to kill US citizens. If you think they will you should look up asymmetric warfare. Several conflicts come to mind Vietnam, Afghanistan and so on.

It's very racist of you to think that only white people are willing to take up arms against tyrants.
and yet Vietnam, Afghanistan and Yemen prove you wrong. Also, if even just 1 percent of Americans resist that's over 3 million which last I checked is a lot more than the military has in all branches.

Actually, what they prove is that you can make an occupier miserable, not that you can defeat the government.

Are you really trying to claim that people in Afghanistan and Vietnam are "Free" because of guns?
The first thing a tyrant will do when taking over is disarm the public the only ones I know of trying to do that are you fuckers on the left. You also assume that the military with their bombers and tanks and missiles will follow an unlawful order to kill US citizens. If you think they will you should look up asymmetric warfare. Several conflicts come to mind Vietnam, Afghanistan and so on.

Are you really arguing that Afghanistan is a good example? Afghanistan has been in a state of civil war since 1976, and the few Afghans left alive probably remember the old King as a golden age.


It's very racist of you to think that only white people are willing to take up arms against tyrants.

Except no one has ever "taken up arms" and made things better. Most revolutions from France to Iran have made things worse.

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