Makin' The Whole Country Into Chicago


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[All part of Comrade Barack's "Fundamental Transformation Of America" First you gotta take their guns, like Comrade Congresswoman Jan Schackowski (D), another Illinois Communist in the Obama mold "'The assault weapons ban is only the start!" Then to get the witches brew really boiling you mix in a generous dollop of Cypriot banking. After ten years of ten per cent levies, Comrade Barack has everything and his redistribution of the nation's wealth is complete, except for those incorrigibles who chose to hide their wealth in their mattresses, but they won't have any means of protecting your peronal wealth if stored at home, the nationwide ban on personal firearms coupled with a nationwide New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) style snitch line will see to that. Then you're in imminent danger of any Obama supporter's personal tax, like the tax Mssrs Hayes and Komisarjevsky exacted on Dr Petit, his wife and their two daughters, or the tax these two city inhabitants decided to extract one day after a morning of aimlessly smoking marijuana cigarrettes and tossing back shots which was followed by a trip to a doctors office for some prescription amphetamines then driving the roadways and byways looking for some victims to assault. They came upon two cohabiting male antique dealers, gained entry under the guise of seeking to purchase some wares, then proceeded to beat the two elderly gentlemen to death with some heavy bronze candelholders. After picking up whatever loose cash and valuables they found lying around and some trinkets that struck their fancy they returned to the city to spend the evening indulging in some more alcohol and marijuana cigarrettes.
The island of St Kitts is comprised of some 50,000 people. You can't so much as bring anything even slightly resembling a toy gun with you onto the island, a leftover relic from the Island's sugar plantation days to prevent the laborers from rising up against the landowners, yet they still have a murder rate of around one per day.
Just a note: "Whenever seconds count, the police are only minutes away"]

"Hey, lookie here! More news from the pastoral gun-free concrete meadows of Chicago!

Seven people were injured in an overnight shooting at a record release party at a nightclub in Chicago's South Side Gresham neighborhood.

Police said three men opened fire inside Mr. G's Supperclub on the 1500 block of West 87th Street around 1:15 a.m. A fight had started at the release party for a local rapper, police said, and three men pulled out handguns and fired into the crowd.

Six men and one woman were struck. The 19-year-old woman was taken to Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, while the others -- men mostly in their 20s -- transported themselves in stable condition.

The young lady took several bullets, but it looks like everyone's going to live, so it's no big deal, right? Let's make the whole country just like Chicago!"

Another Chicago story to put out of your mind

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