Making Pot Roast With a Crock Pot is Easy and Delicious


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have been making pot roasts in my wife's crock pot for the past few months and let me tell you, it is easy and delicious.

If I can do it, anyone can do it. I was using kits bought at Wallmart, but lately I have stopped doing that and started making them home brew style, and today was my best one yet.

What you need:
about a 2.5 pound Chuck Roast (not a Rump Roast, too lean)
whatever veggies you want, I suggest carrots, couple of potatoes, and a handful of onion, celery and radishes each

First, I put a couple of table spoons, or however much I need to cover the bottom of the skillet, of olive oil and heat till a drop of water crackles and spatters when you drop it in. Then I cut the roast into convenient pieces about a serving size each and brown them in the skillet.

While the roast is browning, and be sure to turn it, chop up your veggies after washing them. I dont peel my potatoes instead I scrub them to save the nutritious skin. When done I put them in and stir them up a bit dry. Then I salt and pepper it a bit, and put the roast pieces on top of the veggies. Dont let the roast brown too deeply as it dries the fat out of the meat a bit and makes it tougher and drier.

Then I put a cup of water in with the veggies, salt and pepper the meat, and then pour another cup of water on the oil left in the skillet. I use a spoon to stir in the brown stuff off the bottom of the skillet so it mixes with the oil.

I then pour the mixture of oil and water onto the meat and let the whole thing cook in the crock pot on 'high' for about 5 hours. Be sure to put the lid on it or nothing good will happen. Also, if you are unsure of when you might be back from an errand, you can switch it over to low before leaving, but double the remaining time if you do that.

I love the results. I would eat this every day but my wife gets tired of things kind of quickly so I only eat it for my lunches. It microwaves perfectly.

Dont worry about making much of a mistake, this thing is mostly fool proof, just dont use a Rump Roast and do have fun and experiment with different veggies, seasonings etc!
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I love my crock pot...your right really easy.

For St. Patricks Day I put the corn beef small red potatoes. carrots chicken broth in the morning..and 1 hour before dinner I put the cabbage in.
I do have a large pot so it all may not fit in a smaller one.

Never fails and I don't have to stand over a boiling pot all day.

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Honey Garlic Chicken Thighs in a crock pot ROCKS.

4 thighs, skin off. Put in crock pot.
Mix in a bowl 1/3 cup soy sauce, 1/3 cup ketchup, 1/2 cup honey, 1 Tablespoon garlic powder or some fresh diced cloves, 1 teaspoon basil. Mix with whisk (easier if you nuke it to make the honey thinner), then poor over chicken. Set on high 4 hours or low for 5 or 6 hours.

Crock pot is an awesome invention. Been using them for years. Makes a perfect <fill in the blank with your favorite fruit> crisp. Oh and to die for chicken cacciatore.
Walking into my home after a busy day makes the house smell like moms cooking....super calming to me.
Take chicken legs and thighs and peel the skin off.

Slather them with your favorite BBQ sauce and layer them in the crock pot.

Turn on high for 4 hours and the meat will fall off the bone. ...... :cool:

Take chicken legs and thighs and peel the skin off.

Slather them with your favorite BBQ sauce and layer them in the crock pot.

Turn on high for 4 hours and the meat will fall off the bone. ...... :cool:

It's even better with a pork roast....
Chicken recipes seem popular so I'll share this one too.

Take four chicken breasts skinned and put into crock pot, and pour over it a jar of your favorite salsa sauce and half a cup of water.

Cook on high for 5 hours.

mmmmm good
I I layer cube steak with a jar of beef gravy put small red potatoes on top, and fresh cut green beans on top of that and 4 hours on high later....Dinner Time!
I love a no mess dinner...
Crock pot meals are the best & perfect for hot summer days or too busy working. Just throw in whatever ingredients in the morning on low and by suppertime it's done. No fuss, no muss and the ideas are endless.

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