Makers of Netflix Movie about Black Cleopatra Don’t Know Sh*t About History

Dumbass clowns like your stupid ass are trying to tell us she was a white woman, when it is a African Nation. Take your racist, cup cake ass on somewhere else with that bullshit.

It's faaar easier for an Egyptian to travel to Rome, than to visit any place in sub Saharan Africa.

They might as well be on a different continent.
Is Netflix going to do this next? Despict him like that?

The stupidity in Netflix knows no bounds :cuckoo:

Egyptians aren't black today. Only the Arabs who moved to Egypt are darker.

Yup. Like the picture I posted earlier of the Copts, they ARE the closest modern descendants of the ancient Egyptians.

Wrong. She was the result of generations of inbreeding. They were ALL Macedonian Greeks. And they didn't have children outside of their family.
If they did because pharaoh had a fling the child was immediately killed. Early form of abortion.
So I just can't get worked up that a black person was cast in the role of a person of color in ancient times.
Of course you can't because you are a woke asshole. Typical confused asshole Moon Bat.
There are so many historically inaccurate shows. Emily wasn't really in Paris. There wasn't an ancient apocalypse. Leonardo didn't die on the Titanic. William Wallace didn't knock up the English Princess. And ancient aliens didn't make the pyramids.

Why does this particular show trigger you guys so badly?
It’s possible about the ancient aliens.
Her mother is of unknown origin. She could have been darker skinned.
OTOH, when Gal Gadot was associated with a project where she would play Cleopatra, the accusations were of "whitewashing". If anything, Gal's skin tone is likely closer to the truth.
I read that her parents were siblings.

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