Makenna Lee Elrod’s Murder is the Fault of Republicans at Every Level of Government


Just a reminder that the gunman in the deadliest school shooting in Texas history bought two AR-style rifles legally just after his 18th birthday — days before his assault on Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. The republicans and their lax gun laws have killed more Mekenna’s than you can count.

Not ONE of you remember her name. McKenna. She was "a light to all who knew her” and the little girl loved to play softball and practice gymnastics and also enjoyed singing and dancing.

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Amen! Thank you!

Just a reminder that the gunman in the deadliest school shooting in Texas history bought two AR-style rifles legally just after his 18th birthday — days before his assault on Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. The republicans and their lax gun laws have killed more Mekenna’s than you can count.

Not ONE of you remember her name. McKenna. She was "a light to all who knew her” and the little girl loved to play softball and practice gymnastics and also enjoyed singing and dancing.

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Why didn't Obama fix those 'lax gun laws' when he had a super majority in both houses of Congress? Does he bear no responsibility? Biden had a Democrat majority in Congress when he took office but no gun control laws were passed until a bipartisan bill was passed after Uvalde. If they had acted sooner would it have made a difference?

Trump's tweet in 2019:

So you support stricter gun laws to stop some gun crime causing the 30,000 gun deaths a year that are not committed by an immigrant?
More than half the gun deaths are suicides.

Lots of interesting information and statistics on this site…



  • In 2013, President Barack Obama ordered the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to assess existing research on gun violence. The report, compiled by the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council, found (among other things) that firearms are used defensively hundreds of thousands of times every year.
  • According to the CDC, “self-defense can be an important crime deterrent.” Recent CDC reports acknowledge that studies directly assessing the effect of actual defensive uses of guns have found “consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies.”
  • Semi-automatic rifles (such as the AR-15) are commonly used as self-defense weapons in the homes of law-abiding citizens because they are easier to control than handguns, are more versatile than handguns, and offer the advantage of up to 30 rounds of protection. Even Vox has published stories defending the use of the AR-15.
Why didn't Obama fix those 'lax gun laws' when he had a super majority in both houses of Congress? Does he bear no responsibility? Biden had a Democrat majority in Congress when he took office but no gun control laws were passed until a bipartisan bill was passed after Uvalde. If they had acted sooner would it have made a difference?

Trump's tweet in 2019:

Obama didn’t have a supermajority. The criminal Republicans contested Democrat Al Franken’s legal election for 9 months refusing to seat him. By the time he was sworn in Sen Byrd went into the hospital then Kennedy died. They ran out the clock effectively. Consummate cheaters.
Obama didn’t have a supermajority. The criminal Republicans contested Democrat Al Franken’s legal election for 9 months refusing to seat him. By the time he was sworn in Sen Byrd went into the hospital then Kennedy died. They ran out the clock effectively. Consummate cheaters.
Obama had far enough votes to have passed gun control had he chosen to do so. He had the closest thing to a super majority any president has had in the modern era. He had enough to pass Obamacare without a single Republican vote.
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Obama didn’t have a supermajority. The criminal Republicans contested Democrat Al Franken’s legal election for 9 months refusing to seat him. By the time he was sworn in Sen Byrd went into the hospital then Kennedy died. They ran out the clock effectively. Consummate cheaters.
He had a supermajority for over 70 days
Except the Founding Slave Rapists were upset that they had to pay taxes on the war they started with France and the First Nations.

Few people in revolutionary times owned gun, it's why they had to import them.
What war they started with france?
Obama had far enough votes to have passed gun control had he chosen to do so. He had the closest thing to a super majority any president has had in the modern era. He had enough to pass Obamacare without a single Republican vote.

Only because he let Joe Leiberman (D-Israel) turn what should have been single payer into RomneyCare Lite.
I have, I missed the part that the founders started a war with france

What was the name of it? When?
French and Indian War.

It was in all the history books. Started by the Colonists who would eventually balk at paying for it.
French and Indian War.

It was in all the history books. Started by the Colonists who would eventually balk at paying for it.
Um that was between the Brits and France and the western front of the Seven Years War, that they were waging in Europe.

It wasn’t a war the colonist started

Try reading a history book
Um that was between the Brits and France and the western front of the Seven Years War, that they were waging in Europe.

It wasn’t a war the colonist started

Try reading a history book
Fuckwad, the Seven Years War started in the Americas before it spread to Europe. The Crown didn't actually want a war with France or the First Nations. But the colonists got greedy for land.

Try reading a history book.
Fuckwad, the Seven Years War started in the Americas before it spread to Europe. The Crown didn't actually want a war with France or the First Nations. But the colonists got greedy for land.

Try reading a history book.
The 7 year war was a global conflict between your monarchs in Europe.

Just a reminder that the gunman in the deadliest school shooting in Texas history bought two AR-style rifles legally just after his 18th birthday — days before his assault on Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. The republicans and their lax gun laws have killed more Mekenna’s than you can count.

Not ONE of you remember her name. McKenna. She was "a light to all who knew her” and the little girl loved to play softball and practice gymnastics and also enjoyed singing and dancing.

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Not true at all if anything the evil that you support in Satan himself caused this! The gun didn't shoot itself, an evil man did

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