Making America Look Great Again(?)! (If Mexico Won't Pay For It, Then Maybe Africa(?)!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Organizing U. S. Foreign Trade policy, out of the four bankruptcies position, has not entirely received a lot of attention in campaign, including Trump's. Anyone gets the impression that really, if Trump cannot get Mexico to pay for the wall, then probably the back-up plan is "Africa."

All seriousness aside--Democratic partisan, Steven Allen used to preface--There appears the Trump business ties to Botswan, in Africa. No one international seems to be able to guess what Economies under Trump may look like. It does seem that Mexico has oil. It does seem that Botswan has diamonds. Both can be subjected to tariff taxes.

As US president Trump would renegotiate trade deals with Botswan | Sunday Standard

People for Trump may want to see simple solutions to complex problems. Tariff wars may seem like a solution. Back to Herbert Hoover, the Trump agenda would be compared--to a time when strong leaders included Tojo, Hitler and Mussolini. That actually came after the tariff wars. What looks like a cheap source of money, and balanced budgets--and getting the rich to pay for it all: Is noted a main cause of the Global, Worldwide Great Depression of the 1930's.

Where are these funds in other nations otherwise expected to come from? Tariffs on U. S. imports?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Been down so long, it all looks up to me(?)"--once upon a Time (Maybe Magazine), someone maybe once twittered(?)!)
Only problem is, Trump can't change trade policy or increase taxes. Congress are the ones to do that, and considering the fact that Mitch McConnell has already stated that the GOP should drop Trump like a hot rock, I don't think he's going to be able to get Congress to do what he wants.
The Trump Immigration wall is likely best construed a kind of tariff which Mexico has to pay. The Trump GOP proposes some way to make the Mexican economy pay--and to protect Republican economic policies. There is likely envisioned a reduction in social welfare expenditures, and higher paying jobs for Millenial Menials--people without brain surgeon degrees.

So like a tariff, it is a Protectionist trade policy agenda, that somehow Mexican industry or domestic consumption pays for. The effect is the same as a tariff war.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Like a Good Neighbor, Trump's War is there(?)!
I think Africa should pay for some kind of wall because they sold us a bunch of slaves. Seriously...why don't they ever take responsibility for that?
Slavery was historically--for thousands of years--a diversity subjugation(?). Mostly African Blacks came here as slaves, but Europeans indentured themselves to get to the Colonies. The negative impact of slavery was the brutal Civil War, which mostly killed of a lot of White labor. White women did learn about farm work, and even when they could get the black labor to do it. There was a lot of tolerance for black subjugation, especially after slavery was abolished. The White Republicans paid it no attention. The White Democrats even created the Ku Klux Klan. There had not been too much slave trade to Ohio, Maine, or North Dakota(?).

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr, a doctor of theology, had to march around 100 years later. Then somehow a theology was celebrated in the federal birthday calendar--the federal government mainly supporting only one religion. Likely the Holy Father comes to America to express the Catholic outrage over the lack of inclusion(?).

The fossil record now suggestions that humans have been around for 4 mil. years on the planet. Farming has only been around 5000, and microwaves only for about two decades(?). There is a lot that humans have yet to learn.

The Civil War was mainly a bad idea, and the outcome became far worse. People even now have to decide whether "Black Lives Matter," or "All Lives Matter," or if "Concealed Weapons Matter(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations now find most comforting, Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven!")

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